I hate this bitch

Come on dude, you saw it first on FOX. How about that choir they brought in? Those African Americans were sure good. Any idea what the delegation was in the audience?
You're asking the wrong person about FOX News. I'm willing to bet Martin O'malley started it. He was first quoted after his city's riots that broke out after Freddy Gray. rip

Or maybe people in this country are just too fucking stupid to realize that if their taxes go up $1,000, but they no longer have to pay co-pays/deductibles, it will leave them with a net surplus.

Or maybe people hear the word socialism and they recall the republican talking points about Nazi Germany, and rule the guy out off hand.

Maybe this country deserves more of the same. Maybe even Donald Trump.
wow I like how you just pull that 1000 out the air and run it across the board. Some people actually run the numbers. I'm going to assume that you never did. Again some people truly don't want their taxes raised. If you want to show number. show me how you got to the numbers. My math puts me way above 1000.Here is a link to get you started so you can do the math.
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So, about those murders you were so worried about last night. What statistics were you trying to quote? You didn't make much sense and I want to give you a fair hearing.

Also, how about that choir singing for FOX in their all lives matter segment. Pretty good, huh? I bet that European American audience was happy to hear that African American choir singing to them.
Hillary gets $13.2M in health industry campaign cash, says Medicare-for-all will "NEVER, EVER COME TO PASS"

Like I said, she stepped in it last week regarding Nancy Raygun and now this. I guess she is already wooing the old guard conservatives that can't vote for Trump. Maybe Bernie's going to get the help from her.
Like I said, she stepped in it last week regarding Nancy Raygun and now this. I guess she is already wooing the old guard conservatives that can't vote for Trump. Maybe Bernie's going to get the help from her.
Sorry, Hillary, but we’re done: Keep repeating racist myths and praising Kissinger and the Reagans. I’m switching to Bernie Sanders

I’m sorry Hillary, but I just can’t do this anymore.

If the 2016 presidential campaign were a football game, the Democrats would be heading into it as two-touchdown favorites. Facing a Republican Party that seems to have collectively lost its mind, America’s purportedly liberal party only needs to put forth a minimally competent candidate to win an election in which that candidate will face either a reality TV star who combines ranting racist rhetoric with a bottomless ignorance of every policy question under the sun, or an extreme right-wing religious fanatic.

wow I like how you just pull that 1000 out the air and run it across the board. Some people actually run the numbers. I'm going to assume that you never did. Again some people truly don't want their taxes raised. If you want to show number. show me how you got to the numbers. My math puts me way above 1000.Here is a link to get you started so you can do the math.

Did you read the link you posted??

From the article...

"In an analysis released today, the Tax Foundation, an independent tax policy research organization, found that Sanders’ plan would lead to 10.56% lower after-tax income for all taxpayers..."

"The typical American family of four covered by an employer-sponsored health care plan paid $24,671 last year on health care costs alone, according to the non-partisan Milliman Medical Index."

“The typical family of four making $50,000 a year would pay less than $46 a month under Bernie’s plan for three months of paid family and medical leave and universal health care”

So, a family with a gross household income of $100,000 per year would pay $10-$12k more a year in taxes, but would save $24k a year in healthcare costs..... for a net savings of $12,0000 per year. Yeah, that sounds terrible!

More from your link...

"In addition to the health care premium and payroll tax, Sanders also proposes a raft of other income-based tax hikes that he says will pay for other programs, such as expanding Social Security and providing paid family leave: a 0.4% payroll tax, a shift to tax capital gains and dividends as ordinary income, an elimination of the existing Social Security payroll tax exemption for earnings above $250,000, etc. The list goes on—and it starts to add up."

I have no problem with that. Capital gains SHOULD be treated as ordinary income! How is it fair that a wealthy executive takes the bulk of his compensation as stock, paying an effective tax rate of 17% on his millions of annual income, and the average blue collar worker is paying nearly double that tax rate on his $50k-$60k a year income??? Do you support that? I sure as fuck don't.

Beyond all of that, are you in favor of corporate America calling the shots in DC? Paying off these politicians so that they get favors returned in the form of pork? Hillary is bought and paid for. She is more of the same. Just look at the list of corporate interests that have donated obscene amounts of money to her campaign.

I see no discernible difference between her, and the clowns that are running on the Republican side. More bullshit. No thanks.
Can Hillary stay in the race? If she loses Ohio and Missouri, Clinton’s case becomes very, very tenuous

Attention all political pundits. Today affords you a shot at redemption: a chance to turn over a new leaf and even do some real reporting. For months you treated the Democratic race as a foregone conclusion. For weeks you said nearly the same of the Republican race. You were wrong not just in your prophecies but in doing what you do. When you tell any candidate you know he can’t win because you’ve “done the math,” you tell every voter her vote doesn’t count. As both parties teeter in their different ways on the edge of tragic choices, you do democracy itself a great disservice.

Hillary that phony bitch is at it again..

Crediting the Reagans for addressing the Aids epidemic..o_O

She has a hard time telling the truth on just about everything. Now that the shitkickers in the deep south have spoken lets see how the rest of the country feel about this lying bitch.

So now you're taking the moral high ground, politically speaking?

Sanders is not much better. They both don't have an ethical bone in their body.