Donald Trump supports torture


Well-Known Member
Bullcrap. You're comparing the waterboarding of terrorists, to the execution of innocent people.
Who's side are you on anyway?
"Media reports on the documents note that more than 150 innocent Afghans and Pakistanis, including farmers, chefs, and drivers, were held for years without charges. The documents also reveal that some of the prison's youngest and oldest detainees, who include Mohammed Sadiq, an 89-year-old man, and Naqib Ullah, a 14-year-old boy, suffered from fragile mental and physical conditions."

You support torturing innocent people, no different than ISIS

I sure as hell am not on your side


Well-Known Member
Then why are republicans crying about beheadings?

If you guys are so cool with torture, why do you care that ISIS is beheading people?
Waterboarding is not torture. ISIS is torturing and murdering people.

I agree with Trump, I have no problem with doing much worse than waterboarding.

Your idol blows them up along with their families and you seem perfectly cool with that.... At least we are not total hypocrites.


Well-Known Member
Waterboarding is not torture. ISIS is torturing and murdering people.

I agree with Trump, I have no problem with doing much worse than waterboarding.
Waterboarding is torture and is outlawed by both US law (18 USC 2340) and international law (The Convention Against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment of Punishment adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1984)

You (and Trump) are condemning ISIS for the exact same thing you support, that doesn't make any sense

Your idol blows them up along with their families and you seem perfectly cool with that.... At least we are not total hypocrites.
That alone seals the deal for me..

Not to mention the fact that we use drones to save money, not protect pilots..

The kill ratio for civilians/terrorists is something abysmal, so much so I'm surprised drones haven't been outlawed by international courts yet
^^^ Posted May 11, 2015
Yep, the drone program is fucking abhorrent.. Something like 3% targets destroyed and 97% collateral damage..

In other words, murdered innocent men, women and children in an attempt to eliminate a terrorist..


This program still exists..

Women and children..
March 12, 2015
I don't support Obama. Drone strikes are bullshit
Nov. 24, 2014

And here's a thread I created in April, 2013

Would you classify US drone strikes as terrorism? Why/why not?

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Well-Known Member
so your plan is to call the people we capture something different in order to be able to torture them so that you can feel better about your tiny penis and your crippling fear of brown people.
It's not a plan. Prisoner of war has a specific meaning.

A prisoner of war is a person who is uniformed fighting for a country.

These guys trump is referring to don't meet that definition.


Well-Known Member
It's not a plan. Prisoner of war has a specific meaning.

A prisoner of war is a person who is uniformed fighting for a country.

These guys trump is referring to don't meet that definition.
All people, everywhere fall under the guidelines of both the US law and international law regardless of combatant status

It is illegal to torture people, doesn't matter who they are or where they come from


Well-Known Member
All people, everywhere fall under the guidelines of both the US law and international law regardless of combatant status

It is illegal to torture people, doesn't matter who they are or where they come from
I think you may be correct about what's legal now as the laws I think have changed since our misadventures in Iraq.

However, I still understand the term 'prisoner of war' to have a specific meaning. And I still don't think ISIS falls under it.

What about the armed thugs of a Columbian drug cartel, or the FARQ guerilla warriors there?

I have infinitely more respect for those guys than the likes of ISIS.

I don't see why you're so gung ho on protecting people who would gladly murder you and your whole family in barbaricly creative ways.


Well-Known Member
I think you may be correct about what's legal now as the laws I think have changed since our misadventures in Iraq.

However, I still understand the term 'prisoner of war' to have a specific meaning. And I still don't think ISIS falls under it.

What about the armed thugs of a Columbian drug cartel, or the FARQ guerilla warriors there?

I have infinitely more respect for those guys than the likes of ISIS.

I don't see why you're so gung ho on protecting people who would gladly murder you and your whole family in barbaricly creative ways.
What makes you think I give a shit about a member of ISIS? My interest rests in protecting the law. It's wrong to torture people, there is no gray area, if you torture somebody, you're a terrorist.


Well-Known Member
All people, everywhere fall under the guidelines of both the US law and international law regardless of combatant status

It is illegal to torture people, doesn't matter who they are or where they come from
And Trump was very clear last night that he does not intend to violate the law. He intends to change the law.

You think it is torture, I do not. I think lighting people on fire, beheading them and drowning them is torture.


Well-Known Member
So you think THAT is torture.

If you advocate torture as OK, then you cannot complain when anyone is tortured, including Americans.

I'm sure that you are not bright enough to understand this.

Following your logic... It is obviously ok to kill anyone with a drone, including Americans...

If it is good enough for Obama and ISIS I guess it is good enough for a person who refuses a traffic stop.