EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
once you hit reply make sure you wait until it fully loads before you start typing..make sure you type after quote parentheses or you will be typing within what you are replying to..if you mess up you can post/delete/start over..it's the easiest method..you can only edit/delete for a few hours.

hope this helps!


Active Member
Lol I think the thing I like most a out trump is that he doesn't give two fucks about being politically correct. I have gay cousins that are married in New York. I'm not screaming bible. All of my generation is basically past racism. I'm trimming with a friend right now that is mixed. Our generation thinks race is something for jokes...that'd about the extent of it. We don't really give a shit about race. We make fun of it. I've never met a black guy that called them selves African American. So why do these race baiting morons like sharp ton and Jackson go on TV and speak a bunch of shit most people I've net don't believe? Divide and conquer. But if you know anything about immigration and the history of nations.you'll know that our immigration policy with the entire world is insane. It is unsustainable and makes sure we will never have full employment. Mexico kicks you the fuck out when your stay is up! They will come find you... Its not that difficult. If not wanting to pay for a bunch of people that I've had plenty of interaction with... Many I was in prison with. Many told me they don't give a damn about America. Also that they will come back and start selling meth again as soon as they get out. So yeah. I don't really care if your a dreamer. There won't be a place left to dream about soon. Go ahead..call me racist. If anyone believes they don't judge others based on there actions, appearance, skin color, clothes, etc... Then I'm not sure how they make safe judgment calls in daily life. All we do is read/ judge peopl . Its in our nature. That doesn't mean your racist. But yeah... When I used to walk home at night.. I paid attention to black people acting shady...I also had one rob me with a pistol for a 220 oz....so yes.. I just judged all of you and assumed I'll get a bunch of " you racist" comments....I've got way to much trimming to do ...I'll set where this leads later.

No hard feelings. Peace


Well-Known Member
Lol I think the thing I like most a out trump is that he doesn't give two fucks about being politically correct. I have gay cousins that are married in New York. I'm not screaming bible. All of my generation is basically past racism. I'm trimming with a friend right now that is mixed. Our generation thinks race is something for jokes...that'd about the extent of it. We don't really give a shit about race. We make fun of it. I've never met a black guy that called them selves African American. So why do these race baiting morons like sharp ton and Jackson go on TV and speak a bunch of shit most people I've net don't believe? Divide and conquer. But if you know anything about immigration and the history of nations.you'll know that our immigration policy with the entire world is insane. It is unsustainable and makes sure we will never have full employment. Mexico kicks you the fuck out when your stay is up! They will come find you... Its not that difficult. If not wanting to pay for a bunch of people that I've had plenty of interaction with... Many I was in prison with. Many told me they don't give a damn about America. Also that they will come back and start selling meth again as soon as they get out. So yeah. I don't really care if your a dreamer. There won't be a place left to dream about soon. Go ahead..call me racist. If anyone believes they don't judge others based on there actions, appearance, skin color, clothes, etc... Then I'm not sure how they make safe judgment calls in daily life. All we do is read/ judge peopl . Its in our nature. That doesn't mean your racist. But yeah... When I used to walk home at night.. I paid attention to black people acting shady...I also had one rob me with a pistol for a 220 oz....so yes.. I just judged all of you and assumed I'll get a bunch of " you racist" comments....I've got way to much trimming to do ...I'll set where this leads later.

No hard feelings. Peace
Sounds like some black guy made you his bitch in prison. How much did they sell your ass for ? Were you a pack of cigarettes bitch or a ramon noodle whore ?


Well-Known Member
Lol I think the thing I like most a out trump is that he doesn't give two fucks about being politically correct. I have gay cousins that are married in New York. I'm not screaming bible. All of my generation is basically past racism. I'm trimming with a friend right now that is mixed. Our generation thinks race is something for jokes...that'd about the extent of it. We don't really give a shit about race. We make fun of it. I've never met a black guy that called them selves African American. So why do these race baiting morons like sharp ton and Jackson go on TV and speak a bunch of shit most people I've net don't believe? Divide and conquer. But if you know anything about immigration and the history of nations.you'll know that our immigration policy with the entire world is insane. It is unsustainable and makes sure we will never have full employment. Mexico kicks you the fuck out when your stay is up! They will come find you... Its not that difficult. If not wanting to pay for a bunch of people that I've had plenty of interaction with... Many I was in prison with. Many told me they don't give a damn about America. Also that they will come back and start selling meth again as soon as they get out. So yeah. I don't really care if your a dreamer. There won't be a place left to dream about soon. Go ahead..call me racist. If anyone believes they don't judge others based on there actions, appearance, skin color, clothes, etc... Then I'm not sure how they make safe judgment calls in daily life. All we do is read/ judge peopl . Its in our nature. That doesn't mean your racist. But yeah... When I used to walk home at night.. I paid attention to black people acting shady...I also had one rob me with a pistol for a 220 oz....so yes.. I just judged all of you and assumed I'll get a bunch of " you racist" comments....I've got way to much trimming to do ...I'll set where this leads later.

No hard feelings. Peace
a racist who abuses ellipses and loves trump?

say it ain't so.


Active Member
Lol a good deal of them were. Understand I don't give a fuck about this system. I probably know more about the official bullshit history you all believe I than any of you. I don't watch alex Jones propaganda videos either....

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Whatreallyhappened.com is a goood place to start. There aren't many people that want to talk about the real problem...who has all the money and gold? I'm not typing it again. Anyone please ask away...if you think I'm some dumb kid that was in prison..ask . If I don't know I'll be happy to listen...

Well that was to the roll it up admin I forgot to post this at 4...everyone after that lost my attention with stuff that tells me MOST of you don't know your history. Have fun in your thread. Why am I being attacked for saying Bernie is having his votes stolen by that Satan worshiping bitch!


Active Member
Lol I think its hilarious. I just for my first trophy for likes. I know all you well knowns. Been watching you for months. I just talk to the one that is doing something different than the rest.

These stems would get him to high anyways. Our og cheese yields more $ from blowing it than it does trimming up. Our fan leaves make stuff that is indistinguishable from nug run on many strains. And were all just noobies really.