EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

When it gets to the convention, Hillary Clinton will get the nomination.

The more voters Bernie gets, the better it may be for Hillary in the long run. He’ll continue to round-up the young voters, and when he secedes the nomination to Clinton, she’ll hope to take those voters with her.


And Bernie gets to keep the party contributions when he goes home so it`s just big win or small win for Bernie.
When it gets to the convention, Hillary Clinton will get the nomination.

The more voters Bernie gets, the better it may be for Hillary in the long run. He’ll continue to round-up the young voters, and when he secedes the nomination to Clinton, she’ll hope to take those voters with her.


not so fast..our millennial youth is way smarter than
you think..if I have a problem giving my vote to Clinton, they will too:

prophetic..listen to the words, men.

I've decided to write-in Sanders in the general if he doesn't get the nomination.

my vote will still be heard and represented.

let the chips fall where they may for Clinton and the DNC.
I've decided to write-in Sanders in the general if he doesn't get the nomination.

my vote will still be heard and represented.

let the chips fall where they may for Clinton and the DNC.
Would you suggest that all of Hillarys supporters do the same if Sanders gets the Democratic nomination?
Media Blackout Spurs Thousands of Supporters March in 45 Cities:



More evidence that we lack a democracy in our 'free' country.

We have a mass media and news dissemination system that's more about the message they want sent than reporting what's actually happening.

"Bad News", by former CBS News Senior Correspondent Tom Fenton.

You know, what if those who don't want Americans to actually choose their next president succeed?
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Sarah Silverman Dumps Hillary for Sanders: He's Not For Sale..



Sarah Silverman equated Citizens United to rampant steroid use in the MLB — in order to compete with everyone else, you have to siphon campaign dollars from a cesspool of special interests.

“Hillary takes money from banks and big business and super PACs,” Silverman explained, but “so did Barack Obama; she’s no different than anybody else. She was the best choice, I thought, because all of them do it.”

“Then someone came along who doesn’t do it, who is not for sale,” she added.