The UK Growers Thread!

tbh irish id give em a miss, the instant release oxy tends to make people with no opiate tolerance sick they did me, ive had the 5mg before uk script stuff and they made me sick, not like a 40mg or a 80mg where your buzz nicely for hrs n hrs with the time release coating.

im no oxy expert tho mate, ive had me fair share tho, oxyheads would open them 5mg caps and sniff em or shoot it up even smoke it some do, but thats proper smackville thats what happens often yanks get legit scripts then get hooked and in the end its cheaper to buy herion than it is oxy.

if it was a 40 or a 80 id say dont mess with the time release dont drink maybe take a benzo and a smoke and your in for 6-10hr of a real nice buzz, but them 5mg caps totally different buzz.

if ya feeling wild, have a sniff of the kovo then sniff the oxy the 1 up n 1 down will give you a nice buzz but very dangerous mate they are strong shit

Yea man dnt really want to fck wit em to nite im havin a few drinks and sniff so that will do ... dnt fancy spewin either so mite just sell em on
Yea man dnt really want to fck wit em to nite im havin a few drinks and sniff so that will do ... dnt fancy spewin either so mite just sell em on

your get good money for them over there from people into there heroin but apart from that most wont even no what they are, also irish be careful who you sell em too cause very easy to o.d on oxy n fucking die lol

think i took roughly 200mg in various pills over a day n night whilst taking benzos n drinking n almost died, spent a wk in hospital was proper fucked from em, remember in me druged up stuper ripping a catheter out me nob lol
your get good money for them over there from people into there heroin but apart from that most wont even no what they are, also irish be careful who you sell em too cause very easy to o.d on oxy n fucking die lol

think i took roughly 200mg in various pills over a day n night whilst taking benzos n drinking n almost died, spent a wk in hospital was proper fucked from em, remember in me druged up stuper ripping a catheter out me nob lol

Wud they sell for much on the dn man cause i think i cud get an endless supply ?? Tbh man i dnt know fxk all about legal tabs ha :) so that why i said id ask the experts in here lol :)

Have to say man this flake is very moreish only got a g started it about 4 and she just gone :( il have to go grab sum pub grub cause me main man away for the wknd.. defo gettin sum more of mk gear for mcgregor fite nxt week ..

I know a lot of ppl dnt like him cause he likes talk shit but to jump to 170 is crazy ha :) .. i tink diaz is fckd looked very nerous/anxious in the 196 press conf..
Wud they sell for much on the dn man cause i think i cud get an endless supply ?? Tbh man i dnt know fxk all about legal tabs ha :) so that why i said id ask the experts in here lol :)

Have to say man this flake is very moreish only got a g started it about 4 and she just gone :( il have to go grab sum pub grub cause me main man away for the wknd.. defo gettin sum more of mk gear for mcgregor fite nxt week ..

I know a lot of ppl dnt like him cause he likes talk shit but to jump to 170 is crazy ha :) .. i tink diaz is fckd looked very nerous/anxious in the 196 press conf..

yes mate they would sell on the darknet especially with you being able to to domestic internal deliverys, worth about 5quid a tab irish in england so you could easy get 8-10 euro a tab over there.

mcgregor is fucking nuts mate but i like him hes entertaining, yeah some mixed reports on that Bolivian but i deffo wana give it a bash.

if the person is getting a script for 5mg oxy wouldnt be too hard to get the script up'd, theres plenty of people on the 40s n 80s, think say a box of 80s 28 tabs for a month script worth roughly 900-1000 a fucking box!
yes mate they would sell on the darknet especially with you being able to to domestic internal deliverys, worth about 5quid a tab irish in england so you could easy get 8-10 euro a tab over there.

mcgregor is fucking nuts mate but i like him hes entertaining, yeah some mixed reports on that Bolivian but i deffo wana give it a bash.

Mite sell a few on there. They prop legit aswel from a doc..

He is sum man luv to see a fellow country man doin good :) ..
Swear man think this bolivian is sum of the best i had of him.. id like to know who is hatin on it..
Mite sell a few on there. They prop legit aswel from a doc..

He is sum man luv to see a fellow country man doin good :) ..
Swear man think this bolivian is sum of the best i had of him.. id like to know who is hatin on it..

been quite a few people moaning it smells strange? dont look the part?

ive not tried it tho mate just what ive read, dunno what a acc on nucleus cost roughly 200 me thinks deffo a market for internal delivery vendors in your area tho
been quite a few people moaning it smells strange? dont look the part?

ive not tried it tho mate just what ive read, dunno what a acc on nucleus cost roughly 200 me thinks deffo a market for internal delivery vendors in your area tho

It defo had a nice shine not alot of smell but sure that dnt mean a gole lot.. surely to fck they know wen they do a bump???

Man sum ppl just dnt hav a clue so used to 1 thing wen sumtin better cmes along they turn it away :).. ahh well all the more for me...

U ever read the book marching powder ? Great fckn read if u aint.. its about a lad that gets locked up in a bolivian prison.. nearly sure he was from uk.. great read tho .
It defo had a nice shine not alot of smell but sure that dnt mean a gole lot.. surely to fck they know wen they do a bump???

Man sum ppl just dnt hav a clue so used to 1 thing wen sumtin better cmes along they turn it away :).. ahh well all the more for me...

U ever read the book marching powder ? Great fckn read if u aint.. its about a lad that gets locked up in a bolivian prison.. nearly sure he was from uk.. great read tho .

is that the book bout english bloke who does the prison coke tours? they would bribe the guards and let backpackers into the prison for a night lol they where actually making the sniff inside the prison lol great read mate ive read it a few times.

thats what other reviews have said same as you shorely you no its the pure after a line, but still there was moaners have a read of his feedback

thats another real easy good read, bout a bloke hooked on dexedrine. is much easier, just get a straight person to open a account there you need quite a bit of i.d but its all legal, buying bitcoins is totally legal.

the bitcoin atm's are about makka, few in london and im shore up north too, one of the first was put in dublin a few yrs ago i try find ya a map of the uk bitcoin atm's

manchester,sheffield,glasgow and quite a few in london now.
Well I got a guy now who don't want I'd well he does but I just took a pic of someone else's card with details cover ofcourse lol and bank transfer but if one was close to me to just put cash that would be better imo
cant wait to may so i can stop paying for weed ffs its really dinting mi pocket doing an 8th a day with ma gal!
how ya doin rambo lad were you been lurking lol
not had a good laugh on here for while ;)

yeah im alrite makka aint been up to a great deal mate, just down visiting me family at the mo they got that virgin 150mb net so thats sweet have been downloading loads, back home next wk need to sort the grow out with me mate, shore is nice tho back at mums having everything done for ya lol ark at me mummys boy lmao im 34 in a few wks lol

honest makka using a legit person on localbitcoins is real quick n easy me sister does it for me mostly with internet banking etc get coins real quick, them bitcoin atm's charge a lil more than most i think irish has said before, ive not used one, but when i was looking for ya wasnt many up north, manchester,sheffield,glasgow was all i could find, is prob more tho up north i no theres a good few in london nowdays.
good vendors for tabs lads

zeus roche atm (fake but do the job in blister pack
bassettsallsorts even gave me a refund and let me keep the package as he forgot to pay for mail lol activis in box with instructions 100 genuine
stealthmeds cresent in blister pack 100 genuine

so the likes of top dog dont get ripped off the like of legal eyez lmao

mixing blues and mscontinunous me lol well fukin chilled with a j of amos

dont say i never give ya nothibng lol
yeah im alrite makka aint been up to a great deal mate, just down visiting me family at the mo they got that virgin 150mb net so thats sweet have been downloading loads, back home next wk need to sort the grow out with me mate, shore is nice tho back at mums having everything done for ya lol ark at me mummys boy lmao im 34 in a few wks lol

honest makka using a legit person on localbitcoins is real quick n easy me sister does it for me mostly with internet banking etc get coins real quick, them bitcoin atm's charge a lil more than most i think irish has said before, ive not used one, but when i was looking for ya wasnt many up north, manchester,sheffield,glasgow was all i could find, is prob more tho up north i no theres a good few in london nowdays.

cheers mate and thanks for checking it out 4 me man

after getting mi hands on that gg4 miself ive got cuts of exo to if u in need mate in a few week when you start ofcourse lol i never forgot mate ;)

glad everythings going well 4 ya pal touch wood it continuues 4 ya lol

not been on any mad ones recently lol had a few close calls mi self lol clean escape tho haha
good vendors for tabs lads

zeus roche atm (fake but do the job in blister pack
bassettsallsorts even gave me a refund and let me keep the package as he forgot to pay for mail lol activis in box with instructions 100 genuine
stealthmeds cresent in blister pack 100 genuine

so the likes of top dog dont get ripped off the like of legal eyez lmao

mixing blues and mscontinunous me lol well fukin chilled with a j of amos

dont say i never give ya nothibng lol

legaleyez has actually been around a long time now, use to mainly sell repressed pubgrub coke.

thats a nice mix makka the mscontin,blues n weed bet ya getting your chill on lol
legaleyez has actually been around a long time now, use to mainly sell repressed pubgrub coke.

thats a nice mix makka the mscontin,blues n weed bet ya getting your chill on lol
well legals eyes getting a few bad revies apparently on the forums lax reckons and i take his info as credible lol fk knos y haha

n yeah mate might pop only a cuple yellow soon ready for bed i think lol
well legals eyes getting a few bad revies apparently on the forums lax reckons and i take his info as credible lol fk knos y haha

n yeah mate might pop only a cuple yellow soon ready for bed i think lol

ive used legaleyez a few times for the grenade speed pills that he sells never had a prob, hes always had a few mixed reviews makka he mainly sells fake coke lol people think they getting a bargain at 30-40 a g i dunno but its cheap and just shite, but hes sold a lot of it over the yrs.