World Of Hempy

White Rhino & Exodus Cheese clones, Not really a SOG, day 44.

Well if you have read above there is not much to share other than they are not dying on me.
The fungal gnats are going to take there toll weight wise, but I will still have some nice buds and very good buds also
Waiting till they dry a bit before water/nute, rez was damp but no liquid came out when tilted. I last watered on Monday mid day. so just over two days. Today's protocol included the BTi again, along with the Zone and Cannazym, in with my regular nutes,which is have dialed back as I don't want to damage any new tender roots trying to reestablish.
A lot of the pistils on the WR have turned orange but still have lots of new pistils coming in.

Few pics from this week

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Group shot

Short timer here! two plus weeks, been watching trichs mostly clear, few cloudy no amber yet. May stager harvest one or two early, one or two on breeders recommendation, and then watch trichs for when to harvest the others. Not expecting much weight wise.

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I was going to like that, but didn't want you think i was liking the fact that you weren't expecting much weight. At least what they did produce looks like it's frosted in trichomes.
I've been reading this thread almost nonstop for 3 days! With the interesting links posted....etc, this may take forever! So far the burning question I have is.....where is Moe???? I'm on page 176. Maybe if I keep reading I will find out what happened, but if anyone wants to enlighten me, I would really like to know!
Thanks!! Life has been crazy for awhile. I'm still running perlite hempys tho. Last batch was in 2.5gal mainlined to 4 each. Didn't come out as nice as I'd have liked but made a few mistakes most due to the craziness around me. Peace!!
I had a wonderful desaster, check out my post on the White Rhino and Exodus Cheese, sort of a SOG.
I say wonderful because it was going so well with no problems until weeks 5 and 6. Bam, Fungus gnats big time. I would see one or so in the cabinet and smush them but I had pulled all the plants out of the cabinet to do a soft flush and fuck every pot had a dozen or so flying around. I treat with BTi to get the larva and I think I finely got them under control also used Neem oil sprayed on the surface of the coco. To little to late, the plants are ready to harvest but they just started growing again. Oh well going to split harvest, harvesting 3 EC's and 2 WR's on Monday, then watching trichs will harvest the rest as the trichs finish. The EC has 70 -80% cloudy rest clear and the WR is mostly still clear. The remaining 3 EC's I want to get about 10% amber. The WR I will harvest the last 4 when they go 70+% cloudy.
I have never had an issue with the fungus gnats in the past so I wish I had caught it soon, my plants totally stopped growing, I was expecting them to start drinking more but they were not even drinking the rez ever two days. Now that I seem to have things under control they are drinking and fattening up again. I am going to guess it has effected my yield by at least 50%. Oh well so goes life, LOL.

Peace out bud,

Ouch.. That's the main reason I chose perlite over coco. Lots of coco grows I've read run into a f-gnat problem. I can't see there being that big of a gain over the hassle of bugs. Hope you still get some good meds! Peace!!
Well whatever I get will be fine because I am growing my own meds.
I have never had a problem before but now that I know what to look for and how to handle them fuckers all will be good.
I am thinking of doing a vertical grow this fall using straight coco in 2 gallon smart pots. I don't feel I have been optimizing my cabinet. This grow would have work well had it not been for the gnats.
I mainly want to find a method that I don't have to water daily by hand. Doing a DTW coco will allow me to use a simple watering system that will give me multiple start times a day and once I get it worked out I can go away for a weekend or so. Hell I have almost not been away from the house since August.
We shall see how fortunes turn out.

Today was first chop!
3 Exodus Cheese and 2 White Rhino's

They came out ok considering not catching the fungus gnats before they did their damage, guess I did catch them just late. Guess I was lucky that I did not lose any plants but the are stunted in a major way. It was truly amazing how the plants just quit growing. I revised my est. from 8 plus zips to maybe 5 zips.
The 3 EC are around 22" from soil line and the WR are 13 to 14" and the plants were lolly popped removing most buds that would have been popcorn. I did a fairly heavy defo at day 20/21 which was less than a week before I figure the gnats did their thing. Strange than was that I only saw a single gnat in the cabinet the week I did the defo, killed it and did not see any more until a few days after I did the defo I had one of the EC on the bathroom counter scoping the flower production to see how it was coming and I stirred the edges of the hempy buckets where the coco had pushed up on the sides. When I did that there were a dozen or more started flying, I went into panic mode. Had not had them in any of my grows so I knew nothing about control or the damage they could do.
I pulled all 12 plants out and everyone that at least a dozen to two dozen gnats flying around when I scratched the surface. I put BTi in the buckets and some of those sticky things. I also sprayed the surface of the coco with Neem oil and that seemed to take care of the adults. The plants only started growing again in the past two weeks. Overall I would say I lost two plus weeks of grow to the little bastards.
Would have tried to grow them longer but the trichs are ready, mostly cloudy on the EC and still clear on the WR. I am going to watch the three remaining EC this week and if I do not see a lot of amber I am going to wait till next Monday to harvest them.
The WR I harvested the two plants a week early and still with very bright clear trichs. I will harvest at least two of them next Monday while will be their "prime" 56th day. I will then watch the trichs on the other two and harvest them when the trichs are 80 to 90% cloudy with no amber.
A few pics:
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New freeby drying rack.

Well guys, I finally finished all 449 pages. I don't think that I have ever read such an interesting and informative thread. I have learned so much and I am so inspired. I have my first hempy grow started now. The first round will be a little haphazard, since with new mothers, my clones were very small. Most are in 18 oz solos right now as I am trying to gather 2 liter bottles. If hubby catches me buying 2 liter cokes and pouring them out, he will commit me! I hope this thread continues to be popular. I feel like I know all of the regulars from reading the whole thread, and I am amazed at the lack of trolls...etc in this thread. What a great vibe! So glad I found it! Thanks Moe...wherever you are. It would be great to know how ur doing!
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Today was first chop!
3 Exodus Cheese and 2 White Rhino's

They came out ok considering not catching the fungus gnats before they did their damage, guess I did catch them just late. Guess I was lucky that I did not lose any plants but the are stunted in a major way. It was truly amazing how the plants just quit growing. I revised my est. from 8 plus zips to maybe 5 zips.
The 3 EC are around 22" from soil line and the WR are 13 to 14" and the plants were lolly popped removing most buds that would have been popcorn. I did a fairly heavy defo at day 20/21 which was less than a week before I figure the gnats did their thing. Strange than was that I only saw a single gnat in the cabinet the week I did the defo, killed it and did not see any more until a few days after I did the defo I had one of the EC on the bathroom counter scoping the flower production to see how it was coming and I stirred the edges of the hempy buckets where the coco had pushed up on the sides. When I did that there were a dozen or more started flying, I went into panic mode. Had not had them in any of my grows so I knew nothing about control or the damage they could do.
I pulled all 12 plants out and everyone that at least a dozen to two dozen gnats flying around when I scratched the surface. I put BTi in the buckets and some of those sticky things. I also sprayed the surface of the coco with Neem oil and that seemed to take care of the adults. The plants only started growing again in the past two weeks. Overall I would say I lost two plus weeks of grow to the little bastards.
Would have tried to grow them longer but the trichs are ready, mostly cloudy on the EC and still clear on the WR. I am going to watch the three remaining EC this week and if I do not see a lot of amber I am going to wait till next Monday to harvest them.
The WR I harvested the two plants a week early and still with very bright clear trichs. I will harvest at least two of them next Monday while will be their "prime" 56th day. I will then watch the trichs on the other two and harvest them when the trichs are 80 to 90% cloudy with no amber.
A few pics:
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New freeby drying rack.
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I've read that the more you defoliate, the more leafy your buds are. Did you notice this with your grow? What do you have going next?
Well guys, I finally finished all 449 pages. I don't think that I have ever read such an interesting and informative thread. I have learned so much and I am so inspired. I have my first hempy grow started now. The first round will be a little haphazard, since with new mothers, my clones were very small. Most are in 18 oz solos right now as I am trying to gather 2 liter bottles. If hubby catches me buying 2 liter cokes and pouring them out, he will commit me! I hope this thread continues to be popular. I feel like I know all of the regulars from reading the whole thread, and I am amazed at the lack of trolls...etc in this thread. What a great vibe! So glad I found it! Thanks Moe...wherever you are. It would be great to know how ur doing!

Dollar General has the green plastic bottles of generic sprite for around 80 cents. I get a few a week to build up my supply
Well guys, I finally finished all 449 pages. I don't think that I have ever read such an interesting and informative thread. I have learned so much and I am so inspired. I have my first hempy grow started now. The first round will be a little haphazard, since with new mothers, my clones were very small. Most are in 18 oz solos right now as I am trying to gather 2 liter bottles. If hubby catches me buying 2 liter cokes and pouring them out, he will commit me! I hope this thread continues to be popular. I feel like I know all of the regulars from reading the whole thread, and I am amazed at the lack of trolls...etc in this thread. What a great vibe! So glad I found it! Thanks Moe...wherever you are. It would be great to know how ur doing!
i found some nice 9liter trash cans at dollar emporium for $1. all i did was silicon around a little bit of tubing 2 inches from the bottom.
I've read that the more you defoliate, the more leafy your buds are. Did you notice this with your grow? What do you have going next?

I have not experienced this in the past, I have stunted due to plucking too much at one time, but no.
This is the White Rhino on the left and the Exodus Cheese on the right just a few days before harvest. Only thing done after the moderate trim was removing some fans. So is this excessive leaf on the buds.
I normally do a moderate prune between weeks a few weeks before 12/12, then when I begin flower I will take some off if needed. Then between day 14 and 21 of flower I begin removing non essential fans.

Next falls grow will be a 400W vertical grow in my 48" X 30" cabinet. Plan of doing 5 plants, right now I want to use clones of the Exodus Cheese but I also have some NHS (National Health Service or
NL5 X Haze X Skunk 1) from Mr. Nice Seeds that I want to do, maybe EC in the fall and NHS in
the spring. There will be some clones grown outdoors this summer so depending on harvest my not need to grow any EC in the fall.

Well guys, I finally finished all 449 pages. I don't think that I have ever read such an interesting and informative thread. I have learned so much and I am so inspired. I have my first hempy grow started now. The first round will be a little haphazard, since with new mothers, my clones were very small. Most are in 18 oz solos right now as I am trying to gather 2 liter bottles. If hubby catches me buying 2 liter cokes and pouring them out, he will commit me! I hope this thread continues to be popular. I feel like I know all of the regulars from reading the whole thread, and I am amazed at the lack of trolls...etc in this thread. What a great vibe! So glad I found it! Thanks Moe...wherever you are. It would be great to know how ur doing!

Tell your hubby to go buy some medicine off the street, he won't bitch once he sees the price out there, LOL.
Check out earlier in my post and you will see I am using 1 gallon folgers cans, they work great.
I agree and thanks Mo!!

Tell your hubby to go buy some medicine off the street, he won't bitch once he sees the price out there, LOL.
Check out earlier in my post and you will see I am using 1 gallon folgers cans, they work great.
I agree and thanks Mo!!


I saw the coffee can grow! I wish I had a good source for it. I'm not a big coffee drinker. I may check around with some of the restaurants and see what I can find. It's not the cost that bothers hubby. It's the waste of the soda..LOL He will have to learn to drink faster!
I saw the coffee can grow! I wish I had a good source for it. I'm not a big coffee drinker. I may check around with some of the restaurants and see what I can find. It's not the cost that bothers hubby. It's the waste of the soda..LOL He will have to learn to drink faster!

He should not be drinking soda's anyway they are so bad for him!
I like the what SR said about he 9 liter containers, "i found some nice 9 liter trash cans at dollar emporium for $1. all i did was silicon around a little bit of tubing 2 inches from the bottom."

Just get creative you will find something cheap to use. Hell I seen grows in yogurt containers.

I was really wanting to try the 2L this grow but it looks like I will be going with whatever I can find. Thanks for the suggestions. The trash cans sound interesting. I saw some 7 liters at Dollar Tree the other day. I don't really guess the size makes a difference, except for the fact that I have 100 clones that need to go into something in the next couple of weeks! I wonder what the folks at Dollar Tree will think when I go from store to store buying up all the wastebaskets??? LOL