Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles

A lot of the protesters there were holding up "Bernie" signs

Yep, the signs came out when the rally was cancelled.

Fox news is bad for your mind. Earlier on you said you didn't watch the channel. I knew you were lying but you seemed offended when I called you out about that.
You know what they say about lying: one must to remember what one said or they will be tripped up by their own statements. True that. :hump:
It is fun isn't it, but it kinda makes me feel bad, like abusing a handicapped person. I have to remember that.
I agree, sometimes I feel a little dirty for abusing a right wing retard on RIU. There is something about this Trump movement that removes that moral brake. I have absolutely no problem with it when the retard says something idiotic regarding Trump or the Trump protest movement.
You can see it all over social media
Yep, the signs came out when the rally was cancelled.

Fox news is bad for your mind. Earlier on you said you didn't watch the channel. I knew you were lying but you seemed offended when I called you out about that.
You know what they say about lying: one must to remember what one said or they will be tripped up by their own statements. True that. :hump:
Right when I take you off ignore, it was clear you haven't been ignored long enough.
Do you ever get tired of your own retarded posts? Did you ever think that the 20 second clip was taken off a news article?

No, you don't because you never use your brain. First Obamacare is Republicans fault, even though none of them voted for it, then it's how can the US president help Mexico find jobs and increase wages for its workers, then it's quotes from your idol Colbert, it's a Neverending blabbering of ignorance with you. What gives?
So, please indulge me. What is the carve out for fighting words when it comes to free speech?
Sure, here is a snippet from Wikipedia:

The fighting words doctrine, in United States constitutional law, is a limitation to freedom of speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court established the doctrine by a 9–0 decision in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire. It held that "insulting or 'fighting words,' those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace" are among the "well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech the prevention and punishment of [which] … have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem."

Chaplinsky decision[edit]
Chaplinsky, a Jehovah's Witness, had purportedly told a New Hampshire town marshal who was attempting to prevent him from preaching that he was "a God-damned racketeer" and "a damned fascist" and was arrested. The court upheld the arrest and wrote in its decision that

There are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or "fighting words" those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.

— Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 1942
I agree, sometimes I feel a little dirty for abusing a right wing retard on RIU. There is something about this Trump movement that removes that moral brake. I have absolutely no problem with it when the retard says something idiotic regarding Trump or the Trump protest movement.
You can see it all over social media

Right when I take you off ignore, it was clear you haven't been ignored long enough.
Do you ever get tired of your own retarded posts? Did you ever think that the 20 second clip was taken off a news article?

No, you don't because you never use your brain. First Obamacare is Republicans fault, even though none of them voted for it, then it's how can the US president help Mexico find jobs and increase wages for its workers, then it's quotes from your idol Colbert, it's a Neverending blabbering of ignorance with you. What gives?
Only the lizard part at your brainstem seems to be working. This is hopeless but I might gain some enjoyment from abusing you. So I'll reply.

Umm well, at least I can agree upon something nobody ever said. Obamacare is not Republicans fault. Obamacare was not the doing of Republicans. The ACA can be proudly put down as a Democratic Party initiative led by Obama, opposed by Republicans and it makes lives better for millions. Like mangy dogs, White Pride working class Republicans only tear at themselves when they oppose Obamacare. Wealthy Republicans are above issues of affordable healthcare. They don't understand what this is all about.

I guess your lizard brain has some memory regarding that fucking wall and that I said it would never work. Good for you. That symbol of racism will not stop illegal immigration into this country. If anybody really wants to stop illegal immigration, they would set in place policies that help improve working conditions in Mexico. Because the US only ever treats Mexico as a source of cheap labor there is no movement in this direction and so illegal immigration continues. It's obvious that the reason people take the risk and cost of illegally immigrating here is because conditions are really bad where they are leaving. That fucking wall won't change those conditions and Trump's trade war that he promises to initiate with Mexico will only make things worse. Then guess what? More illegal immigration. I mean, Duh.

Oh and for old times sake, upload_2016-3-12_13-40-1.jpeg
Only the lizard part at your brainstem seems to be working. This is hopeless but I might gain some enjoyment from abusing you. So I'll reply.

Umm well, at least I can agree upon something nobody ever said. Obamacare is not Republicans fault. Obamacare was not the doing of Republicans. The ACA can be proudly put down as a Democratic Party initiative led by Obama, opposed by Republicans and it makes lives better for millions. Like mangy dogs, White Pride working class Republicans only tear at themselves when they oppose Obamacare. Wealthy Republicans are above issues of affordable healthcare. They don't understand what this is all about.

I guess your lizard brain has some memory regarding that fucking wall and that I said it would never work. Good for you. That symbol of racism will not stop illegal immigration into this country. If anybody really wants to stop illegal immigration, they would set in place policies that help improve working conditions in Mexico. Because the US only ever treats Mexico as a source of cheap labor there is no movement in this direction and so illegal immigration continues. It's obvious that the reason people take the risk and cost of illegally immigrating here is because conditions are really bad where they are leaving. That fucking wall won't change those conditions and Trump's trade war that he promises to initiate with Mexico will only make things worse. Then guess what? More illegal immigration. I mean, Duh.

Oh and for old times sake, View attachment 3629996
The only thing you've ever abused is a penis pump.
The country you care most about is Mexico. So just move back there. Don't expect me to care about jobs and wages in Mexico when there are millions of Americans out of work because they keep stealing our jobs.
Catering to illegals is a counterproductive way to stop illegal immigration, and you continuing to make this about race is ignorance on display, in the lime light, on front street. That's you
The only thing you've ever abused is a penis pump.
The country you care most about is Mexico. So just move back there. Don't expect me to care about jobs and wages in Mexico when there are millions of Americans out of work because they keep stealing our jobs.
Catering to illegals is a counterproductive way to stop illegal immigration, and you continuing to make this about race is ignorance on display, in the lime light, on front street. That's you
You completely missed my point. Thanks for the amusement.
Love watching the GOP sweat while imploding. Holy Jesus balls is this fun.

Somehow terribly poetic and just
The GOP has been working on creating this monster ever since Obama came to office, every year reaching further and further out to the trailer parks and anywhere else that they can find voters that can't think for themselves, and grabbing every nutjob in this country as their core constituency. Now, they are watching what they have created, as it climbs out of it's box. Sad thing is that it had been at one time a respectable party (Lincoln?) What the fuck happened? Is (was) it that they couldn't stand an intelligent black man in the office of President?
Man, I don't know, all I know is that this election is going to be one for the record books, and that being the most lopsided Presidential election in the history of the US, and it sure as shit won't be the Republican party as the winners.
Luv every moment of this one, and you want to see riots? Just wait until Trump goes to CA (LMFAO), as then he won't be dealing with some cracker barrel, red neck hog fuckers who love his lying, con man ass. He'll have a shit load of Mexican rapists knocking at his door, plus every college student, woman , Muslim and all hippie/anarchists within 500 miles of his rallies go fuck with him (I'm waiting for NY). As the saying goes, he won't be in Kansas anymore. Nice