Everything MMA Thread

I seen it today someone put it on youtube. I think it might be the last time we see Silva. It was close I thought Silva was gonna pull it off. If there had been 10-15 seconds left in the third he would've ended it. That knee was nasty, just to close to the end of the round. One thing that stuck out to me at the of the fight, I was sayin to myself "does this fuckin guy bleed or swell up ever?" He had a little mark under his eye I believe came from a poke. Bisbings nose is still dripping blood an hour later at the press conference.
Fight pass is so fucking retarded it infuriates me that it exists. Considering the money that I spend on ppv and attending live events I should never be charged for extra shit....but my bro hit me up yesterday and told me it was a hell of a fight, so I paid the stupid 10 bucks and watched it. It was a hard fight to call. I had Bisping winning 1 and 2 Silva winning 3,4,5. The 4th could have went either way. It seemed to me like Silva could have toasted him if he would stop clowning around and just be aggressive, but who knows. I hear ya @KryptoBud about Silva's face. Its made of kevlar.
He loves dropping his hands. For a 40 year old guy he's still fast. Never been a huge fan of Silva, but its kinda sad watching a fighter who was considered the best in the world losing to a mid tier fighter on fight pass.
He loves dropping his hands. For a 40 year old guy he's still fast. Never been a huge fan of Silva, but its kinda sad watching a fighter who was considered the best in the world losing to a mid tier fighter on fight pass.

I didn't see the fight, has he won a fight since pissing hot?
I didn't see the fight, has he won a fight since pissing hot?
He beat Nick Diaz, but it could've gone either way. Same with last night, if he would've been busier he could have won. I posted a few days ago about the new drug testing being used and guys that weren't beat in years have all lost since.
Silva actually looked pretty good I thought. He destroyed Bispings face. I would have gave him the decision. In the 5th round when he landed that front kick square on Bispings face it was mind blowing that he didn't blitz him and get him outta there.
Is anyone surprised that he would say that? I'll be cheering for CM myself. Never been a big Diaz Fan myself.
I heard this interview on submission radio. At first I thought it was the Diaz camp using some reverse phycology trying to CM emotional. Then a former fighter announcer Dan Hardy was saying we will never see CM fight at 145 again. I don't remember word for word what he said but basically he put on to much muscle mass to be able to cut down to 145. Diaz's coach also said Nate agreed to fight at 155, CM wanted to move up. I don't know about ped's I think he was killing himself to make 145. I've never seen anybody that looked worse. He didn't look like the same person. It'll be interesting to see how his speed and power carry over if he ever fights a legit contender.
Diaz's coach also said Nate agreed to fight at 155, CM wanted to move up. I don't know about ped's I think he was killing himself to make 145. I've never seen anybody that looked worse. He didn't look like the same person. It'll be interesting to see how his speed and power carry over if he ever fights a legit contender.
I agree, CM looked horrible at the 145 weigh ins.I think McGregor will have no problem bringing his power to 155. Against true 170 pounders I think he is in for a rude awakening though. He'll still have power and timing but those guys are huge. Small welter-weights walk around at 190. I am so stoked for this weekend. I love both guys so I'm a bit torn. That press conference was great, I watched the entire thing.
You guys are going to get to really see McGregor's power against Diaz. I think the first round Nate's gonna get lit up, opened up in the 2nd and put away in the 3rd, straight left, TKO
You guys are going to get to really see McGregor's power against Diaz. I think the first round Nate's gonna get lit up, opened up in the 2nd and put away in the 3rd, straight left, TKO

Yeah.. I could see that, I'm confident If Diaz stands n exchanges hes getting tagged n dropped.. If Diaz shoots n keeps it on the ground he wins on points or submits him. This is a HUGE fight though.. I know Diaz wants to give the fans a show beat CM standing up. This is probably the most interested I've been in a ppv in a few years.