Chakra Energies - Education of The Soul


so i posted a thread just like this in the
"Spirituality & Sexuality & Philosophy" section on
it barley got any views and the only responses were basically bashing chakra energies.

who knows about this philosophy and understands them and practices chakra lessons daily??? yoga or not.


This is a powerful deep healing meditation, I highly recommend it.

I am a Reiki II Practitioner and Medical Massage Therapist- familiar with Chakra energy, meditation, yoga, etc

Please watch this too if you haven't seen it yet.

-Mrs. 2112
This is a powerful deep healing meditation, I highly recommend it.

I am a Reiki II Practitioner and Medical Massage Therapist- familiar with Chakra energy, meditation, yoga, etc

Please watch this too if you haven't seen it yet.

-Mrs. 2112
At one point in time I was considering learning reiki well enough to become a practitioner. Thanks for this and any future information.
At one point in time I was considering learning reiki well enough to become a practitioner. Thanks for this and any future information.
My ex gf was pretty into it, one of the only things I miss about the cheating whore lmao... that might have been a little mean :mrgreen:
At one point in time I was considering learning reiki well enough to become a practitioner. Thanks for this and any future information.

No problem!
Any questions are welcome.
There's not much to learn to be able to practice Reiki- the main aspect is the attunement, where a Reiki Master opens the Crown Chakra and Palm Chakras and "attunes" them to the Reiki (Universal healing energy) which enables the practitioner to channel the energy from the palms to the client- with or without touch. One can use intention to guide the Reiki but ultimately the Universe/God/The All will direct it. Also there are a few symbols (Reiki Karuna Master is the highest level that has access to them all) that can be learned to "enhance" the energy, send it from a distance (time or space), and much more! It can be used for relaxation, pain relief, burns, cuts/wounds, broken bones, broken appliances (seriously..), etc. etc., anything and everything really! This is an Ancient form of healing, re-discovered in Japan and spread around the globe- Kaiser Permanente even started offering it as a method to speed up recovery time in the hospital in the mid 90's! I highly encourage anyone and everyone to experience Reiki healing and/or attunement sessions- to utilize and take advantage of the Unconditional Universal Love Energy that has been made available to anyone who seeks it!
If anyone is near Palm Springs, there are attunements held at Crystal Fantasy. Feel free to PM me for Reiki Master contact info if interested.
Learn more here:

-Mrs. 2112
No problem!
Any questions are welcome.
There's not much to learn to be able to practice Reiki- the main aspect is the attunement, where a Reiki Master opens the Crown Chakra and Palm Chakras and "attunes" them to the Reiki (Universal healing energy) which enables the practitioner to channel the energy from the palms to the client- with or without touch. One can use intention to guide the Reiki but ultimately the Universe/God/The All will direct it. Also there are a few symbols (Reiki Karuna Master is the highest level that has access to them all) that can be learned to "enhance" the energy, send it from a distance (time or space), and much more! It can be used for relaxation, pain relief, burns, cuts/wounds, broken bones, broken appliances (seriously..), etc. etc., anything and everything really! This is an Ancient form of healing, re-discovered in Japan and spread around the globe- Kaiser Permanente even started offering it as a method to speed up recovery time in the hospital in the mid 90's! I highly encourage anyone and everyone to experience Reiki healing and/or attunement sessions- to utilize and take advantage of the Unconditional Universal Love Energy that has been made available to anyone who seeks it!
If anyone is near Palm Springs, there are attunements held at Crystal Fantasy. Feel free to PM me for Reiki Master contact info if interested.
Learn more here:

-Mrs. 2112
You know I'm imagining that a baby is telling me all this right now. I'm just saying.
I'd like to try that reiki healing on my hands... I got about 8 broken metacarpals from a bike accident. Hurts to type, break up weed, lots of stuff
I can introduce you to my ex she practices reiki. We still talk quite a bit. Just know she will more than likely try to sleep with you lol.
I can introduce you to my ex she practices reiki. We still talk quite a bit. Just know she will more than likely try to sleep with you lol.
That's fine with me cause I literally have no sexual interest in anyone that gives the vibe of "I wanna sleep with you immediately" cause I need a lasting relationship if that's ever gonna happen. One that's as strong as my bond with psychedelics.
That's fine with me cause I literally have no sexual interest in anyone that gives the vibe of "I wanna sleep with you immediately" cause I need a lasting relationship if that's ever gonna happen. One that's as strong as my bond with psychedelics.
Hey man she's a good lay and I can honestly say It wouldn't bother me lol as the dead song goes "we can share the women, we can share the wine" :bigjoint:but for real though the reiki does help it's awesome.
I'd like to try that reiki healing on my hands... I got about 8 broken metacarpals from a bike accident. Hurts to type, break up weed, lots of stuff

I will send you distance Reiki :) won't be as strong as if it were in person, but should still help a bit. Also sometimes Reiki provides relief instantly, other times it sends an answer or opportunity for relief in another form, as if the Universe directs the Reiki to attract exactly what will alleviate the ailment at the time that is right for the individual.

-Mrs. 2112
Seven Chakras With Relation To Tantra(A Journey Into Consciousness Through Seven Chakras)

"Chakras associated with our latent instincts, opinions and emotions are placed in the lower portion of our physical structure, whileChakras governing the mind and intellect are located above the center. Chakras directly govern our psychological behavior. Chakras aredirectly connected to our physical health, psychological behavior, and our emotional well being.
The chakras also hold a vital key for the ecstasy or union of males and females. To interpret this easily, realize the obvious fact about thefirst chakra, our sex center.In Tantra men & women can meet each other through this divinejourney of rising upwards from Root Chakra to Crown Chakra. Its union between to two polarities. Masculine & feminine side of theuniverse a Union between shiva & shakti.There are four levels of union that can be achieved through the chakras. Which is Physical union, Emotional union, Psychological union and Spiritual union. Men and woman can mutually help each other to undergo the first three unions, hence that they get to the seventh chakra, where the duality of male and female energies merge into each other in the shape of a blissful and spiritual climax. Men & women have opposite polarities in their chakras and these polarities are reversed as we climb up through the chakra, from the Root Chakra to Crown Chakra. Practically opposites attract, a man’s positive polarity is attracted towards a woman’s receptive polarity.
The positive polarity of the male is located in 3 chakras, which are the Root Chakra, the Solar plexus Chakras & the Throat Chakra. At thesame time Negative polarity for the male is located in 3 chakras,which are the Sacral Chakra, the Heart Chakra & the Third Eye Chakra.The positive polarity for the women is located in 3 chakras, which arethe Sacral Chakra, the Heart Chakra & the Third Eye Chakra. At the same time Negative polarity for the females is also located in 3chakras, which are the Root Chakra, the Solar plexus Chakras & the Throat Chakra. Crown Chakra is beyond duality, and thus has no male or female polarity."

Except from: Tantra Meditation For Individuals: A Step-By-Step Manual Guide Of 21 Psychic Chakra Tantra Breathing Meditation Techniques To Unfold Spiritual Well-Being By Integrating Body, Mind, Heart And Soul
How was it?

-Mrs. 2112
I tried it and it says One cannot do this exercise unless the spine is erect.
I only meditate lying down, as of now. Due to My scoliosis.
Training My spine to get back to a healthy posture is quite difficult.

I cannot even breathe right. There is a reason I love psychedelics so much...
Because I have a condition that is literally holding Me back to achieving ananda.