Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

I got the pigs outta the greenhouse now, they did a marvelous job eating all the weeds, blackberries, grass, and such, but now time to get them elsewhere, and get to doing all the chores needed for the season. The 200 gallon pots should be here any day. Going to go through with a metal rake and re- level the ground out in the greenhouse, then put down weed cloth, then space out the pallets, and get my pots filled. I got the logan labs paperwork filled out, going to hopefully get the mailed out tomorrow to get a soil sample analysis.

the clover in the 8 65s are finally taking the fuck off. the week of sunshine really boosted them. All the daffodils are up and blooming, as are the clematis. Spring is right around the corner!!! God damn I feel behind!!

Going to get my order at farmtek placed next week, and hopefully tomorrow will stop raining, so I can get some more rat runs up, and maybe the doors to.

I also ordered a 100' coleman string of lights to hang in the greenhouse and move the plants out when I can, and run the lights on a timer to keep em in veg. Anyway, everything is coming together slowly but surely.
I guess I should specifiy, logan labs does a full run out - tests everything, exact nutrient levels, % of organic matter, ph, metals, trace, all sorts of info. And, they give you advice on what is missing and how much to add. since I am going in the pots, I really want to make sure I have a healthy soil, as its the key to monsters.
I watched a couple permaculture videos today and they were using red wattle heritage breed pigs to till over fresh ground that had never been farmed in NH. Dude said they would even eat all the damn weed seed. He said only thing he had t got them to do yet was dig up the stumps and roll them down to the burn pile lol. They are tilling, fertilizing mofos.
yea, they are ALWAYS eating. it blew me away how well their nose works as a shovel. they can easily get a good 6 inches into the ground per scoop, and they find every little scrap of plant stuff. It was simply amazing watching them munch on blackberry crowns and roots. I fight the berries at my place all summer last year. they come up EVERYWHERE on my property. Like literally, if i didnt mow weekly, I would have a berry batch and thats it. I have high hopes this wont be the case this year. I got them where I am going to plant my veggie garden now.

I watched a couple permaculture videos today and they were using red wattle heritage breed pigs to till over fresh ground that had never been farmed in NH. Dude said they would even eat all the damn weed seed. He said only thing he had t got them to do yet was dig up the stumps and roll them down to the burn pile lol. They are tilling, fertilizing mofos.
I watched a couple permaculture videos today and they were using red wattle heritage breed pigs to till over fresh ground that had never been farmed in NH. Dude said they would even eat all the damn weed seed. He said only thing he had t got them to do yet was dig up the stumps and roll them down to the burn pile lol. They are tilling, fertilizing mofos.
And they make bacon.
And those are gonna be available to purchase soon too right?

At this point, I am sooooooo far from being able to sell any genetics. I am just a pollen chucker learning :) To be honest, I was surprised people even wanted any of my seeds lol. I am happy to share, and would love to follow any grow journals like a proud papa. Can't promise anything outta the beans, other then I started with the best genetics I had at the time. Stuff that isn't fire and that patients don't blow my phone up over, dont stick around.
At this point, I am sooooooo far from being able to sell any genetics. I am just a pollen chucker learning :) To be honest, I was surprised people even wanted any of my seeds lol. I am happy to share, and would love to follow any grow journals like a proud papa. Can't promise anything outta the beans, other then I started with the best genetics I had at the time. Stuff that isn't fire and that patients don't blow my phone up over, dont stick around.

I was just thinking that cross was one that Doc was gonna have on Gorilla, must have been high lol.