Hey guys, im a newbie i need help with some info on good ways to change my ph in my soil (organically of course). I have two bagseed plants going at the moment in some pots (im growing them in the mean time while i get my proper set up going and am using them to learn from by experimenting with different things, techniques etc (the joys of being a newbie haha). So the plants in the pots have a ph of lower than 4.5! (My ph meter doesnt show anything below 4.5, it just says low once its below that) and it was originally sitting perfect at around 6-6.5 but after a couple of weeks i checked it and its gone way down. Im still learning my way around the site and could someone help me out (i can post pics if needed of plants), if someone could even link me to a post showing organic methods of getting my ph back to the right zone that would be great because i had a bit of a look but i think it would be a great idea if someone could even make a detailed post about ph correction and stuff an sticky it (or if someone has made a post like that can someone please link it to me). I didnt want to make a whole new thread because im sure this topic has been covered before, but there is so much other info i have to filter through to get to what i need. So if someone is willing to do me a kindness and help me out that would be awesome!
thank you