SuperSoil vs Organic Bottled Nutes

yeah your butt hurt from the minivan joke obviously... and it wasnt even towards you...
unless this is stow second account at his mamas house... LOL

I can assure you that whitebb and I are two different people. Or are we??

What's with you and the minivan boner? Do you not understand that you are the one looking like the fool every time you bring it up? How is that a rip on me? It was a great vehicle! It made shuttling around a family of 5 a breeze. I'd buy the exact same vehicle again if I had to do it all over. The fact that I bought my wife a vehicle that she wanted says nothing negative about me, or my finances.

You blew your wad buying marijuana seeds and forced you and your old lady to live on Ramen Noodles. Your words, not mine. Doing something so bone headed does not qualify you to rip on others over their finances. That's akin to a clinically retarded person giving you advice on calculus.

Your desperate attempts to fling shit my way is humorous though. Carry on....
I can assure you that whitebb and I are two different people. Or are we??
What's with you and the minivan boner? Do you not understand that you are the one looking like the fool every time you bring it up? How is that a rip on me? It was a great vehicle! It made shuttling around a family of 5 a breeze. I'd buy the exact same vehicle again if I had to do it all over. The fact that I bought my wife a vehicle that she wanted says nothing negative about me, or my finances.
You blew your wad buying marijuana seeds and forced you and your old lady to live on Ramen Noodles. You words, not mine. Doing something so bone headed does not qualify you to rip on others over their finances. That's akin to a clinically retarded person giving you advice on calculus.
Your desperate attempts to fling shit my way is humorous though. Carry on....

stow said,,, For Christs sake, I played in the NHL for years when the league minimum salary was $350,000. I made more money by the age of 25 than you'll make in your lifetime son.

how does it feel to blow all that money?
i mean you try to give me a finance advice.. LOL
coming from a guy, who drove a minivan(prolly still does), lives in THE CHEAPEST state to live in and still bitches about everything...

yeah you played hockey in your DREAMS... keep faking it until you make it.....
You blew your wad buying marijuana seeds and forced you and your old lady to live on Ramen Noodles. Your words, not mine. Doing something so bone headed does not qualify you to rip on others over their finances. That's akin to a clinically retarded person giving you advice on calculus.

LMAO my lady is RICH....
you think i spend my savings money on beans???? LOL.... im not like you.... who blew over 350k
my savings is untouched... if you read books you would know that...
how does it feel to blow all that money?

I haven't. I have even more now. Any proof of this accusation? Please post it up...

i mean you try to give me a finance advice.. LOL

No I didn't. I ripped on you for blowing all of your money on seeds, forcing you and the Mrs to live on noodles.

coming from a guy, who drove a minivan(prolly still does)

Yes we bought a minivan. Thats been traded in for an SUV. Ive explained this to you several times.

lives in THE CHEAPEST state to live in

I really like Michigan. It reminds me of Canada. Colorado sounds nice too.

yeah you played hockey in your DREAMS... keep faking it until you make it.....

I did. Still have people sending me pics and hockey cards looking for autographs.

i dont need to... your bitchin in more than a handful of threads in the strain and review, tells me all i need to know...

The fact that I think it's retarded to spend $300 on 10 UNTESTED seeds likely explains why I have money, and you're broke eating Ramen Noodles.

You'll grow up some day and figure this all out kid.
The fact that I think it's retarded to spend $300 on 10 UNTESTED seeds likely explains why I have money, and you're broke eating Ramen Noodles.
You'll grow up some day and figure this all out kid.

just spent close to 600 on the lastest top dawg drop at tdt...
damm noodles taste good LOL :lol:
yup im totally clueless...
this is your recent picture,,, your watermark...
please stop giving out organic tips.... your obviously struggling and clueless....
what is that 3-4 weeks maybe??? and its that yellow??

The yellow is from the 600 watt HPS above it, that plant is pretty green if you saw it under normal are desperate to find anything to shit talk people with its pretty pathetic.
Fox farm soil/happy frog
Coots nutrient kit with minerals
Build a soil top dress kit
Cover crop

Fox farm (wholly mackerel) 3-1-0
Fox farm (kelp me kelp you)0.5-0-0.5
Fox farm (big bloom)
Xtream gardening (Xtream tea)

And the plants finish like that ,all the time.
Sorry to tell you, bottled nutrients aren't organic :( neither is fox farm soil. Stop pretending to be an organic farmer you are just a synthetic soil farmer, don't be ashamed but don't claim to be organic because you are not, your plants look awesome no doubt, but its not organic.
Stop pretending to be an organic farmer you are just a synthetic soil farmer, don't be ashamed but don't claim to be organic because you are not.

this is the funniest thing i heard so far....
what happen to going around saying OMRI only?????:dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:
Just look at the plants on the right of the one I posted, they are in the same mix and got nothing different than those, look how dark green they are...