Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Im not a Trump supporter but would gladly punch in the pie hole?
that was not even a sentence. it wasn't a question either, despite your retarded punctuation.

all you managed to do there was validate the fact that bearkat is excellent at drawing out racists like you and that you cannot even speak your own language decently.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
you are too far gone to even understand what it means to be sent to a home then. in that case, just enjoy the pretty landscaping and let the orderlies administer to you as needed.

Your wife must of shit on the floor again. I feel for you poopy pants. Nobody should have to come home to that everyday. FUCK that must suck. TRUMP!
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Well-Known Member
Your wife must of shit on the floor again. I feel for you poopy pants. Nobody should have to come home to that everyday. FUCK that must suck. TRUMP!
Don't be so worried. It will be alright. TRUMP!
Nitro you are king of the witless retort. Each of your posts sinking lower. Adding trump to close out each post is the gaudy pidgeon feather crowning your vomitous babbling.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
A lot of ditch and switch going on across the country in favor of Trump.

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Nearly 46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched to Republicans since the beginning of the year.

According to Penn Live, some experts attribute the mass exodus to Donald Trump.

There’s even a title for the movement. It’s called “Ditch and Switch” and calls for lifelong Democrats to abandon the party, register Republican, and help ensure Trump’s place in the general election.

Professor of Public Affairs at Franklin and Marshall College, Dr. G. Terry Madonna, tells the paper he has a theory behind the switch.

“With the increase in support in exit polls for Trump among working class, blue-collar Democrats, it is my belief that these are people who fall into that genre,” said Madonna.

The numbers are similar in other states as well.

The paper says in Massachusetts, as many as 20,000 Democrats have gone from blue-to-red this year with Trump cited as a primary reason. And in Ohio, as many as 1,000 blue collar workers have promised to switch parties and vote for Trump.

Numbers show that some Republicans are also switching to the Democratic party, but nowhere near the numbers that are switching to Republican.


Well-Known Member
A lot of ditch and switch going on across the country in favor of Trump.

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Nearly 46,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched to Republicans since the beginning of the year.

According to Penn Live, some experts attribute the mass exodus to Donald Trump.

There’s even a title for the movement. It’s called “Ditch and Switch” and calls for lifelong Democrats to abandon the party, register Republican, and help ensure Trump’s place in the general election.

Professor of Public Affairs at Franklin and Marshall College, Dr. G. Terry Madonna, tells the paper he has a theory behind the switch.

“With the increase in support in exit polls for Trump among working class, blue-collar Democrats, it is my belief that these are people who fall into that genre,” said Madonna.

The numbers are similar in other states as well.

The paper says in Massachusetts, as many as 20,000 Democrats have gone from blue-to-red this year with Trump cited as a primary reason. And in Ohio, as many as 1,000 blue collar workers have promised to switch parties and vote for Trump.

Numbers show that some Republicans are also switching to the Democratic party, but nowhere near the numbers that are switching to Republican.
Yeah and Joe the Plumber was for real too.
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