Paranormal and psychedelics


Well-Known Member
My parents watch a lot of the paranormal activity type shows, ghost hunters and stuff. My immediate reaction to them is that they are a bunch of sissies. Hear a bump that has no explanation, they start freaking out.
How many of us have heard disembodied voices or sounds?
What are your thoughts on "paranormal"?
What if we, as psychonaughts took LSD (or mushrooms) and went into a haunted location? Does anyone have any experiences they can share about psychs and ghosts/hauntings?
If ghosts are physically manifestations in our "realm" and psychedelics make it easier to access the "spirit" realm... Wouldn't we find more ghosts by dosing up...?


Staff member
well those shows are highly edited to make you get "scared" and such. a real paranormal investigation is much different. those shows are not a good representative of what paranormal investigators do.
theres a lot behind the scenes, typically its pretty fucking boring doing an investigation.
the people investigating are looking for the source of the problem in a scientific way rather than a paranormal explanation. in order to debunk the issues.


Well-Known Member
My parents watch a lot of the paranormal activity type shows, ghost hunters and stuff. My immediate reaction to them is that they are a bunch of sissies. Hear a bump that has no explanation, they start freaking out.
How many of us have heard disembodied voices or sounds?
What are your thoughts on "paranormal"?
What if we, as psychonaughts took LSD (or mushrooms) and went into a haunted location? Does anyone have any experiences they can share about psychs and ghosts/hauntings?
If ghosts are physically manifestations in our "realm" and psychedelics make it easier to access the "spirit" realm... Wouldn't we find more ghosts by dosing up...?
In all, I would say that from my own personal experiences pre, post, during psychedelics. Paranormal events do occur. To the point that I've begone to formulate my own theories upon certain instances.

I live in NYC. If @mikek420 Parents would come here with there ghost goggles on. They would see alot. One thing that i've come to realize is that many of the denizens of my fair city have been trained to ignore what is actually going on.
Mike. Come visit with your own eyes one day. And you will see. Not now though. Give it at least a few years.


Well-Known Member
I was meaning if someone would have a paranormal investigation while under the influence of LSD or mushrooms or a similar substance. If it enhances our perception in a normal environment, what about in that extra sensitive one?


Well-Known Member
I was meaning if someone would have a paranormal investigation while under the influence of LSD or mushrooms or a similar substance. If it enhances our perception in a normal environment, what about in that extra sensitive one?
Yes it does.


Staff member
in order to do a real paranormal investigation you need to have a company that is recognized by one of the worlds credible paranormal organizations depending what country you live in
and being high on drugs while doing such would be highly frowned upon

i suppose if you feel like just going to a random place trying it while on drugs is a different story


Well-Known Member
more drugs than psycs, especially the main two that come two mind which is Super Mario Mushies or Beatle's El Es Di

Dude if anything my shit had me power tripping like im having a religious seizure, in a sense of seeing many good and evil perspectives in life, things in life that can happen, shit man at times my shit makes me think if there is a form of god afterall

I don't see ghosts unless im unhealthy,


my shit makes me more in tune with people, caring, and phlegmatic as if im groovin on peoples vibes which determines the rest of my ride


Staff member
also worth mentioning that alot of the historic sites you would want to try this at are government owned or private property and you need permission to be on said property so you would probably not want to be high and get caught and arrested for trespassing


Well-Known Member
That's why I am stuck between why people do not do psychedelics. And why they should.
It is sometimes easier to live with not knowing and seeing. And having to augment your life. Than knowing. Ignorance can be bliss.
Knowing can move you into thinking and doing. Why do that when you already have a normal. Been done. Tested. Game plan set out for your life.
Just follow the set out plan.
There is so much happening. People actually choice not to see. Then you do your research and you find out that 67% of the counted world's population does see. They are actually waiting for the minority to wake up.

Here's a tidbit for you about NY's own history.
Why was Manhattan island only sold for a few worthless trinkets?
Who got the better end of the deal?


Well-Known Member
What if you were to go on a guided ghost hunting tour? They have private and public ones. Either keep your tripping to yourself (I can talk to my parents on 300 mics, granted I really don't like to but...) Or have a private gathering and do it for personal science, like share the results in a private place, I'm sure scientific American would not be interested. But rollitup, shroomery, dmtnexus, stuff like that would be super interested. I'm sure there are lots of public haunted places. We just watched one about some parks that are haunted, and I'm sure you won't need a guide to go through it, just make sure you mind the campground rules and keep clean. I bet being in a heightened sense of awareness would bring out lots of good evp sessions


Well-Known Member
What if you were to go on a guided ghost hunting tour? They have private and public ones. Either keep your tripping to yourself (I can talk to my parents on 300 mics, granted I really don't like to but...) Or have a private gathering and do it for personal science, like share the results in a private place, I'm sure scientific American would not be interested. But rollitup, shroomery, dmtnexus, stuff like that would be super interested. I'm sure there are lots of public haunted places. We just watched one about some parks that are haunted, and I'm sure you won't need a guide to go through it, just make sure you mind the campground rules and keep clean. I bet being in a heightened sense of awareness would bring out lots of good evp sessions
Bro, no no noo, no.

If you want a legit experience

Take your psycadelics

And visit an abandoned mineshaft at nighttime only after you saftey scoped it out during the daylight

or visit an abandoned mall at night


Staff member
What if you were to go on a guided ghost hunting tour? They have private and public ones. Either keep your tripping to yourself (I can talk to my parents on 300 mics, granted I really don't like to but...) Or have a private gathering and do it for personal science, like share the results in a private place, I'm sure scientific American would not be interested. But rollitup, shroomery, dmtnexus, stuff like that would be super interested. I'm sure there are lots of public haunted places. We just watched one about some parks that are haunted, and I'm sure you won't need a guide to go through it, just make sure you mind the campground rules and keep clean. I bet being in a heightened sense of awareness would bring out lots of good evp sessions
i personally wouldnt do the guided tours they are mostly "fake" haunting sites, you know more urban legend with actual history over anything

just make sure whatever you do its via public area and youre fine.

i just know a lot of the hot spots that are recognizable are often government property or private property so i thought it was worth mentioning you need permission to get on said locations and that trespassing would not be a good idea lol

youll want some basic equipment in order to do your investigation, most likely will want ti familiarize yourself with said equipment before tripping out , you will also want to buy case protectors etc incase you drop said equipment to keep it protected.

if youre going to a park youll want to familiarize yourself with the surroundings in light, prior to going out and investigating and tripping, worth mentioning to go out during night as well prior to tripping.
first aid kit is helpful, and a map of said location try not to pick anything too dangerous

its easy enough in sober situation to trip on a branch or rock and really do some damage to yourself especially lugging around equipment, taking notes, voice recordings in barely no light
youll want to make sure someone is with you , thats basic common hiking sense.

sorry if i sound over rational about this. im just a rational person and this topic is actually a topic i know alot about as i was apart of a highly recognized canadian paranormal investigation organization ( we were recognized by the canadian organization i wont mention because my real name is actually attached to all that plus magazine interviews etc easily accessible online)

but if you have any other random questions i can help good equipment to buy etc.


Staff member
Bro, no no noo, no.

If you want a legit experience

Take your psycadelics

And visit an abandoned mineshaft at nighttime only after you saftey scoped it out during the daylight

or visit an abandoned mall at night
what exactly would make an abandoned mall haunted though? i mean its just abandoned doesnt mean paranormal experiences are to be found there
might as well go to a known location that is a "hot spot" or youre sure to have a pretty damn boring night , suppose you could just spook yourself out mentally though lol


Well-Known Member
Whelp sunni, my ex best friend before he went loopy, we used to sometimes say fuck it, and visit a local mountain scenic dirt road at 2, 3 in the morning.

Many people have heard of the local legend telling of a school bus that was crushed under one of the many tunnels during a field trip.

I wanna believe shit might have happened but...even at dead hour, car doors unlocked, windows all down, nothing...unless I needed to be high that my soul can handle such an experience


Staff member
but that has a legend behind it so its easy to go and check it out. its "worth it"
, a random abandon mall doesnt

most of paranormal investigating is not what its made out to be on tv,

you basically walk around /sit in the complained haunted area is dead silence monitoring your equipment for about 8 hours in the dark
writing down anything of importance
than you review your findings for weeks afterwards picking apart every audio log , every video frame etc
than you make sure to disprove all the findings you find by providing real science to show why those are either camera glitches, natural lighting issues, dust in the area at time of captured photo etc.
than you go through the stuff you cannot disapprove and put it in the maybe pile

before all this is even done you do all your background homework on said location,
take urban legends and sort them out, take "evidence" and sort that out from said pervious people

if its building, house etc you get the blueprints from city/ area and check them
you check the library for local histories to see what happened in old buildings so you know and understand

than you go through during the day in a walk through (this part is mostly for home etcs)
you check the frame work, the electrical, the plumbing etc.
you check the types of wood they used or brick you check windows and doors and faucets etc
you also check for teenagers who are playing funs with oujia boards, crystals or other known sources of "energy"

you also get out readers to check to see if any electric wiring that happens to be old is emitting signals that are causing hallucinations or headaches in said family members

and before any of this happen if its a home "haunting" you go through the accounts to see if its even worth doing all this mentioned above or if they are just fucking with you

real paranormal investigation is a lot of hard work and dedication and boring bullshit.
you spend more time disapproving paranormal than even being scared remotely.
it takes a lot of effort, ultimately at the end of the day you want to be able to help the family, so you are usually referring them to a contractor , an electrician, or a family counsellor


Staff member
that was a mouth full wasnt?

at the end of the day if youre just doing for fun or your own personal accounts make sure youre safe and you have someone with you
check it out prior to tripping during both day and night

you will want some basic equipment to record though because it is highly theorized that paranormal entities have the easiest time contacting us through the use of some equipments
they dont have to be super expensive, and it helps you to prove your findings :)