Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles


Well-Known Member
Donald J. Trump abruptly canceled a large rally here on Friday night as scuffles and shouting matches erupted on the arena floor between large groups of his supporters and protesters angered by his campaign.

Cable news networks broadcast live scenes of chaos inside the arena that showed people on both sides screaming at, punching and shoving each other.

You are happy that speech is repressed.

You are excited that 25,000 people that showed up to hear donald trump were prevented by a couple thousand protesters?

Banning speech is good when you oppose the speech?

Wonder what MLK would think about that...
You talk about the authoritarian right but I have not seen conservatives shut down liberal speech anywhere. It always seems to be the liberals that are infringing on peoples rights. Hypocritical to the extreme.

Of course, Trump just got hours more publicity on TV for absolutely no cost. Congrats!!! LOL!!!
It ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.
You talk about the authoritarian right but I have not seen conservatives shut down liberal speech anywhere. It always seems to be the liberals that are infringing on peoples rights. Hypocritical to the extreme.

Of course, Trump just got hours more publicity on TV for absolutely no cost. Congrats!!! LOL!!!
You forgot the

" TRUMP ! "
Part .