EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Then , suddenly the FBI arrests Hillary and cancels her Christmas.,..then, Bernie looses to Trump.

See there`s hope, but not change. Unless you look in your pocket or in the car.


Well-Known Member
Did Bernie win? Did Bernie win ? Did he ? Did he ?
Bernie is currently leading in Missouri by almost 2%.
Just like Kasich winning Ohio, America must want him to be the nominee. It's a referendum :lol:
Tomorrow Burnie supporters will be taking their rage out in a Trump thread,
all the while ignoring the fact Hillary is screwing them


Well-Known Member
Bernie is currently leading in Missouri by almost 2%.
Just like Kasich winning Ohio, America must want him to be the nominee. It's a referendum :lol:
Tomorrow Burnie supporters will be taking their rage out in a Trump thread,
all the while ignoring the fact Hillary is screwing them
At least we won't cling to fabricated polls when we know the candidate we support has lost

Like you will


Well-Known Member
When Trump builds the wall, it needs to be tall AND deep. With motion sensors. We can't have Chicanos smuggling shit through tunnels...


Well-Known Member
In November When it comes time to hand the keys to either trump or Hillary. most Bernie supporters are sound minded & will know the right thing to do & not hand the keys to trump.:roll:


Well-Known Member
In November When it comes time to hand the keys to either trump or Hillary. most Bernie supporters are sound minded & will know the right thing to do & not hand the keys to trump.:roll:
Mrs Clinton had best get to mending fences, she needs to build a consensus.

I'm skeptical, putting it mildly.


Well-Known Member

And the column labels. After the states it is total delegates at stake by date, next to that a running total of delegates, and in the final column the percent of delegates done.

State // 538 Prediction // Actual (As of 8:00 PM PST)

Florida // 32.1% // 33.3%
Illinois // 44.1% // 48%
Missouri // 48% // 50.8%
North Carolina // 36.2% // 40.7%
Ohio // 43.1% // 42.9%
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