

Well-Known Member
Man unless im blind, where the fuck is the anime thread

we must have one

Anime is very delicious

Im not a fan of mainstream happy go lucky anime such as Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, etc.

I fucking love Ecchi, they can be mature, top notch adult humor shows with legit plots to follow

Take Prison School as an example

4 friends locked up under an over sexualized school council team of women

This show goes hard

stfu, WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEO its only 3 minutes, if you dont agree about this show hitting new levels then fuck u, glad u have a differing opinion, potato-potatoh

once upon a time I used to get baked late into the night and watch anime by myself... havnt seen anything good in a long while.

I'm a bit of an anime geek...,Orphen, Full metal alchemist,Gantz,Gintama,norragami arrogoto,Fist of the north star, hellsing,rurouni kenshin, .hack,attack on titan,Beserk,fairy tail, hunter x hunter, steins gate are some of my favourites, waaay too many to list lol
The 'DBZ abridged' parody series is pretty good :)
I was having a little Christmas shindig at my place this year. My shroom guy came over and tossed me a fucking oz as a gift.
A few days later me and a buddy split a 1/4 and watched the entire abridged series from start to finish. My face hurt for a solid 3 days after from laughing.

I can't really get into anime very much these days. Dated and lived with a cosplayer/con girl for a couple of years. Ha the funny thing is that splitting up with her kind of kickstarted me growing dope. Pretty much anytime her sis showed up I heard nothing but chibi moonspeak and plans for whatever convention that was going to be in a 300 mile radius for days strait. Then followed by sinking an obscene amount of $ into travel and hotel expenses into something I was going to be quite bored of 6 hours into a 2-3 day experience. Usually spent getting Jim Lahey drunk.

I enjoy older films though. The first Vampire Hunter D blew me away when I was like 12. The book series is actually pretty decent as well.
The old Robot Hunter Cashan movie is pretty badass. It's where they stole Mega Man and especially Mega Man X. There's a live action film that's totally decent and worth the watch. The soundtrack is awesome as well. They rebooted a series of it a few years ago but it's way too slow for my tastes.
Can't really get into Hellsing. Something about a protagonist who can't be hurt no matter wtf he gets thrown at him just makes it pretty boring. It's gets by on the protagonist being an edgelord. Not to mention the character design for Alucard is probably a bi-product on a secret gay crush the creator had for Carl McCoy. You bwing gweat shame to famiry.
Just google Carl. The abridged series is top notch laughs though.
I own Shin Chan on dvd.
Rurouni Kenshin has a special place in my favorites list. Did the Kendo thing from 13 til adulthood. Competitions until I was 23 and RL started kicking my ass pretty hard and had little to no time for anything but work. Served as a panel judge at competitions after. Good times.
G.T.O. cracks me up.
I was having a little Christmas shindig at my place this year. My shroom guy came over and tossed me a fucking oz as a gift.
A few days later me and a buddy split a 1/4 and watched the entire abridged series from start to finish. My face hurt for a solid 3 days after from laughing.

I can't really get into anime very much these days. Dated and lived with a cosplayer/con girl for a couple of years. Ha the funny thing is that splitting up with her kind of kickstarted me growing dope. Pretty much anytime her sis showed up I heard nothing but chibi moonspeak and plans for whatever convention that was going to be in a 300 mile radius for days strait. Then followed by sinking an obscene amount of $ into travel and hotel expenses into something I was going to be quite bored of 6 hours into a 2-3 day experience. Usually spent getting Jim Lahey drunk.

I enjoy older films though. The first Vampire Hunter D blew me away when I was like 12. The book series is actually pretty decent as well.
The old Robot Hunter Cashan movie is pretty badass. It's where they stole Mega Man and especially Mega Man X. There's a live action film that's totally decent and worth the watch. The soundtrack is awesome as well. They rebooted a series of it a few years ago but it's way too slow for my tastes.
Can't really get into Hellsing. Something about a protagonist who can't be hurt no matter wtf he gets thrown at him just makes it pretty boring. It's gets by on the protagonist being an edgelord. Not to mention the character design for Alucard is probably a bi-product on a secret gay crush the creator had for Carl McCoy. You bwing gweat shame to famiry.
Just google Carl. The abridged series is top notch laughs though.
I own Shin Chan on dvd.
Rurouni Kenshin has a special place in my favorites list. Did the Kendo thing from 13 til adulthood. Competitions until I was 23 and RL started kicking my ass pretty hard and had little to no time for anything but work. Served as a panel judge at competitions after. Good times.
G.T.O. cracks me up.

I just had a look at that robot hunter cashan and it looks pretty cool, i am a big fan of the megaman x video game series! i own all the x series except for x8
I used to love that shit as a youth. Once my cousin wanted to become a super sayan and make a kamehameha. I put bleach on his hair, and told him go outside and just do it man! He strted screaming and shat his pants soon after it was fucking hilarious.
