nuggs 2016


Well-Known Member
Seems like it was the right time for me to put down the shovel. :( Hopefully I can sort out something indoors in the coming months. :(


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I will do much outdoor or not.w my town banning it outright. indoor has been going well though. I'm hoping I can at least do a few smaller ones in a small g house this year... We shall see...


Well-Known Member
I just tested a bunch yesterday @Smidge34 . I am not sure if what I have is viable either, though its been kept with rice in the fridge. Best way to keep it viable I would say is to mix it with flour and keep that in a bag with some rice. As long as it doesnt get moisture its fine. The moisture is what kills it. Also after the seeds start forming you can hose the rest of the area down to make any pollen unviable.....
Dude don't do the flour shit just keep it dry and cool away from light.


Well-Known Member
that was a hard lesson I had to learn! Few plants I tried pollinating the whole plants barely yielded seeds, ones I actually painted with a brush work gave good numbers of seeds. I need to practice a few different flower times post pollination, as the majority of my seeds came out lighter/whiter then I had hoped for nice turtles!
35 - 39 days is what is required but you have to remember your girl is pregnant and require special feeding. You want higher than normal K for seed development.


Well-Known Member
Admittedly, I also used flour along with rice in the humidity controlled portion of my fridge with my negative experiences. I'll try it your way way as it would change the name of my game if I could lol. Any time limit you have found in storage Doc?
I have keep it for like a year but past that I have not had much experience. I did find some Ken's GDP from 2013 I am going to give a shot. It made some nice plants too:)
I lost some nice GDB pollen to the flour:(


Well-Known Member
I recently saw mushrooms popping up. Not.sure why. Plants look healthy. Not sure how worms got in my mix either but they are there.
I have had fungal blooms and so has joedank. We were just taking about it and should help more than hurt. Worms will hatch from the castings if to large a screen is used.