Sour Patch Seed Bank Sucks..... allegedly

Brother thank you for posting this. I do appreciate it and am sorry for the entire mixup. I do get busy and sometimes am not as vocal about certain parts of the process as maybe I should be. I also need to take time off work. I don't ever do my customers wrong. I love all my people. NGR on the otherhand. I have nothing to say. If you know you know if you don't you need to learn. If a seed bank offers the lowest prices they are hurting for money, this is truth. If a place has something that's usually 200 but they have it standard at 150. I would ask myself why that is. Are they just really nice and want to hook it up....hell no. Who starts a business to just give shit away. Goodwill, salvation army. No seed bank is anything like that and is definitely not there for charity. Either the breeder has had a falling out and so stock is liquidated or the bank wants to get all sales and make others look more expensive. It's not black and white. These are seeds not a TV or other tangible usual type product. Seeds are easy to be fraudulent with and it takes 6 months to tell if they are good or even what they are suposse to be. Then if the bank gets contacted by customers about bad seeds who gets the blame? The breeder takes the rap Cuz it's his work or at least in his packaging.
TDT has paved the way for u.s banks, fact is alot of people purchasing all these in house drops were getting them from TDT before anywhere else..and the smart ones still do,,,in house has all the u.s banks in a fluster rite now since TDT been on back burner past month....LOL,,dank team is here to stay, I purchase from other banks beside them also but there 100% and helped in house tremendously early on when things was slow for them
Man some of you are dick riders. saying you will give him a shot after all of this drama? does any of this look professional? Is that who you want your credit card and paypal stuff with? Sure I put my info out there, but see how he runs his mouth terribly? There are other banks out there, that dont have these diahhrea of mouth problems, and they have inventory systems in place.

SPSB-You still deserved the Drama... youre still running your mouth. I have been buying seeds since Marc Emery days and have never had to send overnight, after Seller says stock is "all good".

Exhibit (A). This pic is a drop in the bucket of packs ive bought in my 20 years. this is just the packs I still have seeds left of and all bought in 2015. just the GGG is nearly a grand. Does it look like I have a problem getting Ocean Grown? You act like im lucky you provided them??? there are tons of packs with 0 seeds I threw away. Yep. im a noob alright. Seedbanks dream customer actually.View attachment 3617380

$150 is a big deal when Im told in stock and no worries.

How was I supposed to act when I was......

A.) waiting for ALien Rift for months.

B.)See your advertised drop and Wait WEEKS! for your awesome drop(of 3 packs) Checking IG every couple hours for your drop.

C.) complete checkout immediately....

D.) send friendly email confirming in stock and payment will be sent immediately- see priority mail delivered payment in 48 hours

E.) get email over a week later saying. out of stock. make alternative choice!!! After making my case to why this is BS, still get told all sales final too bad. I then contact TeamOG. They lit a fire under your ass and song changed to Ill try to get a pack. few weeks go by of promises and then, you stop responding. I get ahold of TeamOG again per their request and a week later, you came through. If it wasnt for me going full retard, I would have been a victim of your bullshit.

I had every right to be pissed. I had every right to make these threads. In the end, you handled it wrong. You made things right, but then went on to make it wrong again. I made the posts saying you made it right, and it wasn't a small post that was hidden.

In the end, Im a hustler, and not about sinking a business. They deserve second chances. I just posted warnings. TRIPLE CHECK INVENTORY!!! with SPSB.

BTW do you have Grandpas breath F2 in stock????

For realz, jay whoever you are. just get an inventory system and this BS will go away. In the event someone orders something you dont have in stock, but site shows you do??? just give them their money back. not force them into alternatives.

Peace out Audi 5000
Brother you jumped the gun on all this. You also jumped to conclusions on numerous occasions throughout this thread. It's all documented. I may have been a bit short in my initial response to you and I apologize for that sincerely. Nobody lit a fire under my ass in the slightest. I told you I would try to find a pack after the first day we spoke if you recall. I didn't give you a final ok I got em until I had them in my hand to avoid anymore issues. You posted this stuff all very early and I have not a single other person out there posting up anything but positive experiences with me. I'm not trying to have a who has a bigger dick contest brother you win that all day. I'm just trying to bring flame to people who can't get it without my help. I appreciate what you were doing but you did it to the wrong cat. When that a all we talked down I had just been through alot of changes and lost almost my entire life but did the best I could to make everyone happy. At the end of the day I may have acted like a dick initially and I apologize for that. After all the stuff you have said through this post about me and how I run my business can't you expect at least a little friction when I finally come on here at the request of may of my customers, I have no choice but to address each and every comment about my character and company. I'm sure you understand. The problem is most people don't read the entire post. Just the title and a few key points most of them missing the fact that your order was completed and you got your preferred pack. Vader did hit up Kasper and Kasper contacted you. This is why you thought he owned sour patch. He does not but was the person who introduced me to the ocean grown crew.

I don't think there is a man out there that is gonna let people speculate publicly about his character and not take offense and respond as such. I don't feel my responses were out of line. Just the way the comments to made me feel. You have disrupted my business greatly with these misleading posts about one pack and a bunch of swap conjecture that is not true.

I do ask mail order people to provide a couple substitutions in case as mail order takes longer than cc debit or paypal.

Never stolen a thing or had an order not make it to any customer since I started this over a year ago. Not bad Imo

Jay Frost

Aka Reason
Ur right velvet Elvis,,shit was in stock, u paid and should of got comformation and shipping in a timely manner,,,and then no need to rely on "customer service"....anything else is bs and excuses:finger:.. There's too many places that offer good service to falk with that nonsense
Brother you jumped the gun on all this. You also jumped to conclusions on numerous occasions throughout this thread. It's all documented. I may have been a bit short in my initial response to you and I apologize for that sincerely. Nobody lit a fire under my ass in the slightest. I told you I would try to find a pack after the first day we spoke if you recall. I didn't give you a final ok I got em until I had them in my hand to avoid anymore issues. You posted this stuff all very early and I have not a single other person out there posting up anything but positive experiences with me. I'm not trying to have a who has a bigger dick contest brother you win that all day. I'm just trying to bring flame to people who can't get it without my help. I appreciate what you were doing but you did it to the wrong cat. When that a all we talked down I had just been through alot of changes and lost almost my entire life but did the best I could to make everyone happy. At the end of the day I may have acted like a dick initially and I apologize for that. After all the stuff you have said through this post about me and how I run my business can't you expect at least a little friction when I finally come on here at the request of may of my customers, I have no choice but to address each and every comment about my character and company. I'm sure you understand. The problem is most people don't read the entire post. Just the title and a few key points most of them missing the fact that your order was completed and you got your preferred pack. Vader did hit up Kasper and Kasper contacted you. This is why you thought he owned sour patch. He does not but was the person who introduced me to the ocean grown crew.

I don't think there is a man out there that is gonna let people speculate publicly about his character and not take offense and respond as such. I don't feel my responses were out of line. Just the way the comments to made me feel. You have disrupted my business greatly with these misleading posts about one pack and a bunch of swap conjecture that is not true.

I do ask mail order people to provide a couple substitutions in case as mail order takes longer than cc debit or paypal.

Never stolen a thing or had an order not make it to any customer since I started this over a year ago. Not bad Imo

Jay Frost

Aka Reason
So you guys do accept credit cards? How do I select that option on your website it only says money order or cash.
Dude if you got your pack be happy. I JUST got boned by mtn inceptions for a pack of Chem 91 ix.... sent the money, dude even asked where to send them, 2 weeks later nothing so I hit him up this is his response.... so unorganized it isn't even funny. I am full on blasting thus dude now, first he says it's 300 a pack not 215. That's fine but then he asked for a shipping Addy (kinda threw me, I made sure to give a addrest with my payment ) I got a little suspicious and then he does this.
Screenshot_2016-02-26-12-33-27-1.png Screenshot_2016-02-26-12-33-40-1.png
well known banks like tude, herbies, beedsman and dank team have problems...

never heard of a bank with a spotless record...

only 1 way to find out...
customer is never wrong!!! even when they are.

and I would have never been pissed if you offered what I wanted immediately. I was mad at I was told to make another choice. ALL SALES FINAL.

let this be a growing experience. get inventory system, and my gripe becomes moot.
Dude if you got your pack be happy. I JUST got boned by mtn inceptions for a pack of Chem 91 ix.... sent the money, dude even asked where to send them, 2 weeks later nothing so I hit him up this is his response.... so unorganized it isn't even funny. I am full on blasting thus dude now, first he says it's 300 a pack not 215. That's fine but then he asked for a shipping Addy (kinda threw me, I made sure to give a addrest with my payment ) I got a little suspicious and then he does this.
View attachment 3617411 View attachment 3617410

imagine how you would feel if told ll sales final. too bad make another choice?
customer is never wrong!!! even when they are.

and I would have never been pissed if you offered what I wanted immediately. I was mad at I was told to make another choice. ALL SALES FINAL.

let this be a growing experience. get inventory system, and my gripe becomes moot.
If you didn't get your first choice the refund option should be there, if not its a scam, probably put strains on their website they don't even carry just to steal the money and send junk seeds. That is why I don't trust these American seedbanks, way too shady with their dealings.
imagine how you would feel if told ll sales final. too bad make another choice?
Rather have the seeds than my money back. I could have won these seeds at auction for the same price this week but didn't even bid because thought I had a pack with my name on it. So personally would have rather him sat hold on let try to get you another rather than to bad so sad better luck next time.
TDT has paved the way for u.s banks, fact is alot of people purchasing all these in house drops were getting them from TDT before anywhere else..and the smart ones still do,,,in house has all the u.s banks in a fluster rite now since TDT been on back burner past month....LOL,,dank team is here to stay, I purchase from other banks beside them also but there 100% and helped in house tremendously early on when things was slow for them
Ask in house brother I helped him out alot as well. I talk to him quite a bit.. I hear all the horror stories from breeders and customers alike about all the banks out there globally. Attitude i dont hear that much negative and seed-r-us is the only one I have heard nothing bad about.
Ask in house brother I helped him out alot as well. I talk to him quite a bit.. I hear all the horror stories from breeders and customers alike about all the banks out there globally. Attitude i dont hear that much negative and seed-r-us is the only one I have heard nothing bad about.
Seeds r us didn't do me dirty but some serious organizational problems in that outfit. Dude couldn't even tell me if he received my payment until I received my order in the mail lol.
Ask in house brother I helped him out alot as well. I talk to him quite a bit.. I hear all the horror stories from breeders and customers alike about all the banks out there globally. Attitude i dont hear that much negative and seed-r-us is the only one I have heard nothing bad about.
In house genetics are not trust worthy, they sent me a batch of premature seeds than got offended and REFUSE to do anything about it(started acting like a little bitch and saying souvenirs and slander,I live in a fucking legal state), so I am out 50$ and behind on my crop.
imagine how you would feel if told ll sales final. too bad make another choice?
It is nearly impossible since if I do put up how many packs each time a person hits the buy button the stock level goes down. This being the case many people hit the button but never actually attempt to make payment. My listed stock quantity drops to 0 and money never arrives, meanwhile new people see that stock is at 0 and well they just go elsewhere. You see what I'm saying. Rock and a hard place. Then if I stop allowing mail order I lose that bunch of business. What am I suposse of do.
It is nearly impossible since if I do put up how many packs each time a person hits the buy button the stock level goes down. This being the case many people hit the button but never actually attempt to make payment. My listed stock quantity drops to 0 and money never arrives, meanwhile new people see that stock is at 0 and well they just go elsewhere. You see what I'm saying. Rock and a hard place. Then if I stop allowing mail order I lose that bunch of business. What am I suposse of do.
Fix your website so when you run out of stock or low it automatic updates.
now im getting cheap shots from the peanut gallery? wow, brotherhood is strong here.
I don't think that people are taking pot shots at ya unless I missed it. A few posters, myself included, wrote off SPSB based on your experience. From my view, you're a respected contributer on this forum and proof is that people took your experience serious. SPSB has come out and explained his side. I would be extremely disappointed if I were in your shoes. From SPSB side, I can appreciate that he is in a tough situation with the mail order.

He carries some gear that is tough obtain which is why I was interested in the first place. I will give him a shot, not because I am a dick rider or something, but because looking at the situation objectively he seems sincere enough. If the practice of requiring people to regularly pick a second, third or fourth pick continues then I am sure that will impact his business and will be well known. Accepting CC is one way to ensure you get you first choice. I can now call him, tell him what I want, he confirms stock, and I give my CC deets.

Everyone needs to chill and smoke something. Yall are good peeps on here. :)