Club 600

Epilepsy Bud ?? I got diagnosed about 10 years ago and been juggled about with med's! Trying to get it sorted atm. Do you ever experience partial/Conscious seizures ? Its less serious but I can go 2 day's with it happening constant ! I have to lie down repeating songs in my head to steer my thoughts onto something else. One of the hardest things ive ever had to explain. I got sent to a psychiatrist after explain to my G.P what it was like!!!! Then researched it myself a figured it out. Im kinda stable atm, but its so un-predictable as youll know!
I asked my specialist one time if he was familiar with Mechoulam's literature and got a look of shock and NO answer which I always thought harsh in these day's of MMJ.

One of my clients has those. Its called auras or epileptic auras. Would have them constantly throughout the day. Just a thought ..when he has them its like a shock and hes out of it right away. Nothing longer then a couple seconds.
I have one those on the tray I had for years so u just press into the block then brake back off topping bongs off a that's what I used to do but gave up and just get a little scoop out grinder to go on top
I just keep all the little pellets in a fish food pellet can, then randomly pull them out at parties and watch people turn them down while secretly laughing at their bad choice lol
Beautiful baby you have there :clap::clap:.
I've been rescuing pits for the last 27 years.

Sweetest family dog ever! She was taken from her owner who allowed that leg to get severely infected and ended up with my family because our local shelter refused her(bite history from being kept injured in a pack) and my brother in law was on the vet team that did her surgery, they had her scheduled for death until my 2 year old daughter hugged her, vusious my ass!
Ive had two seizures in my life both years apart n years ago...did nothing about it as the first time i was 13 or so dossing school ,smoking soap bar joints down the park haha took a big hit (held my breath 2 long was my reasoning) n all I remember is waking up seconds later with one of the lads shouting get off me man lol I'd seizured n fell on top of him in convulsions with him kindly screaming "get off me man" n second time was down that same park (maybe the parks got bad chi maybe aliens or was it perhaps in the vaccines? ...Man I'm stoned lol) I had another deep breath moment n long inhale(yrs later I'd learn that holding it in really doesn't do shit lol )n boom out again so my hypothesis is based on the above data cannabis causes jk but I shouldn't be kidding that shits scary waking up on the floor all confused n sore as fuck but 2 confused to realise for a bit...i consider myself lucky that it's only happened twice tbh.... n dudes dpnt use ur gfs straighteners without their knowledge!mines fucked me up over that lol.