growing on the cheap


Well-Known Member
sooo i got robbed last year an dnt quite have the money to ammend my soil asiussually dobut do have access to chicken an cow manure think i can make it to bloom with just the mannures added to my old soilfrom last year its all most that time and im freaking coas i have no way to get stuff formy soil other then the manures
sooo i got robbed last year an dnt quite have the money to ammend my soil asiussually dobut do have access to chicken an cow manure think i can make it to bloom with just the mannures added to my old soilfrom last year its all most that time and im freaking coas i have no way to get stuff formy soil other then the manures
put down your pipe you hippy! I'm kidding man, but i'm lost.
what exactly are you saying/asking?
And cheap grows are easy...
craigslist for old ballasts, used bulbs.
I think a couple spaces and commas were needed but i'm gathering that you are asking if you can do a full grow with just manures?
not ideal but easily achieved.
but you still need aeration and peat or coco as the backing of it all.
chicken manure needs to be composted first, cow manure is ok but only if it's old, fresh stuff needs composting also.
I see now after re-reading your post, you are saying ADDING it to your old soil?
hell yea man, in fact oftentimes a properly assembled organic soil is good for two or three runs, depending on how rootbound the previous plant got.
and KEEP those rootballs in there, they are a concentration of nutrients, akin to how a dynamic accumulator works like dandelions etc.
ya its for outside grow an usualy i use horse manure,chicken manure,all composted of course add that with my old soil,throw in peat moss,worm casting,bone meal, kelp meal,epsomson salts, then feed them a compost tea made up of pritty much the same shit including molasses an summatran bat guano,then wen they bud i just use strait roots organic buddah bloom,,but this year im super tight on money so i was thinking of useing horese manure and chicken shit add to my old soul with some peat,an threwing in some coffee grownds an red worms an hopen it can make it till flower coas i still got plenty of buddah bloom,
an i lime my soil a month befor use should i through the worms in befor or after its limed an ready for use
collect your materials from what you eat. since youd be dead if you didnt eat and in turn wouldnt need any bud. so, you're broke. i dont buy squat anymore except for a pint of bacteria. then culture the bacteria throughout the year.
one plant has gotten frost damage a few weeks ago. not too important since this isn't a cash crop. this grow is using fermented food scraps. plenty of sources online on how to do that and cost like 7-14$ a year (total) if you're smart.
ok i founda new place to get my chicken shit this year is been decaying in an abandnd chicken coopfor 6 pluss years the only thing is there were dead chickens left in there that are now all decade good or bad ?
ok i founda new place to get my chicken shit this year is been decaying in an abandnd chicken coopfor 6 pluss years the only thing is there were dead chickens left in there that are now all decade good or bad ?
Probably fine. Iv composted chickens. However, i use the crap out of probiotics in my garden, sooooo the whole pathogenic bacteria cultures pretty much starve out or leave the site.
Probably fine. Iv composted chickens. However, i use the crap out of probiotics in my garden, sooooo the whole pathogenic bacteria cultures pretty much starve out or leave the site.
ya thats what im worried about dnt wana be getting any diseases or ne thing from thembut everything looked to be fossiliesd an the only things left ofthe chickens were there bones
Shiiiiiiit take the bones too. Wear gloves and a mask, but umm smash them with a hammer haha.

Or roast them and steep the charred bones in vinegar for a week. Kilo of bone to a liter of vinegar. Dilute 1:100 when ready.

Good phosphorus and calcium.
Shiiiiiiit take the bones too. Wear gloves and a mask, but umm smash them with a hammer haha.

Or roast them and steep the charred bones in vinegar for a week. Kilo of bone to a liter of vinegar. Dilute 1:100 when ready.

Good phosphorus and calcium.
right on man thaanx for the sdvice ya i was told the whole thing had hundreds of dead chickens in it befor this old chicken farmer died now u can only see a few piles ofbones here an there so i figured if they broke down into the shit i got some killer stuff on my hands like i said i just didnt kno if it would carry bad pathogens
right on man thaanx for the sdvice ya i was told the whole thing had hundreds of dead chickens in it befor this old chicken farmer died now u can only see a few piles ofbones here an there so i figured if they broke down into the shit i got some killer stuff on my hands like i said i just didnt kno if it would carry bad pathogens
Definitely would.

Mixing this stuff with equal parts mollasses into some water at a 1:100 ratio will over throw the pathogens.

The main bottle can be extended by using 2tsp EM1 and 2tsp agricultural grade molasses. Put it in a liter of nonchlorinated water and seal it in a plastic air tight bottle. Burp the cap in 3-4 days. It's ready to use in 7 days and last 3-4 months. Catch is you cant culture off the cultured bottle.

I think i posted a link earlier on more recipes using this stuff.
sooo i got robbed last year an dnt quite have the money to ammend my soil asiussually dobut do have access to chicken an cow manure think i can make it to bloom with just the mannures added to my old soilfrom last year its all most that time and im freaking coas i have no way to get stuff formy soil other then the manures
Use the Nature's Care organic line:

sooo i got robbed last year an dnt quite have the money to ammend my soil asiussually dobut do have access to chicken an cow manure think i can make it to bloom with just the mannures added to my old soilfrom last year its all most that time and im freaking coas i have no way to get stuff formy soil other then the manures
Like your house where you grow got robbed? Or you personally, not at home, got robbed? If your growspace got robbed the first thing you need to do is moooove!