FLUSHING before harvest... BS or not?

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Honey Oil Riot Squad

Well-Known Member
So I've been discussing this with Samson Riddle (sorry to put you on the spot there lol) in another thread and now I've been researching it more and there's A LOT of varying opinions on the effectiveness of flushing your plants before harvest. It seems most "grow weed help" websites suggest you flush so I'd originally planned to do it but when you go and look through forums there are very opposite opinions out there on whether you should or shouldn't flush.

The only actual scientific evidence I have truly found on the topic is from forums in google search where experienced growers have done blind "taste tests" with the exact same strain flushed vs unflushed. Findings in every one of them indicate people CAN NOT tell the difference, SO LONG AS THE BUDS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY CURED FOR AT LEAST 4 DAYS. Same concept had been proved pertaining to the harshness as well. That being said there are still some people who swear by it.

Any evidence for or against flushing or any other thoughts on it would be much appreciated!

My plants are in their final home stretch and this is my first grow. I'm growing in coco under 400 W HPS. They are finishing suprisingly early which is great. I feel like the medium may have a lot to do with flushing as well, so if anyone has exp with coco and flushing, better yet.
My current plan is to kind of go halfway in between a flush and not. Some people recommended that. I'm thinking - start lowering nutes only 9 days away from harvest, watering every 3 days with 25% less nutes. So 9 days away is 75%, 6 away 50%, all the way down to 0% at 0 days away (nothing on the very last watering). Then I've also heard resin production increases due to shock when left in total darkness for 2 or 3 days before actually cutting it so I think I will try that to kind of cheat a little 3 day "flush" in at the end.

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here`s the deal

Plant food costs money

if you feed plant food how much of it will just get left in the soil ?

But feeding just water can cause rot or bug issues if you have other plants you don`t want that

So I use dextrose powder, some people use molasses, I have used potassium sulphate, honey, molasses, sugar and a few other things to for the last 1 to 4 weeks

tbh sugar loading actually can make a big difference a month later when the bud cures out, day one after drying till around 2 weeks you might get better taste if you use just water or boil the roots but for me dextrose for the last 1 to 4 weeks really works best

mostly because it keeps any bugs in the rootzone from getting hungry and fucking up all your plants

but don`t waste expensive nutes for nothing

vit`s b1 and b12 can help reduce shock, aspirin can help increase it but best to give it 2 to 4 weeks to work its magic if you do use it

and leaving them wet and in the dark can help colour and taste as well as bulk up the buds but they will take longer to dry
I honestly didn't flush on my last crop just for the shits and giggles, and after two weeks of curing the smoke was an easy ride. It was like fucking with a lubricant, it goes in smooth.

I'm NOT saying flushing is BS. Maybe when you're a heavy feeder or are using synthetic/chemical nutrients it's good to flush.
I just do it because everyone says to do it. Or at least used to. It seems like 5 years ago people were all for it. Now it's either "BS" or "not needed"
That's exactly what I'm finding too... all of the sources FOR flushing seem to be from 2010 or earlier while the flushing is BS sources seem newer like 2012 to now. Maybe that's the cause of the misinformation? Is this finding on flushing not really being worth it a brand new concept maybe...?

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Mobile nutrients are nitrogen in the form of nitrate, phosphorus (P) in the form of phosphate, potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), zinc (Zn) and molybdene (Mo). Calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), iron (Fe), boron (B) and copper (Cu) are immobile.

  1. not moving; motionless.
    "she sat immobile for a long time"
    synonyms: motionless, without moving, still, stock-still, static, stationary;More
    • incapable of moving or being moved.
here`s the deal

Plant food costs money

if you feed plant food how much of it will just get left in the soil ?

But feeding just water can cause rot or bug issues if you have other plants you don`t want that

So I use dextrose powder, some people use molasses, I have used potassium sulphate, honey, molasses, sugar and a few other things to for the last 1 to 4 weeks

tbh sugar loading actually can make a big difference a month later when the bud cures out, day one after drying till around 2 weeks you might get better taste if you use just water or boil the roots but for me dextrose for the last 1 to 4 weeks really works best

mostly because it keeps any bugs in the rootzone from getting hungry and fucking up all your plants

but don`t waste expensive nutes for nothing

vit`s b1 and b12 can help reduce shock, aspirin can help increase it but best to give it 2 to 4 weeks to work its magic if you do use it

and leaving them wet and in the dark can help colour and taste as well as bulk up the buds but they will take longer to dry
I just do it because everyone says to do it. Or at least used to. It seems like 5 years ago people were all for it. Now it's either "BS" or "not needed"
This^^^^ is why it has become "gospel". No one knows really why. Know one really knows how. But everyone does it so i should too. Its bullshit. I remember the thread years ago on Overgrow.com where it all started....and its bullshit.
I know people say it's to remove "salts" but wouldnt you want warm water to aid that??? Or am I just off my rocker here?
Hey you all I saw dude on YouTube flushed with blueberry s water & sugar mix as he had blueberry plants. He said helps intense the flavor bla bla. Truth or fiction!
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