Yea next trip to glasscraft and i am going to send you a new one. That shit will break the fitting after a while to. To much heat with the TI one.
you never mentioned that:(
dont worry about it i will head to the head shoop here . its 2x's as much but then i clear up the problem right away ...
I've been drooling over your rosin. Is there a tutorial or video for those of us who would like to learn how to make it?

I will see what i can find. All you do is put a g or two of hash or keef in a pouch made from a peace of a 25micron pressing screen. Press that in some good parcment paper with a hair straightener. you can do flowers to but it takes some time to press them.
How did you go about tagging the two sides of the donut? I was told there are a bunch of ways to do it like anything in glass. I puff out a little spot on each side, and then pop open a little hole and use my reamer to push them together in the middle. Then make sure to crank the heat just right on the middle to seal the weld up, and use your reamer or tweezers to finish the shape of the hole you want.

I need to get some of the 25u screen so I can try making some rosin correctly.