Revealed: the 30-year economic betrayal dragging down Generation Y’s income

Kids were drafted beginning at age 18 during that time. You know that each year a kid gets a year older, assuming they survive, don't you? Whoever said the average age of the military was 18? Dammit you are dumb.

In Vietnam the average age of the combat soldier was 19.
I actually agree with everything that you're saying here. Maybe my response was poorly worded. By choice, I simply mean "other", not necessarily "better". I struggle to think of the situation that would have me choosing war over any other option, even unemployment.
I agree, to me, growing up, joining the military was my very first option. As an adult, joining the military is not an option. Murdering people on behalf of the government is not an option on the table for a lot of people
I actually agree with everything that you're saying here. Maybe my response was poorly worded. By choice, I simply mean "other", not necessarily "better". I struggle to think of the situation that would have me choosing war over any other option, even unemployment.

I was taking a very calculated risk that I would not be going to war when I volunteered. There was no big conflict at the time, Desert Storm didn't happen until after I'd have finished my hitch. On the other hand, I knew that if shit hit the fan, it was gonna be my job to wade thru it while returning fire.

I'm just extremely fortunate my adolescent bluff wasn't called. That's why there's always a free steak at my house on Veteran's day for any serviceman or woman who'd like one.
If the shit ever hit the fan today I think we are in big trouble, most of these guy's wouldn't pass the foxhole test......
"Shit hitting the fan" would imply a legitimate domestic threat, like an invasion

What our military does today, and has been doing for over a century, is conduct offensive operations to ensure the protection of American and allied interests. Sure, we help end genocides or human rights abuses here and there, but make no mistake about it, our military exists primarily to ensure the protection of economic interests. A lot of people, including me, are uncomfortable with that which makes any mandatory draft irrelevant regardless of implementation.

You should read War is a Racket by General Smedley Butler

"Shit hitting the fan" would imply a legitimate domestic threat, like an invasion

What our military does today, and has been doing for over a century, is conduct offensive operations to ensure the protection of American and allied interests. Sure, we help end genocides or human rights abuses here and there, but make no mistake about it, our military exists primarily to ensure the protection of economic interests. A lot of people, including me, are uncomfortable with that which makes any mandatory draft irrelevant regardless of implementation.

You should read War is a Racket by General Smedley Butler

don't crawl into my foxhole.....
If the shit ever hit the fan today I think we are in big trouble, most of these guy's wouldn't pass the foxhole test......
Just a question. You replaced people that had finished their hitch. As they were leaving, what do you think when they thought of you with respect to your foxhole test?

Not having served, its my impression that nobody really knows until the first or second firefight or maybe longer.
don't crawl into my foxhole.....
"Until 1898 we didn’t own a bit of territory outside the mainland of North
America. At that time our national debt was a little more than $1,000,000,000. Then we
became "internationally minded." We forgot, or shunted aside, the advice of the Father of
our country. We forgot George Washington’s warning about "entangling alliances." We went
to war. We acquired outside territory. At the end of the World War period, as a direct result
of our fiddling in international affairs, our national debt had jumped to over
$25,000,000,000. Our total favorable trade balance during the twenty-five-year period was
about $24,000,000,000. Therefore, on a purely bookkeeping basis, we ran a little behind year
for year, and that foreign trade might well have been ours without the wars.

It would have been far cheaper (not to say safer) for the average American who pays the bills
to stay out of foreign entanglements. For a very few this racket, like bootlegging and other
underworld rackets, brings fancy profits, but the cost of operations is always transferred to
the people -- who do not profit"
Just a question. You replaced people that had finished their hitch. As they were leaving, what do you think when they thought of you with respect to your foxhole test?

Not having served, its my impression that nobody really knows until the first or second firefight or maybe longer.
Everybody is an FNG from square 1, nobody warmed up to the new guy's. First few weeks were the toughest & the firefights are terrifying. But after that you had seen enough combat & killing to understand your chances in the jungle were slim anyway. The 1000 yard stare was the look of the "Old Guys".....
I was taking a very calculated risk that I would not be going to war when I volunteered. There was no big conflict at the time, Desert Storm didn't happen until after I'd have finished my hitch. On the other hand, I knew that if shit hit the fan, it was gonna be my job to wade thru it while returning fire.

I'm just extremely fortunate my adolescent bluff wasn't called. That's why there's always a free steak at my house on Veteran's day for any serviceman or woman who'd like one.
I feel ya, man. My beef is never with the servicemen (other than me thinking that they're absolutely nuts for volunteering). As was stated earlier, these young boys can be talked into anything at that age, primarily because there aren't many viable options. After graduation, One of my daughter's best friends (who's father sold him out at the last minute with regards to college) joined the Marines this fall. I called him to my home to speak with him about his decision, and asked him flatly why he joined the Marines. His response: "Because I'll get to kill people.". That response absolutely broke my heart. So yeah, they can be talked into anything.
Everybody is an FNG from square 1, nobody warmed up to the new guy's. First few weeks were the toughest & the firefights are terrifying. But after that you had seen enough combat & killing to understand your chances in the jungle were slim anyway. The 1000 yard stare was the look of the "Old Guys".....
This is kind of what I thought. Also, your snark about the foxhole test was just a jab at others. I don't want to take this test. I don't think anybody does or would recommend it if they have taken it.
This is kind of what I thought. Also, your snark about the foxhole test was just a jab at others. I don't want to take this test. I don't think anybody does or would recommend it if they have taken it.
Foxhole tests are conducted regularly in combat, believe me. There were lots more friendly fire & fragging incidents in Vietnam than were ever reported. If your not carrying you own weight in combat, your dead weight, literally. You become a liability to everyone's chances, it's self determined. It wasn't a jab, I was telling you how it is. If you do not intend to carry your own load, best stay out of my foxhole...
Are you a US citizen? Avail yourself of all that this great country has to offer? Do you participtate in the political process? If your answers are yes, then you are the government & own it's decisions. You have an obligation to support those decisions.
I feel ya, man. My beef is never with the servicemen (other than me thinking that they're absolutely nuts for volunteering). As was stated earlier, these young boys can be talked into anything at that age, primarily because there aren't many viable options. After graduation, One of my daughter's best friends (who's father sold him out at the last minute with regards to college) joined the Marines this fall. I called him to my home to speak with him about his decision, and asked him flatly why he joined the Marines. His response: "Because I'll get to kill people.". That response absolutely broke my heart. So yeah, they can be talked into anything.

Sorta like church camp lol brain washed

One has to wonder when a bill comes in a person decides let wait till next pay day ,, next pay day comes ah fuck it wait another pay day
this is your Government they keep taking money from retirement funds place a note IOU and lets face it your going to get Stiffed
and that is Your Government more insterested in getting a stimulus package and going more into debt and putting on the citizens
i remember years ago when it was like 52,000 that every man women and baby owes the Government its now i think almost 80,000 per person
and why OF course push the problem under the table thinking its magically going to Disappear