Donald Trump

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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Imbecile, you have no clue on how i feel or how I'm acting.

I have 1 concern. Trump might go-off like your other bros do once he gets a fix on how America views him as a clueless, arrogant, stinking asshole. It would not be good if he hurt himself or others in response to the realization that this whole time he's been a sad joke.
Sorry about your fucking luck. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
IMO i think there is more then meets the Eye with 911 incident is it not ironic how digital money that is not real money after the 911 incident went for shit ,, recession hit and god forbid america's way of thinking is WAR = money but it back fired instead of getting out of recession you ate it up for 7 years truthfully speaking its still going on
Lies Lies and more lies
people tend to say well air mixed into the fuel created more heat
And yes air mixture does in fact increase temps but lets look at the video what do we see Smoke meaning not much air is happening
Cause if there was you would see massive Flames did we sure initial
We been fooled folks seriously you think any Government would care about 6- 10,000 lifes to start a war what a better way to get people on your side by saying it was a terrorist attack and how fast it was blamed on Iraq ???

The trump thread is perfect for these imaginings of an idiot. They are as realistic as trumps political future.

ky man

Well-Known Member
Seems like they moving to the words not the beat. You have to rock to the beat.
Guy died from Carbon monoxide poison. Him and 2 others fell asleep in a Bronco and went to sleep forever. Should have went to sleep in his bed. Drinking and not thinking
THAT IS NOT the real buck wild people in those videows that had the TV SHOW and they was not drunk that knight they had onley 2 beers each then left the bar and went 4 WHELLING AND GOT STUCK so they just went to sleep and never woke up.but yes it was a red bronco and carbon monoxide was what killed them one was his cusen the other was his unceal..if I spelled it rite.They was also good people.that your talking shit about that you did not all you wount about them,iam dun and will not respond to this thread aney more and the also never did try to rap even on
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Well-Known Member
THAT IS NOT the real buck wild people in those videows that had the TV SHOW and they was not drunk that knight they had onley 2 beers each then left the bar and went 4 WHELLING AND GOT STUCK so they just went to sleep and never woke up.but yes it was a red bronco and carbon monoxide was what killed them one was his cusen the other was his unceal..if I spelled it rite.They was also good people.that your talking shit about that you did not all you wount about them,iam dun and will not respond to this thread aney more and the also never did try to rap even on
Yes him, his uncle and a friend did get drunk and decided to go mudding. They got stuck and went to sleep. They were in walking distance to his home. Drinking and not thinking makes you decide to just sleep in the car instead of walking the fuck home. Remember blocked tail pipe could force carbon monoxide poison into your car. Thanks for not replying back. Your writing tonight would give me a headache.


Well-Known Member
Why are the Liberals and Dems of RIU such hate mongers and allowed to personally attack other members on a daily basis and protected by Admin ?
When in turn they are exact by products of what they preach.
The chickens have come home to roost.
It must suck to get up every morning and be so filled with hate for other people.
A cancer to RIU.
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