Well-Known Member
tbh irish id give em a miss, the instant release oxy tends to make people with no opiate tolerance sick they did me, ive had the 5mg before uk script stuff and they made me sick, not like a 40mg or a 80mg where your buzz nicely for hrs n hrs with the time release coating.
im no oxy expert tho mate, ive had me fair share tho, oxyheads would open them 5mg caps and sniff em or shoot it up even smoke it some do, but thats proper smackville thats what happens often yanks get legit scripts then get hooked and in the end its cheaper to buy herion than it is oxy.
if it was a 40 or a 80 id say dont mess with the time release dont drink maybe take a benzo and a smoke and your in for 6-10hr of a real nice buzz, but them 5mg caps totally different buzz.
if ya feeling wild, have a sniff of the kovo then sniff the oxy the 1 up n 1 down will give you a nice buzz but very dangerous mate they are strong shit
Yea man dnt really want to fck wit em to nite im havin a few drinks and sniff so that will do ... dnt fancy spewin either so mite just sell em on