Donald Trump supports torture


Well-Known Member
how did you arrive at the conclusion they're innocent?
I qualified the question by using the word 'innocent'

I'm not talking about terrorists. Somebody said earlier in the thread there are no such things as moral absolutes after I said torture is always wrong, under all circumstances, no matter who you do it to - including terrorists

Torture is wrong because you are using a person as a means instead of respecting them as an end with human value

To that person, I asked that if he doesn't believe in moral absolutes, when would it be right to intentionally harm an innocent person? It is always wrong to intentionally harm an innocent person. There are no situations that exist where one can claim the right thing to do under the given circumstances is to intentionally harm somebody who is innocent. The situation simply doesn't exist.

So if you disagree, I invite you to try to come up with any situation you can think of where it would be right to intentionally harm an innocent person
