BKR Project....let's roll.

Do you water only around the stems, or do you water the whole tote, because it looks like the rest of the soil is pretty dry. Wouldn't that be more work (higher frequency of watering), and possibly inhibit root growth much like a smartpot does on the outer edges of the soil.

Either way, looking good.
Ya it's more work. Not for long though. I just transplanted these to the totes 4 days ago. In another week or two I will water the tote. Just letting them settle in.

With the f1s, I was watering each tote with 1 gallon of water about every 3 days. Worked well. I just poured it right down the middle.
Just a few randoms.

Here is one of the ppf4 x OG.

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Harvested a couple Berry Ryders today.

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View attachment 3629346

And this one grew up in a red cup and still is. It's one of those that starts out with yellow leaves and stays that way. It's either a BKR or BR. Smells like a rat that was eating dog shit when it died. Yum yum. About an eighth.

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Growing 2 berry ryder right now. What day did you chop? And your saying they had yellow leaves the whole grow about? Cause mine have lower leaves that yellowed and partially died but the rest of the plant is healthy. Kinda weird , never could findout what it was. Also how were yours with nutes? They sensetive?