How come?Its your water supply. Look up chlorosis. You need a water filter or use rain water...
The water report I posted?
Enter option number 4
How come?Its your water supply. Look up chlorosis. You need a water filter or use rain water...
Example of what sorry?Like I said ,based on our own experiences.This is a prime example..
Every municipality in the free world adds chlorine in small amounts to kill diseases in the water, and make it safer to drink. However, it is not safe for container plants in a controlled environment. If you want to grow healthy plants get a water filter, a dual stage sediment/carbon filter should do the trick. It's not option 4, its what is causing the problem.
Its cool that they aren't adding fluoride to your water supply. It's bad for your brain.
Example of what sorry?
I seeWe all see problems based on our own experiences,apparently this guy had problems with his water at one time.
I'll get a reading later and poststrangeways, are you able to get a temperature reading of the air around the plants?
Biobizz all mix states it has an EC of 2.4. That's hot stuff everyone. The plant has dark green leaves with leaf tip and edge death, most likely caused by over fert. Not only is alienwidow not on same page, they're not even reading the same book. To tell someone they have to feed when leaves are that dark green and dying shows that the alien is lost.
If tested with a Hanna meter, 2.4 is equal to 1200 ppm. Eutech and Truncheon will show 2.4 as even higher.
I know over fert when I see it. Heat could also be an issue in this.
Hey Strangeways, your saying the leaf burn started from the bottom up, on most of your plants. You don't use any type of water filtration?! Do you go strait from the tap to watering plants? If so that is a big no no. At least let the water sit out for 24hours to let the chlorine evaporate.
If your soil was hot and causing the burn, wouldn't it go away over time? Do you have any way to test soil ph? It could be a number of issues, but my money is on water.