Anyone ever had a single male pre-flower?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I vegged for 3 weeks 16/8. I then switched to 12/12, it's been a week and a half. For a few days I've been able to see this (what I believe is a) male pre-flower, but was hoping it was a calyx that would shit out a hair. Well, that didn't happen. But the thing is, this is the only male pre-flower, theres not even on on the same node, opposite side -- none on the opposing node, and none on the 1 and a half nodes above it. The node directly above it has 2 hairs, and the top one that I consider a half cause it's not grown yet, has 3 hairs.

From what I've been told on another forum, it's practically impossible to have a hermi showing from pre-flower... but every day this looks more and more like a nut.

The offender


Well-Known Member
couldnt really see in the first two pics but going by the third pic, that is 100% a male preflower, pick it off and keep a close eye for any more, could just be a single rogue male preflower, but i reckon if its showing male pre`s so early on, along with fem pre`s, theres a fair chance it will turn out herm, i had some nuts appear on a plant 3wks into 12/12 once, just one branch, nuts on every other node, so i just cut that branch off and no more appeared, you sure you have no light leaks in flower room yea?


Well-Known Member
Its not a pre-flower its the flower and its male.
1st of all it's in pre-flower, that's a pre-flower. There's multiple pistils on the 2 nodes above it, so it's not a male -- at worst, it's hermi. But since I didn't specify, here's my questions(thx londoner).

Has anyone else had somethin like this happen, and what was the end result? Also, anyone who's grown out a herm, how was the bud, and did you use the seeds?


Well-Known Member
The Answer to how good is the bud with a hermi, depends on how long the natural buds were forming before the hermi started, and if the hermi ratio is higher than female flowers. Its not going to be anything close to bud that was forced into hermi and seeded itself or was pollenated and made seeds.


Active Member
i doubt you're still curious what "will happen", but from what i've read, since it showed hermie so early, it's not good since the males have time to develop (and could also pollinate the rest of your females), only hermies that develop male parts very late in the flowering stage are supposedly still of good quality...


Active Member
Dont worry Blink, It happend to me too. I just Plucked the male preflowers off. I had a couple of them on my female and they never came back and she is ok.
it is not a hermie i think. It is just some male hormones showing through. Pick them off you should be fine but keep a close eye on it.


Well-Known Member
herms are dangerous in a flowering room, you dont wana have to keep picking them off otherwise you may forget or jus not b able 2 see and pollenate all ur bitches :(

my friend has a plant atm that only has 1 suspicous looking seed thing atm, the rest are flower lookin things which may b seeds but its too early to tell, if its a herm his also has 1 seed and is just gone into flowering im thinkin mayb a light leak

but could a light leak create a seed so early into flowering? he wasnt even a week in from switchin