VPD thread..


Well-Known Member
I can vouch for the vegging as I'm typically running in that range. Average 78-82F and 65% +-3% RH and the plants love it. Problem I see with this is in flowering, guaranteed to invite nasty's like PM/Moulds so even though it could be great for growth you're inviting very real possibilities for ruined crops. Everything we do is a balancing act. The numbers/research was generated in labs, great work, but we don't grow in labs, we grow in the real world and in the real world we care about things like mould/PM.


Well-Known Member
I have seen quite a few peoples grows in my med state. Usually they are growing for themselves and its a very poor area so people don't have the greatest equipment. Or much equipment lol. Most don't have dehumidifers or even carbon filters. And if they have an A/C unit its a crappy wall unit.

So by nature they usually have very high humidity levels, and high temps. They aren't getting 4 lbs a 1k. VERY far from it. I know its anecdotal, but just saying. I've seen grows with high humidity and high temps more than anything.

- Jiji


Well-Known Member
@jijiandfarmgang i wonder how they are training there plants and what other environmental factors they can do to use the high temps and humidity for them. I'm still not jumping on high temps and high humidity, as I'm not skilled enough with my environment to take the chance .


Well-Known Member
@jijiandfarmgang i wonder how they are training there plants and what other environmental factors they can do to use the high temps and humidity for them. I'm still not jumping on high temps and high humidity, as I'm not skilled enough with my environment to take the chance .
I've seen someone pull a mite ridden seedy oz off of 2 1000's and 72 plants lol. No environmental controls except opening a window, not even a fan. I've seen better ones, but I'm just trying to hint that high temps and high humidity aren't a secret to big gainz. If it were a lot of poor people around here would be ballin.

For my taste a little higher humidity and temps in veg, then lower on both in flower. I checked a few research articles, a few relate to temps and CO2 for growth rates and potency but I couldn't find any that measure growth with differing humidity levels on Cannabis.

- Jiji