Happy frog fert

Is it considered safe for teas? If it's not safe for that I'd rather not keep. My desire is to keep it safe and clean and learn and improve. No garbage in my soils
Is it considered safe for teas? If it's not safe for that I'd rather not keep. My desire is to keep it safe and clean and learn and improve. No garbage in my soils
"Derived from: Fish Meal, Composted Seabird Guano, Kelp, Rock Phosphate, Potassium Carbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, Calcium Carbonate."

Yeah it would probably work in a tea, but i'd keep it on hand in case you feel like you need a quick bloom boost.

Just use earthworm castings or GH Ancient forest, either with un-sulfured organic molasses for your teas. Maybe add some granular kelp; cant really go wrong with that recipe.

Bloom pro is "organic based" and has many organic aspects; teas are all about microbes and anything with organic aspects relies on microbes to feed the plant. From this I draw the conclusion that if you did decide to add it to a tea it would probably be fine; if not add a more diverse microbe life. But once again EWC or GH Ancient forest (ancient forest is my fav for teas) with molasses would probably be ideal
Well the pro blend is a sythentic fert, fairly close to fox farm tiger bloom.

The pure bloom is an organic dry mixture and packed with everything needed for a microbe brew.
Fox Farm isn't organic....neither is happy frog....
listen you clown...u blew up my thread with this shit...we just went over this...happy frog dry ferts and soil is organic so is ff of....they have some bottled nuts that are as well...u need to stop and quit being the king of what's organic around here...nobody gives a shit..just leave
Time Release??...Happy Frog Fruit & Flower is slow release because it is all organic. Or "Natural". Not like miracle grow chemicals..what you are doing is feeding the soil. I have found it is good stuff. I just cut it down. I do 2 TBS in the top of a 5 gallon fabric pot. then 1 tbs every 1st of the month and 15th. Water- Water - Nutes - water - water - nutes...in that "pattern".. screw this chemistry crap you need with 3-5 parts. I do like Advanced Nutrients organic as a supplement in my "pattern".
Keep it organic, enjoy the fight in your soil.
I bout two 4lb bags of their fruit and flower 7-5-4 and added 6lbs to about 30 gallons of ffhf and compost. I'm saving the other 2lbs for teas. I may need to get some more perlite and some glacial rock dust to add to the final mix after it cooks. I plan to do a lot of ferments and teas to help my plants out this season. This is my first serious go at all organic. If anyone knows of anything else I should add lmk
I have tried many "Dry" Natural/Organic fertilizers in my soil. Aside from the N-P-K being different - keep in mind How Fast It Breaks down is key. Some can be broken down in 2-3 weeks and others can take 2-3 months to breakdown. I have found Happy Frog, Down to Earth and Coast of Maine break down in weeks. Epsoma on the other hand takes longer and has it's place early in planting, but not so swell as a top soil treatment in flowering.
I've been using 555 happy frog for years now. It's good stuff...I've used it in teas & my recycled mix.. Why all the hate?

I'm with you. I started with bottled synthetics, then transitioned to a sort of "faux-ganics", and now I just recycle my soil and throw some tea at it here and there.

I've been using the happy frog fert since back when it was also sold under "peace of mind" brand. There's NOTHING wrong with it if you understand what it is, which is an organic top feed for those times your soil might run out of steam before the plant is done.

Which brings me to my next point...sometimes soil isn't able to keep up with N requirements late into flower. What the hell is all this crap in this thread about "slow release N is bad for cannabis"? Half the battle for me while dialing in my water only soil mix was making sure the plant was able to get the N it needs midway through flower.

I have been inactive on these boards for quite some time but I REALLY hate to think that the nonsense adage of "N is bad for flower" is still persisting, along with the bs about the fert in question.

The top dress stuff isn't ideal, but it's not Satan for fuck sake, and neither is N in flower.
I'm about to order 2 18 lb bags of hf ff and hf jump start... some kelp meal..few minerals.. casting till I get my bin going...and w the rabbit shit I use I bet I'll grow some incredible dank ORGANIC smoke