Club 600

I've have several friends who are epileptic bud. They all say medicating on a regular schedule helps a ton. Like every 2-3hrs. (My one friends wife kept a log even) Mild edibles help to they say, as well as trying not to get overly stressed or tired. Sorry to hear of your trouble. Wish you well man!
2 Seizure this morning totally wiped me out, missed a day chopping and just finally managed to pull meself round for a bong..

@DST I'm worried about trying my cloner again incase the black shit comes back
Epilepsy Bud ?? I got diagnosed about 10 years ago and been juggled about with med's! Trying to get it sorted atm. Do you ever experience partial/Conscious seizures ? Its less serious but I can go 2 day's with it happening constant ! I have to lie down repeating songs in my head to steer my thoughts onto something else. One of the hardest things ive ever had to explain. I got sent to a psychiatrist after explain to my G.P what it was like!!!! Then researched it myself a figured it out. Im kinda stable atm, but its so un-predictable as youll know!
I asked my specialist one time if he was familiar with Mechoulam's literature and got a look of shock and NO answer which I always thought harsh in these day's of MMJ.
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Dst keep it simple man. I use a aero cloner with just tap water and 13 days later. Boom! Not as rootful as bobbitchen but they catch up when I transplant them to my aero veg system.
Aye, I am convinced it was the atami root stuff. The grommets got blocked after I put that in as well. IT was literally like a droplet or two ffs. Had just water in before with a drop of h2o2 and the roots had started.....ah well. You live and learn lol.

Hope you are feeling better @budolskie
Morning D. Im sure you'll figure out what not to use again, it was always these kinda things that turned me away from hydro. The unknown slime!
The lass had her first show last night and thought we were in for a night shift at the hosp.! Still asleep atm but from what I understand its usually within 24-48 hrs from last night. Due this Friday but looking like its a-coming :-)
I'll get yous a Pic. brutha !!!

I see the Lib Dems are the first party to play their hand in the upcoming election! I'm not sure about the whole joints in pkt's thang though!
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Aye lad, 24-48 is normally the way. The hospital broke my wifes waters last time and pop, he was out in 10 minutes ffs. Fingers crossed lad (just make sure she hasnáe got her legs crossed though lol.

And what's this about Lib Dems with packets of joints? not read about that yet.
Thanks mate, ive a feeling this wont be as fast though! The lad was out a fortnight early so weve been sitting anxiously for a week or so. I think its getting a little stressful for her, well more than a little haha

Aye the Lib Dems! I have to re-read the whole article but they gave a few ideas about how they would introduce new law's allowing ppl to grow for personal ect... and some shite about doobies in un-marked pkt's from shops. Going to be interesting to see what other parties chime in. Its a start I suppose :-)
If you search Lib Dems Cannabis youll see their pitch.
Epilepsy Bud ?? I got diagnosed about 10 years ago and been juggled about with med's! Trying to get it sorted atm. Do you ever experience partial/Conscious seizures ? Its less serious but I can go 2 day's with it happening constant ! I have to lie down repeating songs in my head to steer my thoughts onto something else. One of the hardest things ive ever had to explain. I got sent to a psychiatrist after explain to my G.P what it was like!!!! Then researched it myself a figured it out. Im kinda stable atm, but its so un-predictable as youll know!
I asked my specialist one time if he was familiar with Mechoulam's literature and got a look of shock and NO answer which I always thought harsh in these day's of MMJ.
When u mean conscious, do you mean a focal where I am just like in my own world for a minute or how ever long?

I have clonic tonic and focal Seizure when I was on both meds I seem ok just very rare I was having them, now iv cut 1 out altogether there creeping back up
When u mean conscious, do you mean a focal where I am just like in my own world for a minute or how ever long?

I have clonic tonic and focal Seizure when I was on both meds I seem ok just very rare I was having them, now iv cut 1 out altogether there creeping back up
Aye, well there so many different types as you'll know. I can be totally fine one min and BOOM ! The colour will drain from my face and An overwhelming feeling of dread, and deja vu like something terrible has happened and you cant distinguish whats real, all the while feeling like Whats happening here-PANIC !!!
Fkn horrible man! Im not sure what comes first, the thoughts or the feelings but one soon follows the other and it can make my sick if I don't recognise it happening and focus my thoughts on something else.
The full whammy I don't remember anything, just come to usually with an ambulance crew trying to explain whats going on, but ive had a few accidents now going down stairs cracking my nut ect....

Ive basically all but stopped drinking, and NO Sniffing helped lots !
I did stop drinking and sniffing when I was diagnosed and have dislocated my shoulder few year ago falling off the toilet...

I do sometimes have mad little thoughts in my head and always get that worried sick feeling but I thought that was just me and nothing to do with the epilepsy

Few times coming round with ambulance crew around
Do u mean the hair straighteners way? I've seen but never done...

If not the straigthener any vids on YouTube for me to watch or links to where I can buy a one