• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

how do i tell my fam i smoke weed?


Well-Known Member
don't tell them. I remember when I wanted to tell my parents because I didn't think they would mind. they certainly did and I would have kept it to myself if I could have helped it.

and wait I remember the first time my dad found out. he read a text on my phone about me being so high and we had a talk. I told him I didn't try it a lot because at the time I was just getting into it. I don't remember what he said but he was upset..I always feel like my dad is disappointed in me and it's really paid a tole on me, so I basically have an apathetic relationship with him anyway.


Well-Known Member
I found with my mom at least the direct approach worked the best. I sat down with my mom and had a calm discussion about it. We talked about why I smoke the pros / cons of smoking. I also found that she was prey to those popular misconceptions about pot. I found that when i could provide research to debunk her misconceptions about it that it went a lot smother. However if your parents are against it now I doubt that your first talk will go smoothly and their point of view will not change overnight however once the know that you smoke and see that you are not any different then you have always been their views will start to change. Just don't expect them to be against it today and all for it tonight. I still try not to smoke when my mom is over tho she doesn't really mind now I always feel bad when I am blazing around non smokers and will go to the guest bedroom when she is over and I want to smoke.


Well-Known Member
I never said anything but my mom must have known. My room used to smell danky at night and she'd say it smelt like marijuana and I'd be like 'I don't smell anything' or 'hmm my windows are open that probably why'
Also I spoke to her once after many bowls and she said it smelt like 'marijuana'
It was weird, she never accused me but simply put it out there.. That must mean she didn't really care.
Also my dad smoked back in the day, sometimes with her in the car even though she didnt do that.. straight laced women.

So it probably would have been cool, but why let people know when you don't have to?


Active Member
hey mom and dad i like weed more than anything else in this world for some unknown but loved reason,and i just wanted to let you know


Well-Known Member
Light one up after a family meal and pass to the right. This should introduce marijuana into the conversation, thus enabling you to mention that you are a sex-crazed schizophrenic Reefer Smoker. Or drug-addled geek, your choice.


stays relevant.
make a cake for all to love? then let them know yousmoke pot,,,,if they kick up a stink,,,,lol at them and let them know they just ate a pot cake lolololol;;;

just tell them best way!!

you want him to poison his family? Just because he gets high, doesn't mean everyone else has to also.


Well-Known Member
keep to yourself, but if it ever comes up be honest. They may lay judgment but stand by what you believe in and enjoy. In my case I dont drink, so when someone that slams 15 drinks on saturday says to me weed is horrible and your a pot head, I consider the source and laugh. I would say that the vast majority of adults that knock marijuana would benefit a GREAT deal if they used it instead;-)


Well-Known Member
I know it's easier said then done, but the best thing is to just straight out tell them that you smoke and the pros of smoking and how it's not nearly as bad as most of the other drugs that are out there. lying only makes things so much worse, it's such a relief when you tell the truth afterwards. if they decide not to talk to you for a while, well let them be their problem.

I'm kind of in the same situation now with my parents. they didn't catch me, but they found out after the first couple times I smoked. my parents seemed to be cool with it and told me not to over do it. I assured them I wouldn't and I haven't. That day, we had a long conversation about pot and the how my dad used to toke up until he whitied lol.

but now, things have gotten progressively uglier. my mom found my plant and have caught me after I have smoked with a friend a couple times, never in the act (yeah, i know that makes me sound under 18, but I'm still living with my parents because I still have one more year of high school to finish, I got left back a year lol). she also found the RIU page up on the computer and she read damn near every post on here. it's horrible and pretty embarrassing. she thinks I'm some sort of pothead now and that I smoke ALL the time. truth is, I only smoke every two weeks or so. i told her that, but she still insists that I don't smoke even though she does. fucking hypocrite...I understand her reasoning to an extent (her reasoning being that it will ruin my life and all this other bullshit...I honestly don't see how she smokes pot and is still sucked in by the false accusations pot is given). I can't argue with her without my dad butting in and telling me not to back talk to my mother or threatening to beat the shit out of me.....you know, I'm getting too into this. I'm really sorry.

point is, you should just tell them. you may get some snide remarks, but it could be SO much worse. they know that you're the same person after smoking, it just might be a little awkward the first hour or so they know this little bit of info about you.

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
Mom and I joke about it quite a bit. I was talking to her about the pros and cons of growing when we were dropping the little bro off at college. She called me addicted, and I said Fuck yes, til I die.

I also don't live at home, its kinda nice cause my father and stepmother would like to drop by unannounced and the basement would just REEK. We were all grins(my roommate is my step-bro) happy to see them and just acting our stoned selves. They don't drop by unannounced anymore, problem solved :twisted::lol::twisted:

Though step mom told her entire side of the family, she said she wanted to make the pipes she has confiscated into christmas ornaments....doh. keep the sherlock and the slide, but that bubbler was money, I miss that one.


Active Member
I would personally recommend to NOT SAY SHIT!!!!!11!!!111!
I thought that if I told my mom she would be cool with it... But fuckkk no, she made me take a blood and a piss test the day after i told her, she took my phone, my car, and raided my room and stole my stash... Soooo unless you know your parents smoke I really wouldn't. Plus whenever you do something dumb there gunna say "are you high?" And that gets annoying as fuck after a few days =/

el shaggy

Well-Known Member
different strokes for different folks.

Marijuana has always been a family affair, my sisters old boyfriend first introduced me and 4 out of 5 siblings used to smoke together on a daily basis when we all lived near each other. I make jokes about the fifth and youngest being uncorruptable to the parents, they get such an uneasy looks, cause that means I have offered it.

as for Hoppus' situation, Thats similar to my step mother, she will lie to all of our faces to make her look like a good parent. She claims to have never touched pot or alcohol in high school and college. Her Ex-husband tells us kids differently. That hypocrosy is so disgusting it really makes me lose some respect for her, and makes me want to be as transparent and honest with my own offspring while looking out for their safety. Because that must be her rationale she must think she is protecting us by lieing to us.


Well-Known Member
If you have a stable job and/or are doing well in college, have a good relationship with your family, and are healthy (basically things that stereotypical stoners aren't) then I would just go the honest route and plain out say that you're tired of keeping something like this from them. Tell them that as their family you love them enough to let them into you're personal life even if it makes you uncomfortable at the moment. That's the approach I'm gonna take when I finally tell them (after I graduate from college and start my career). As a backup plan you can always research some of the health benefits of weed on erowid or wikipedia.


Well-Known Member
my whole family keeps asking me how my plants are except my mum :)

^^ dont talk to her atm. :( but she knows where she can find dat piff :D


I guess the best way is just to tell em, look i smoke weed. nothing you can do about........ I'll still carry on living my life.. and if they say well your life will sink.. say, do u think my life is sinking now ? If they say no... You answer them with this, well i've been smoking it for ages now.... So please i think i have proven my point that i can stick to things and wont become a waste of space.........

If they just dont like marijuana and dont see any benefits coming from it, or see you getting drag'd down.. then theres basicly no chance.. untill the point comes where they have to accept it.. and prob throw u out... :)

haha ^^

but its cool to live on ya own dude..... way better


Well-Known Member
as for Hoppus' situation, Thats similar to my step mother, she will lie to all of our faces to make her look like a good parent. She claims to have never touched pot or alcohol in high school and college. Her Ex-husband tells us kids differently. That hypocrosy is so disgusting it really makes me lose some respect for her, and makes me want to be as transparent and honest with my own offspring while looking out for their safety. Because that must be her rationale she must think she is protecting us by lieing to us.
well it's not that my mom denies it, she's just one of those people that tell you not to smoke pot and has a pot leaf tattooed on their arm and is getting done smoking their second joint. it's annoying lol.


New Member
I had the opposite problem. When my son was in HS he kept getting searched by the principal. The principal at the school here was always searching the kids. If you weren't on a sports team you had to be on drugs and therefore were subject to search pretty much every day. I knew my kid didn't take any contraband to school. We lived close enough that he'd come here on his lunch to get high. It would piss me off so bad that the guy would search and find nothing, so then he'd want to search every day and still find nothing.

I knew my kid smoked and he knew we smoked so it wasn't a big deal. He knew better than to take that shit to school to. That principal and I went around and around about it. He got pissed one time because my son called him a stupid motherfucker during one of the searches. The prin called me up on speaker phone to tell me about it. I assured him that he was indeed a stupid motherfucker.

My son ended up quitting school his senior year, he was just so sick of being harrassed by the principal.

One day someone will treat that jerkoffs kid the way he's treated so many other kids around here and then we'll see how he likes it.


Well-Known Member
dude the school system fucks so many kids these days...

My lil bro whos 18 dropped out of school in his last semester of 12th grade...

because of almost the same shit..

Im homeschooling my children...


Well-Known Member
plus theres a serious lack of good teachers out there..

most of them hate their job.

and im a teacher myself but not like schoolwork lol

I teach guitar an music theory

but I also love it! I wish I would have had teachers that had a passion about what they did.

I prob would have done ALOT better