Everything MMA Thread

In other news, Filipe Olivieri is the latest to get nabbed by USADA for a banned substance. I've got nothing against Brazilians, heck I speak pretty darned good Portuguese for a foreigner but WTF is with these Brazilians and the cheating? Okay, Brazilians aren't the only ones getting busted but they represent the largest nationality of failed drug tests in MMA. I will predict that "he knew nothing about it, a friend gave it to him," or some other bullshit story professing innocence.

I think the time will come when fighters who do not cheat will refuse to fight those with a past history of PED's. Why would anyone want to fight Hector Lombard or anyone else who has been busted with this shit?
I just think the Brazilians are using the stuff that other ufc guys used 5 years ago..bones Jones is taking the newest shit on the market that is probably untestable for now..its like race of the chemists, like balco with bonds, Clemens and mlb players.
I've seen Hendricks get fucked a few times by the crooked judges.
Worst decision in the history of mma. I think that was at least part of the reason GSP retired that night. He knew he didn't win.
I think Hendricks started to chase ko's. Happens to a lot of fighters with that kind of power.
I was surprised wonderboy was able to beat him so easily, but he only has one loss in the UFC. He's good just not a guy that heavily promoted. He had shitty wrestling until he started to train with Weidman. Hendricks couldn't take him down and he was ncaa champion I believe. He has to fight Rory McDonald next that's a tough fight.
In other news, Filipe Olivieri is the latest to get nabbed by USADA for a banned substance. I've got nothing against Brazilians, heck I speak pretty darned good Portuguese for a foreigner but WTF is with these Brazilians and the cheating? Okay, Brazilians aren't the only ones getting busted but they represent the largest nationality of failed drug tests in MMA. I will predict that "he knew nothing about it, a friend gave it to him," or some other bullshit story professing innocence.

I think the time will come when fighters who do not cheat will refuse to fight those with a past history of PED's. Why would anyone want to fight Hector Lombard or anyone else who has been busted with this shit?
I said the same thing. Look at all the champions that have lost their belts in the last couple years. Silva, Barao, Aldo, what was is a decade since any of those guys lost. None of them lost by split decision they were all ko'd quickly. Joe Rogan has a couple stories on his pod cast about aldo's people trying to have the people doing the testing removed from the country. Once he had to piss in a cup he tripped and dumped the piss all over the floor.

I don't think Jones takes steroids. He's just on another level since the day he started. Every fight has been one sided except against AG. Most of the guys he beat, he beat at their own game. His whole family are professional athletes, and good not bench warmers.
Did you see that pic guerilla medic put up last week of Jones? That just ain't possible to look like that naturally.. His brothers are probably juiced too, almost everyone in professional sports is..
Did you see that pic guerilla medic put up last week of Jones? That just ain't possible to look like that naturally.. His brothers are probably juiced too, almost everyone in professional sports is..
His brother Chandler plays for the patriots, I'm from Boston so I might be a little bias.
Carlos condit won.. that was some bullshit too.
It was close at least, GSP vs Hendricks was not. If it was the first mma match you ever watched you knew Hendricks won. I think they need to change the scoring system in mma. The system they use is from 10 and 12 round boxing matches where you have body shots and head shots fro either the left or right hand. mma is so different too many ways of scoring and not nearly as many rounds. If you get a 10-8 round in a three round fight theres no chance of winning without a finish.
Agreed..the scoring system blows, Its not even good for boxing but worse for mma.. Not enough emphasis placed on the aggressor and taking someone down is given too much weight.. If you get someone down n can't do shit, that shouldn't be be much of a factor.