IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

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no, they are NOT less efficient than CFL, which are terribly inefficient actually. where did you get that idea from? Even the crappiest LED growlight you can find is better than CFL! And let's see you CFL's do this, which is a crappy, 67 true watts, DIY, using E27 "15" watt LED bulbs..

The plant
Big BBH-1.jpg

The Light:

diy light-2015.jpg

MarsLED's panels are less efficient than CFL bulbs and 3x the cost....Why?
no, they are NOT less efficient than CFL, which are terribly inefficient actually. where did you get that idea from? Even the crappiest LED growlight you can find is better than CFL! And let's see you CFL's do this, which is a crappy, 67 true watts, DIY, using E27 "15" watt LED bulbs..

The plant
View attachment 3627478

The Light:

View attachment 3627489

You are so right, how was I to argue? Yeah the Mars is about 19-20% efficient and right around most CFL's....please stop acting like you know....

Comparing Lumens from different light sources IMMEDIATELY invalidates your argument...Go back and read some stuff......

You don't think I ALSO started growing with LED bulbs too? About 3 years ago :peace:
That my friend, is an autoflower at 58 days. I harvested at 62 days. She went into flower at about 24 days. The breed is Dragon's Blood by Mossy
Looks like a super good yield off 24 day veg. Was it around 2 zips, and how tall did she finish?
no, they are NOT less efficient than CFL, which are terribly inefficient actually. where did you get that idea from? Even the crappiest LED growlight you can find is better than CFL! And let's see you CFL's do this, which is a crappy, 67 true watts, DIY, using E27 "15" watt LED bulbs..

The plant
View attachment 3627478

The Light:

View attachment 3627489
Hey bud! Nice compact growth. I wanted to buy the Wicked Stick from Wicked LED & try the bulbs for supplemental in my HPS room & maybe for veg. Only got to use my HH for a week in veg. & was very impressed. These LEDs w/ high R+B veg allot differently then my T-5 or MH in my opinion. Liking it personally! Nice job! I'm sure a DIYer will Say just buy a bathroom vanity & make it myself. I'd rather buy the Wicked LED though. Cool design & fairly inexpensive, comes with led bulbs of all kinds. Kelvin temps in Cree or R+B select Hortricultural.
For my CXB3070s if I need a reflector the way to go is Ledil F13838 Angelina-XW, right?
And if use the Ideal 50-2234c LED holders to hold the COBs in place and I want to use that specific reflector, the only reflector holder I can use is the Ideal 50-2100AN reflector holder, correct?
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Efficiency this n efficiency that. Blah, Blah!!! If The g/sq' yielded from almost any light source is high enough (like HPS), then one has so much tree, the bill is insignificant. Sure, count your amps n watts to not overload your house or grow spot. Get the most you can from your light source but Geeeze, all this efficency talk makes me think these guys care more about their bill then their harvest which to me is first & foremost.
If I was a DIYer & may someday try. I would be looking to get an oversized Driver & pump/drive my COBs real hard. I heard they're cheaper then bulbs by half. So, id get all I can out of them (maybe less efficient) & replace them once a year. Hell, that may be cheaper then replacing bulbs every 3 runs. Maybe I'm so far off here but I feel efficiency #'s are way over-rated. I'm growing w/ led now too & am enjoying it. Love the power reduction but poeple talk like that's all that matters. Yeild is my biggest priority. It far outweighs any electric bill. Just my view on it. To each his own. Efficiency deffinetly matters but to what end?
Efficiency this n efficiency that. Blah, Blah!!! If The g/sq' yielded from almost any light source is high enough (like HPS), then one has so much tree, the bill is insignificant. Sure, count your amps n watts to not overload your house or grow spot. Get the most you can from your light source but Geeeze, all this efficency talk makes me think these guys care more about their bill then their harvest which to me is first & foremost.
If I was a DIYer & may someday try. I would be looking to get an oversized Driver & pump/drive my COBs real hard. I heard they're cheaper then bulbs by half. So, id get all I can out of them (maybe less efficient) & replace them once a year. Hell, that may be cheaper then replacing bulbs every 3 runs. Maybe I'm so far off here but I feel efficiency #'s are way over-rated. I'm growing w/ led now too & am enjoying it. Love the power reduction but poeple talk like that's all that matters. Yeild is my biggest priority. It far outweighs any electric bill. Just my view on it. To each his own. Efficiency deffinetly matters but to what end?
I totally agree with this, but in some cases the savings could be huge. Quality of cannabis always #1 and yield and plant health #2.
well you can state 19-20% efficiency, but i see no supporting data. show me...... and CFL efficieny degrades quickly, unlike LED. price/performance wise, CFL loses. Not saying they can't be used, just for anyone looking to do more than one grow, they are a waste of money IMO. Not knocking you or your grow skills or LED experience, just if you going to post claims based on numbers, prove it, no data, it isn't so....

I'm phasing out all my current LED lights, and I long since gave away the DIY. And I stopped wasting my money on CFL long ago. In the beginning, my online research was on growing, not DIY. Now that I have the skills to use better equipment, I'm upgrading my lights.
You are so right, how was I to argue? Yeah the Mars is about 19-20% efficient and right around most CFL's....please stop acting like you know....

Comparing Lumens from different light sources IMMEDIATELY invalidates your argument...Go back and read some stuff......

You don't think I ALSO started growing with LED bulbs too? About 3 years ago :peace:
well you can state 19-20% efficiency, but i see no supporting data. show me...... and CFL efficieny degrades quickly, unlike LED. price/performance wise, CFL loses. Not saying they can't be used, just for anyone looking to do more than one grow, they are a waste of money IMO. Not knocking you or your grow skills or LED experience, just if you going to post claims based on numbers, prove it, no data, it isn't so....

I'm phasing out all my current LED lights, and I long since gave away the DIY. And I stopped wasting my money on CFL long ago. In the beginning, my online research was on growing, not DIY. Now that I have the skills to use better equipment, I'm upgrading my lights.

pops you make me laugh....so what makes you right without proof as well, what a fucked statement.

Hybrid think that paying 3x-4x the cost for the SAME efficiency aka PHOTON delivery is a such a great deal :)

Even then, the uniformity of the light spread will make a big difference. So if your average is 12 PAR W/ft² but there is a big hotspot in the center and dim edges (HPS) then it will decrease the efficacy of the light. The same applies to high powered COBs vs low powered COBs to some extent. And on top of that there are spectral issues that affect the efficacy of the light.

BUT, to the op's question and taking churchs estimation further, approx PAR W of a mars 900 is:

411W - fan power = 400W
400 * .87 driver losses = 348W
348 dissipation W * .25 efficiency = 87 PAR W
87 PAR W = ~426 umol/S (PPF) or 1.22umol/s/ dissipation W
87 * .9 lens losses = 78.3 PAR W

in a 2'X2':
19.6 PAR W/ft²
1026 PPFD average

Ops 30"X30" or 2.5'X2.5'
12.5 PAR W/ft²
655 PPFD average

in a 3'X3'
8.7 PAR W/ft²
456 PPFD average

We may be too generous calling it 25% efficient, especially considering that properly cooled Cree XTEs are around 30%. If there are red leds running hot their output drops off badly. So 25% is probably giving the benefit of the doubt.

Again Lumens emitted has nothing to do with what type of PAR is actually being emitted @pop22 but I don't think you realize the argument...
Funny you mention amare because they were who I immediately made a comparison to in my mind. Except amare tells us what chips they use. I couldn't find those details on lifted's site.
haha yea. Im not a DIY electric guy so I gotta buy a panel. I like the amare 450 with the uvb light, but it does sound a little too gimmicky to me..I like tasty and grenegenes' company as well, but I need a bigger light than they offer
haha yea. Im not a DIY electric guy so I gotta buy a panel. I like the amare 450 with the uvb light, but it does sound a little too gimmicky to me..I like tasty and grenegenes' company as well, but I need a bigger light than they offer

More than 1 of greengene's PLC wouldn't fit your style? For bigger lights, I would suggest looking into the SpydrX plus from Fluence or the AT600 from Apache is still a top tier light.
More than 1 of greengene's PLC wouldn't fit your style? For bigger lights, I would suggest looking into the SpydrX plus from Fluence or the AT600 from Apache is still a top tier light.
I was really into the AT600, but they havn't done an update in forever so I was afraid it's old technology?
I was really into the AT600, but they havn't done an update in forever so I was afraid it's old technology?

Apache does their own thing for sure and if they felt they were behind the curve I'm sure they'd have updated. They're one of the few companies I completely trust. My Apaches show no signs of being inferior to any newer options out
Apache does their own thing for sure and if they felt they were behind the curve I'm sure they'd have updated. They're one of the few companies I completely trust. My Apaches show no signs of being inferior to any newer options out
I'm running 2 separate aero/nft systems each with 14 - 2" net pot sites. I was thinking about running 2 separate LED lights, one over each...the tent is a 4x8
icmag ...i need an led panel and i like them too. I was thinking them or amare
If you'd like to see Amare action swing by my thread. The word Amare doesn't seem to go over well here. Haven't seen many grows here w/ it so I figured it was much needed, seeing how everyone seems to love their white Cree Cob lights. Pretty sure Amare was the first commercial comp. to make & distribute them. Really surprised more poeple here aren't all over them.
Not sure what your grow style is, but I found that you need plenty of hieght to utilize the lenses. I'm liking it w/ just reflectors for my grow w/ limited ceiling hieght. I feel it's high quality & you can't beat the service & warranty. That alone makes me feel the price is justified. Being able to remove the lenses is important to me to. Stop by n judge for yourself. Peace!
I'm running 2 separate aero/nft systems each with 14 - 2" net pot sites. I was thinking about running 2 separate LED lights, one over each...the tent is a 4x8

My buddy is doing pretty much the same but with 32 two-gallon pots w/ coco per 4x8. He has 2 of the older Spydr 1200 units (not the SpydrX plus) over each 4x8 and has been killing it. So i think the Spydrs or ATs would be perfect for you
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