White Male Opens Fire At Black Candidates Campaign Office


Well-Known Member

Five people were taken into custody and questioned late Monday in connection with the apparent racially motivated shooting at a Texas campaign office, police said.

Zena Stephens, who is Black and a university police chief, is seeking the Democratic nomination to run for the role of sheriff in Jefferson County.

Stephens told NBC News that she was standing outside her campaign headquarters in Beaumont, Texas, when a white male in a white Jeep pulled up and shouted “f*ck the n*ggers.” Seconds later, a shot shattered the glass door of the building.

No one was hit or injured. There were about 25 people inside the building and five or six outside the office, Stephens said.
lol...u seem like a very angry racist person to me. everything u post is race related.....there is more in life.
Define the word "racist", and then correctly apply it to me. I'm willing to bet that you can't. And the fact that you would take offense not with the events that I've posted, but with the fact that I posted them, speaks pretty ill of you homie. Not a good look.
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I have to wonder why? Thats very uneducated, even for a texan.
Perhaps it's just media bait to keep our attention.

Aubrey McClendon, considered a maverick in the energy industry, died in a fiery single-car crash Wednesday, less than 24 hours after he was indicted by a federal grand jury for conspiring to rig bids for oil and natural gas leases.

U.S. Department of Justice said, is the first case in an ongoing federal antitrust investigation into price fixing, bid rigging and other anti-competitive conduct in the oil and natural gas industry.

I just hope this time the evidence doesn't implode.
I'd love to get our country back.

Discrimination is a luxury we can't afford.
I would wager the bit about the man jumping out and yelling "kill the kneegrows" is made up.

Added for a good bit of drama. Note that not only was the man white, but it had to be a white jeep too.

I've no way of disproving here. But I'd say that's just what she wanted the world to know, instead of what actually happend.
I would wager the bit about the man jumping out and yelling "kill the kneegrows" is made up.

Added for a good bit of drama. Note that not only was the man white, but it had to be a white jeep too.

I've no way of disproving here. But I'd say that's just what she wanted the world to know, instead of what actually happend.

I honestly have no idea why anyone would find this surprising. They drag people behind trucks down there.
You might find this story interesting, Beakat.


"Quenette made the unfortunate mistake of trying to speak candidly about race after her students prompted her to address the recent protests on campus. She conceded that as a white person, she had trouble putting herself in the shoes of activists.

"As a white woman I just never have seen the racism… It’s not like I see ‘Nigger’ spray-painted on walls," she said, according to a student-initiated petition to get her fired. "
I heard about this when it happened. If it were up to me, I would not fire her. I absolutely believe that what she did was wrong (gotta be smarter than that), but I'm given the impression that this was a mistake and I would take into consideration her intent and I'd discipline her in some other fashion. And from what I've read, it seems as though she was about to make an excellent point.