It's better to spend your $ on new clones than on bond/attorney fees though right?
Done this one myself a few years ago. Pigs showed up looking for my brother who isn't even welcome on my property. Told em he wasn't there. They asked if they could look. Told em to get a Warrant.
Tore up 3 small moms and chucked em pots and all in the pool out back. 12 foot privacy fence. Only way they could have seen in there was either climbing the roof or a trampoline. Chained my dogs up outside.
Went back in and 4 more squade cars rolled in. They had a Warrant in 15 minutes.
They were pretty moms too. I was about a week away from taking a bazillion cuttings and stripping em down to nothing. It set me back.
Better than being in the pokey though with my bro