Donald Trump

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Ok, so you also say you don't think he's going to be a great president. Why are you supporting a candidate that you think will be a poor or at best mediocre president? And before you deny saying so, here is your quote. My god you have a bad memory. Is it lead or mercury poisoning that's affecting you?

I like donald trump. Nowhere in any of my statements did I say otherwise. You either misread what I said or made assumptions about it. It isnt my memory, it is your response that is a failure.

I like Greg Gutfeld on the five on Fox News. He is funny. I dont think he would make a good president.

Same thing with Trump.

Maybe the reason people argue with you so much is because of you.
I like your graph
Except if they're poor, right?

I like your graph the split comes right after that drunk asshole Ted Kennedy massively expanded immigration. More people from 3rd world countries only hurts the most vulnerable in the populace. Thanks for pointing that out. Your one of the free free free crowd I'm sure. Now stop wasting oxygen.
Your Delusional.
If you plan on insulting someone [here], at least have a good grasp of the English language.
I might vote for Bernie . You don't know who I might vote for. I can tell you one thing, it will not be that cunt Hillary. Don't need another 4 years of Obama care.
She makes me sick. Puking sick.
No you wont. You are a Trump fan. You're a liar with subpar intelligence, you are the exact demographic Trump supporters fall in line with.
I like donald trump. Nowhere in any of my statements did I say otherwise. You either misread what I said or made assumptions about it. It isnt my memory, it is your response that is a failure.

I like Greg Gutfeld on the five on Fox News. He is funny. I dont think he would make a good president.

Same thing with Trump.

Maybe the reason people argue with you so much is because of you.
As you have said, Trump will not be a great president, why do you support somebody for president that you think will be mediocre or poor as a president.
The only time in a looooong time that we had a balanced budget, a surplus, even, was under Bill Clinton. The Republicans took over and away we went, back into mega deficits. Mega deficits began under Reagan's tax cuts and never let up until, you guessed it, Bill Clinton fixed it.

Not quite, Sherlock. What important detail did you conveniently leave out about the American Economy during the Clinton presidency? I'll give you a hint...Clinton had nothing to do with it and we were all surfing on it...
Not quite, Sherlock. What important detail did you conveniently leave out about the American Economy during the Clinton presidency? I'll give you a hint...Clinton had nothing to do with it and we were all surfing on it...
Budget surplus 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. Clinton president, no tax cuts in spite of demands for such from the Republican controlled Congress. Tax cuts under Bush ended any possibility of a balanced budget.
If you plan on insulting someone [here], at least have a good grasp of the English language.

No you wont. You are a Trump fan. You're a liar with subpar intelligence, you are the exact demographic Trump supporters fall in line with.

You forgot to put an apostrophe in the word won't.

Sub Par should be spaced or hyphened

Won't = Will not

This is the internetz...dont get mad sone .. if you can't get ur ducks in a row why flame on some won ..

u wanna flame me cuz of mah grammerz
Budget surplus 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. Clinton president, no tax cuts in spite of demands for such from the Republican controlled Congress. Tax cuts under Bush ended any possibility of a balanced budget.
Stop avoiding the question...what major event happened to the American economy during the Clinton pesidency?

And the Clinton budget surplus myth has already been debunked. While he did pay down the Public Debt, Intergovernmental holdings ballooned meaning that Clinton just borrowed money from SS to pay down the public debt creating the myth of a "budget surplus"
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As you have said, Trump will not be a great president, why do you support somebody for president that you think will be mediocre or poor as a president.

I have already answered that in this thread. Because I do not get to pick who I want for president, I only get to pick from the 2 false choices the political system presents me. Given all of the current choices, Trump is the best.

This is not a difficult concept. Are you having trouble processing it?
You forgot to put an apostrophe in the word won't.

Sub Par should be spaced or hyphened

Won't = Will not

This is the internetz...dont get mad sone .. if you can't get ur ducks in a row why flame on some won ..

u wanna flame me cuz of mah grammerz

You are nit picking on a missing apostrophe as compared to the misuse of a word. Very big difference. You are far too stupid to comprehend such logic. So sorry.

Wont = won't = will not.

Your ≠ youre = you're.

Youre (you're) not smart enough to get it. That's ok. Nobody takes you seriously anyway.
You are nit picking on a missing apostrophe as compared to the misuse of a word. Very big difference. You are far too stupid to comprehend such logic. So sorry.

Wont = won't = will not.

Your ≠ youre = you're.

Youre (you're) not smart enough to get it. That's ok. Nobody takes you seriously anyway.

i dont take you seriously too... so poop

i remember while back on there was a thread about grammar, punctuation and all that shit

on a forum ..there is a thing called internet slang

if i was to write sometihng serious .. i can

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You are nit picking on a missing apostrophe as compared to the misuse of a word. Very big difference. You are far too stupid to comprehend such logic. So sorry.

Wont = won't = will not.

Your ≠ youre = you're.

Youre (you're) not smart enough to get it. That's ok. Nobody takes you seriously anyway.

You should look in a mirror and present yourself with a medal of honor. I just have to say that your education is really really fucking paying off. TRUMP!
You forgot to put an apostrophe in the word won't.

Sub Par should be spaced or hyphened

Won't = Will not

This is the internetz...dont get mad sone .. if you can't get ur ducks in a row why flame on some won ..

u wanna flame me cuz of mah grammerz

Sub Par [sic] should be Sub par, and the sentence "Sub Par [sic] should be spaced or hyphened" should be "spaced or hyphenated[sic]" and end with a period. Moreover, "sub par [sic]" is also one word.
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