How to keep pee warm for a drug tes(I am a female)! HELP

Don't use a hand warmer. Way too hot. Get as close to your skin. Let your own body heat regulate it. I took urine test for over 7.yrs used to sell a kit I made. Little bladder you could attach and a hose with a clamp. Hell I even sold urine that had certain drugs in them. You need methadone in your system. Got ya, need oxycodone in it? No problem. I have made money in many many ways. Ok I open the door for some good comments. No I never gave head.
Very enterprising +rep
several ways to pass

no time ....2 day method is a bad but it will get u to piss for a 2nd time later
day before u need to drink a gallon of cranberry juice and gallon of water.......this flushes your system out the next day u need a few hours to drink 8 oz of water every 15 mins for 4-6 hours .....u will be pissing like race horse every 30 mins ......doing this u over hydrated your system (the water is not taken the normal path out it is on the express line bypassing parts) so when they get the sample they will request u to come back in and give a 2nd sample

this works it saved my ass more then once ........but it is a bad thing to do it is only as a last ditch effort to get more time

your next choice is the test itself......ask if it is looking for THC9 or Cannabinoids.........odds are they are looking for the cannabinoids as it is cheaper test ( u tell them u use herbal CBDs from cibdex for the last few months your system is drenched in legal ones) so they are going to get a positive on it ( to confirm it is THC they look for THC9 in piss a lab actually has to do this not a dip strip) .........this can get u off as most times they do not want to spend the money for the real test ......but it buys u time

the best way for u is this

u will pass with this ..........buddy worked DOD jobs so random test are on the spot (they touch u and tell u to report to place for a test) so he would keep this in his truck .....used them for 2 years no trouble
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Try midol. I was on methadone for almost a decade and my doctor hated benzodiazepines but kinda was ok with pot. But preferred a clean test. Anyway, is for yes menstrual cramps but it's also for bloating. Drink 3 to 4 glasses of water and you will flush your system very fast. It's all about cleansing. Next day, repeat. I would smoke 3 weeks straight and the last week I would do this. He started doing visuals. I mean VISUALS... it was really awkward. trust me. It works
hi..I am wondering how to keep urine warm and the best place to keep it and sneak in for my drug test! I'm doing classes and the randomly drug test you and I was going to have a friend pee for me but I need to know the most effective way to keep the urine warm and what to keep it in...and as about where to hide this urine. I would seriously be greatful if anyone has any ideas or advice on how to go about this for me I would appreciate it! I'm thinking my test is tomorrow so please please help!!!!
hi..I am wondering how to keep urine warm and the best place to keep it and sneak in for my drug test! I'm doing classes and the randomly drug test you and I was going to have a friend pee for me but I need to know the most effective way to keep the urine warm and what to keep it in...and as about where to hide this urine. I would seriously be greatful if anyone has any ideas or advice on how to go about this for me I would appreciate it! I'm thinking my test is tomorrow so please please help!!!!
Hello!! Welcome to RIU.. Heating pads from any store.. Just tape a heating pad around your thigh.

Unlike probation, jobs dont watch you pee.. So it's super simple to pass.. Just keep the "pee" above 100F and you'll be good..

I gave you, your first like... remember me.. Stick around.. You found a great forum.. :)
thank you for replying back...okay so what would I put the pee in? then let's say once I got the pee I just put it on my inner thigh and get like a thermal care heat wrap and wrap it over the pee and my thigh?? is that correct?
Hello!! Welcome to RIU.. Heating pads from any store.. Just tape a heating pad around your thigh.

Unlike probation, jobs dont watch you pee.. So it's super simple to pass.. Just keep the "pee" above 100F and you'll be good..

I gave you, your first like... remember me.. Stick around.. You found a great forum.. :)
Aww thank you! I will def remember you! I appreciate the advice...I'm very nervous and my classes are for behavioral health and I have searched on how to pass a urine test but I guess I'm so nervous I'm not exactly sure what is the best option BC I need to pass
thank you for replying back...okay so what would I put the pee in? then let's say once I got the pee I just put it on my inner thigh and get like a thermal care heat wrap and wrap it over the pee and my thigh?? is that correct?
They have those dildos that ya fill with warm or cold liquids; use one of those and ya have the added plus of whatever gals get from a dildo in them half the day
Aww thank you! I will def remember you! I appreciate the advice...I'm very nervous and my classes are for behavioral health and I have searched on how to pass a urine test but I guess I'm so nervous I'm not exactly sure what is the best option BC I need to pass
So do you have clean urine?

It's so simple.. You can literally put it in anything. What ever forms to your body that would be easy concealable will work fine..

No reason to worry.. Just use clean urine and you'll be good..
So do you have clean urine?

It's so simple.. You can literally put it in anything. What ever forms to your body that would be easy concealable will work fine..

No reason to worry.. Just use clean urine and you'll be good..
OP, O'Dank will taste it for you to make sure ;)
So do you have clean urine?

It's so simple.. You can literally put it in anything. What ever forms to your body that would be easy concealable will work fine..

No reason to worry.. Just use clean urine and you'll be good..
okay so tell me if u think this will work....I'm going to get a small bottle and get a therma-care heat wrap and wrap it in my inner thigh! you think that will work?