Clinton is the next POTUS

Who is going to be the next President?

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So, you think retired people should go back into the work force? Students, stay at home moms too?

Dude, this is the time when the old "get of that dead horse" meme should be posted. You lost this round. Try again with something better.
That's what you said, not me.
I'm telling you good jobs are leaving the country, and Americans are competing with illegals for low paying jobs.
Obama is not an authoritarian.

During the period you describe when bottle feeding was supplanting breast feeding and conservatives were using that argument as a reason to keep women form joining the work force, there was a saying "my country right or wrong". That's authoritarian.

An authoritarian style is being used when a leader dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates.

And do please keep your shirt on.

I wasn't talking about Obama but expanding upon authoritarianismness and MAGA (make America great again slogan)..I have no doubt they had something back then which frowned upon women in the work force.

since when is America not great? it is great..always was and will be.
Trump is a marketer of the highest order and duping folks into thinking if he's voted in he'll fix things because like mom or dad or any of the others I mentioned they all are able to call as THEY see it (which) is not always correct and administer punitive to quickly correct..but Trump is not dad and the branches of government/we the people, not children.

the very first thing that NEEDS to be done is overturn CU or nothing will ever change because government has stopped working for its citizens, has not kept up with the social changes that have occurred (like it or not).
so he's not endorsing trump?:lol:

too little, too late..the authoritarian @Fogdog was spot on it took (nostalgia..Make America Great Again modeling) is off the chain and to a whole other level.

I personally blame bottle feeding over breast that was all the rage 40's, 50's and to mid 60's. You men didn't get enough of mommy..

this was when the bulk of the authoritarian (now in charge) fondly remembers..those of, dad, teacher, principal, crossing guard, policeman, mailman, military etc. ALWAYS made things better when life went awry..and it is to this memory, they cling..but in the millennium, dangerous, basing a place we can NEVER return no matter who is in charge..childhood.

the world is a different teat for you!
What a sexist load of shit. I used to like listening to your garbled commentary, but after that one, you have lost me. Jesus Christ, what the fuck is next out of your convoluted mind?
What a sexist load of shit. I used to like listening to your garbled commentary, but after that one, you have lost me. Jesus Christ, what the fuck is next out of your convoluted mind?
I was confused by that post too. Her follow up post helped explain.
@Fogdog and I'd like to make a point if I may because this just happened to me:

I got paid today in the form of two checks and the last time I deposited my payroll checks into my account via ATM I had a hold placed..payroll mind you and clearly states it on the checks..there was a time when clearly marked payroll checks were cashed out and deposited into your account for immediate availability..I needed to pay my car insurance today and I refuse to go one day without. So I went over to the drawing bank to just cash and those biatches charged me $8 PER check..THAT is what's wrong with this country..the greedy bankers..on a payroll check? sure commercial account and your just cashing and not depositing? I'm okay with that..a payroll check?..heinous..I hope Jaime Diamon goes home tonight and chokes on his fatty steak that I paid with my $16!
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Dumbass. Bush ran up a deficit, ballooned the national debt and a Democrat was called in to fix it. Nobody can decrease the debt until the deficit goes back to the surplus we enjoyed under Bill Clinton. Trump wants to go back to Bush era deficits.

I get bothered when people refer to budget deficits as "the Bush deficits" or "the Obama deficits". Passing a budget is the job of Congress, so the budget deficit should be viewed in that context. The budget deficit for most of Bush's second term was relatively low (~4-500 billion) but it jumped in 2008 with the bailout funds.

For Obama's first term, deficits were all greater than 1 Trillion a year, and that number dropped by a factor of 2 after the re-election. At the same time, Republicans gained control of the house. Hence the reduction in deficit came with Republicans in control of the House of Representatives and controlling the budget making process.

It's not related to the president, but congress, and when the Democrats were in control of congress, the deficits jumped.
I get bothered when people refer to budget deficits as "the Bush deficits" or "the Obama deficits". Passing a budget is the job of Congress, so the budget deficit should be viewed in that context. The budget deficit for most of Bush's second term was relatively low (~4-500 billion) but it jumped in 2008 with the bailout funds.

For Obama's first term, deficits were all greater than 1 Trillion a year, and that number dropped by a factor of 2 after the re-election. At the same time, Republicans gained control of the house. Hence the reduction in deficit came with Republicans in control of the House of Representatives and controlling the budget making process.

It's not related to the president, but congress, and when the Democrats were in control of congress, the deficits jumped.

The only reason Bill Clinton had those years of surplus budgets was because he refused to sign off on tax cuts that the GOP congress thirsted for.

You gloss over the fact that the tax cuts passed under Bush were the biggest driver of his deficits. Congress AND W lost an opportunity to cut the national debt during a relatively good economy. Instead, they took a budget surplus and cut taxes without offsetting spending cuts. Like hogs at the trough, the 1% fed off of deficit spending.

Deficit spending is necessary during a recession. Obama handled the recession adroitly then worked with Congress to drive that deficit down once the recession was over.

All the GOP candidates are beating the tax cut drum again. Without offsetting spending cuts. Guess what will happen if they have their way.

This bit about Democrats causing the early deficits again is completely made up shit. Reagan pushed for and got tax cuts without offsetting spending cuts in his early years in office. He called it "tax reform" and oh yes, the GOP embraces this measure to this day as their own.

So, Mags, you are again full of shit. You have it backwards. Democratic presidents have been fiscally prudent regardless of party holding control of Congress. Whenever Republican presidents hold power with a Republican congress its hog feeding time and the deficit balloons.

Here is a graphic that I know you will hate. It completely blow up this argument that the debt is somehow the fault of profligate Democrats:

“What if Reagan and the Bushes had balanced their own budgets?” And what if Clinton and Obama had taxed the same and spent the same as they actually did?

The answer is that the National Debt would now be lower by $13.5 trillion! So that’s the Republican National Debt — according to their own standard of balanced budgets.
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Yea, well, they are all going to come together, plus the Independents to bury Trump.
So, put your balls on the line Not GOP, and tell me who would you want as President for the next 4 years? Trump or Clinton. Not wish for, but actually would feel comfortable with.for it to happen, and actually represent this country on the world stage, not to some pig farmers in Iowa. Trump? Go ahead, and while your at it, tell me why he is the best choice to lead this country. Do you have children, and want to actually vote for a man, that questions global warming, for instance? That call most Mexicans that enter this country illegally rapists and thieves, and essentially calls all Muslims terrorists and wants ban them from this country Explain that while your at it
Yea, well, they are all going to come together, plus the Independents to bury Trump.
So, put your balls on the line Not GOP, and tell me who would you want as President for the next 4 years? Trump or Clinton. Not wish for, but actually would feel comfortable with.for it to happen, and actually represent this country on the world stage, not to some pig farmers in Iowa. Trump? Go ahead, and while your at it, tell me why he is the best choice to lead this country. Do you have children, and want to actually vote for a man, that questions global warming, for instance? That call most Mexicans that enter this country illegally rapists and thieves, and essentially calls all Muslims terrorists and wants ban them from this country Explain that while your at it

If Hillary can't turn out the base, she's in big trouble. With not much voter enthusiasm to begin with,
now she has to deal with Bernie supports that hate her, and the DNC for helping rig the nomination process.
A lot of Socialists think she's not far enough to the left, like Bernie. Others believe she is a pathological liar. Some Democrats resent the establishment and Hillary for being in wall street's pocket, and facilitating crony capitalism.

The vicious establishment struggle is not only happening in the Republican Party my friend