PPF/W is determined by a few different variables, mainly by current. The error in @EfficientWatt 's argument/point is that he left out the fact that my fixtures possess a dimmer knob, so my PPF/W for my fixtures can be attuned to various levels and aren't just limited to 1.82 PPF/W and can actually go upwards to 3.4 PPF/W if fixtures are dimmed down a spell.
And with enhancements such as the sticker below, hitting specific PPF/W values can be easily obtained with my products.
PPF/W is a basic indicator of efficiency. Yes there are lots of variables in calculating PPF, but if its still a basic indicator of efficiency and its apparent that you don't care about efficiency.
In the mini mo that I saw you are running two cxb3590 at ~2.36a each, for better efficiency you would run them at 1.75 or 1.4 which most of us do. That alone makes your light pricier on a photon basis compared to tasty, plc and most DIYs.
Additionally you are running them in parallel, which means if one of the cobs inadvertently fails the second cob will be fried when it gets the whole 5.72 amps.
Did you even bother to measure the actual PPF in a sphere ? Your published numbers don't appear to match.
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