How many CXA2530 can I run per 1.05mA driver?


Well-Known Member
Title says it all. Trying to build a veg light to saturate my 4x8 tent. Figured I'd get pretty solid coverage with 24 chips, 6x4. Maybe I could get away with 18 only going 6x3. Either way, I was just going to run the 2530s for this, and couldn't dredge up any info on how many I could run on a standard HLG185.
2530s run much more efficiently at 500mA than they do at 1a, so Id split that and run 10 each, or you could run three strings @ 330mA using 15 chips... CXB2530s at cutter for less than $10usd.
Alright... So, @ 0.5mA I could run 10 each... There's not an issue with running 9 and having left over amperage, is there?
Im no expert, but I think you wanna balance the strings to keep voltage as even as possible, so if you have 9, you might wanna run 2 strings of 4
Im no expert, but I think you wanna balance the strings to keep voltage as even as possible, so if you have 9, you might wanna run 2 strings of 4

That's kinda what I was thinking... I want to use as few drivers as possible, as they're the most expensive parts in this build. I'd rather not have to dump 240 into drivers. Not trying to have a $500 veg light, ya know? I figure at 8 a chip, + 4$ for this heatsink/fan combo from a local bulk office supply shop, I'm already at 216 before drivers. If I could get them on two, that'd have me at $300 after shipping. A couple other odds and ends and I'm looking at about $350, and I don't really want to go much over that.


How would you set something like this up?
you can run 11 CXB2530 in series at 500 mA (17.5W) with a HLG-185-500; thats 11x 35V. the driver gives 400V max.
HLG-240-500 ? i don't think meanwell makes drivers that go over 500V.

If you want more cobs @ 500mA on 1 driver, you need a HLG 320 or 600 hooked up in paralel.
The Cree PCT says 9 CXA2530 add up to 332V @ 700mA.

The Mean Well HLG-240H-C700 would work. (Constant current region of 178 ~ 357V)

This is probably the way I should go. I can split the chips in half and run a two stage, turn one set off while the light is low on smaller plants, and turn the other ones on (Probably use the B for a dimmer?) as they get bigger and require more footprint.

There was another post suggesting cheaper drivers, it seems to be gone. That would be my other plan of attack. If I ran 6 drivers that each powered 3 COBs @ 500mA, I could achieve the same thing. I'm going to do some cost crunching, I don't want to blow a bunch of money on a veg lamp, OTOH, I will get better utilization of my tent. As it stands, I'm probably losing at least 2ft on each side.
I'm building a 2530 based light also. I've looked at options for drivers and the best way to go is the Meanwell drivers. when you get into multiple drivers running just 2 or 3 chips, you run the risk of inconsistent light output due to the variations in output and efficiency in cheap drivers. You increase the possibility of parts failure as the number of parts and wiring connection increase, increased resistive loads, etc. and the price savings just isn't enough to warranty the risks. I'll pay the extra just for the peace of mind.
I wanted to do this same build about 18-20 - cxa2530.
Im totally new to all of this and wanna do a poor mans build.

Would HLG-185H-C500B run 9 cobs ?

My plan is to build a square 9 cobs to fit a 30in x 30 in table.
and build 2 of them.

Also the most expensive part of the build is when i go to the heatsinkusa site, can someone direct me to a cheaper active cooling alternative for 2 - 9 cob light builds.
Or would these work passive -> Per Cob
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Black Thumb, I like the Mechatronix ModuLED series. The smallest Mean Well HBG is not very efficient at 120V but you might look at my post #804 in the "Show pics of your lights" thread. I bought parts for post #847 but haven't built any yet. had the best price on 10 of the HBG-90. I bought the heatsinks from CDI.

Nine CXA2530 equals 323Vf @ 500mA. The constant current region of that HLG is 200 to 400 volts.
Just a question.

Why are you guys using 2530s over bridgelux v22 or Vero 18s. You could run the same amount of v22s and have better efficiency or run more of the Vero 18s and gave better efficiency?

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Just a question.

Why are you guys using 2530s over bridgelux v22 or Vero 18s. You could run the same amount of v22s and have better efficiency or run more of the Vero 18s and gave better efficiency?

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If you've got some specs, I'd be interested in taking a look at them.
because its what I can afford for now! $9.45 each. will run without lens up close in a vertical scrog. I'm investing in good drivers and heatsinks, then I can upgrade the chips at a later time if need be. Efficiency is actually fairly good run at less than .700ma

Just a question.

Why are you guys using 2530s over bridgelux v22 or Vero 18s. You could run the same amount of v22s and have better efficiency or run more of the Vero 18s and gave better efficiency?

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because its what I can afford for now! $9.45 each. will run without lens up close in a vertical scrog. I'm investing in good drivers and heatsinks, then I can upgrade the chips at a later time if need be. Efficiency is actually fairly good run at less than .700ma
The Vero 18s are only a dollar more and the shipping will be cheaper if you're in the us if you're grabbing the 2530s international.

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unless you ship china Post, DHL shipping, etc will end up costing as much as I paid anyway. And I won't let DHL pay me to ship my stuff! worst damn delivery company in the world. They've fucked up EVERY delivery I've ever had the misfortune of having thru them!

I'll pay the extra and get good delivery and a product that I can be reasonably sure is not counterfeit also!

It makes me laugh how people here bash Chinese growlights then turn around and trust buying parts from them!
