Facebook gun rights activist shot and wounded by 4-year-old son who “gets jacked up” to target shoot

ur tellin' me....

got a tiny prick too.

maybe i'm long overdue for a little alabama (or colorado) blacksnake.

maybe yous and bearkat could each stuff a roll...on on da back and one on da front.

double stuffed oreo.

you making a fat lady leak....lord have mercy


you might be even better at riling the racists than i am.
Why is it that (ppl) know they're racist and (they) know its fuqing wrong why do(ppl) still do it??? And u can (fill) the parentansies with I, you , they, or them..
You're trying to hard slim. Your trolling needs work. It should just flow.

I don`t troll. Never learned it.

More Americans were shot by themselves than by Islamic Jihadists in 2015. Guns don`t keep you safe, they kill you, so it`s best to use your gun only for killing.