*-*The 8th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Update Thread*-*

Hi everyone, I hope your cup girls are all growing well!! :weed:

I'm heading out to LA until Wednesday (first time there!!), so I doing my first official post-germ/sprout update now:) The girl is growing, no issues so far...they always start out slow...hopefully she's alright while unattended:
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The other plants in the tent: Dr. Grinspoon (back right), Crockett's Tangie (back left), Tangie x GTH (front left), Liberty Haze (front right)
Just don't let LA give you a bad impression of the rest of the state ;)
Hi everyone, I hope your cup girls are all growing well!! :weed:

I'm heading out to LA until Wednesday (first time there!!), so I doing my first official post-germ/sprout update now:) The girl is growing, no issues so far...they always start out slow...hopefully she's alright while unattended:
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The other plants in the tent: Dr. Grinspoon (back right), Crockett's Tangie (back left), Tangie x GTH (front left), Liberty Haze (front right)
Come say hi when you're in la. What're you going to be doing out here?

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Talk about growing secrets what do you know about coconut water ever use it I found a bunch of organic gardening books from the 40s and 50s and they talk all about it?
Talk about growing secrets what do you know about coconut water ever use it I found a bunch of organic gardening books from the 40s and 50s and they talk all about it?
Lol, i know almost nothing about organics. I run soiless so im all about nutrients that seek and destroy, not set up shop, camp out and sip corona on the beach till they feel like getting involved. And werent they still spraying plants with DDT back in the 40s and 50s? From what ive read you can use just about anything in organics so why not.......ok, pepper plus coconut water. Got it. Haahahahahaa! His secrets will all be mine soon!
Talk about growing secrets what do you know about coconut water ever use it I found a bunch of organic gardening books from the 40s and 50s and they talk all about it?

Nothing new. Coconuts are seeds and full of enzymes, minerals, nutrients, carbs, cytokins, sapponins, etc...
5 for 5 have sprouted breaking the soils surface today. Took bit longer due to running things at lower temp i will try make an official update as soon as possible, ive currently been bed ridden due to severe neck and shoulder pain last few days.

Non comp related im not big fan of jilly bean i popped last 4 seeds i had of it 2 months ago and 3 were male one female, which i will keep a close eye on due hermie issues.

Also does anyone know good way flush your system out for being tested? I have potential test coming up for job possibly as well as labwork for va next week.
5 for 5 have sprouted breaking the soils surface today. Took bit longer due to running things at lower temp i will try make an official update as soon as possible, ive currently been bed ridden due to severe neck and shoulder pain last few days.

Non comp related im not big fan of jilly bean i popped last 4 seeds i had of it 2 months ago and 3 were male one female, which i will keep a close eye on due hermie issues.

Also does anyone know good way flush your system out for being tested? I have potential test coming up for job possibly as well as labwork for va next week.

Good luck with your test man!
I showed up to my orientation with some trusted fake piss but they hit me with a saliva test lol. I showed my medical card, but it didn't win her over. Oh well! Lololol
Good luck with your test man!
I showed up to my orientation with some trusted fake piss but they hit me with a saliva test lol. I showed my medical card, but it didn't win her over. Oh well! Lololol

Thanks, right now im honestly not even worried about it, im in so much fucking pain.. going to er later if keeps getting worse... already went to va they didn't do shit for me...
Hope you get pain free soon!

I have not checked today yet but my seeds are taking longer due to temps as well. It was in the 40's the last two nights so I put the seed mat under them in the flower cab. I wish we could germ them in the veg cabinet then move them to 12/12, my regular germ spot is perfect climate.
Well my a51 cobs (I won a month ago) haven't showed up yet. They were supposedly shipped out 15 days ago. @Eraserhead hasn't replied to my last couple emails. Nor given me a tracking number. ..... so I guess I'm going to have to place the cups at the edge of my inda gros. Kinda sucks because they won't get the best light being off to the side. Unless the cobs show up tomorrow .... I won't be able to buy any new lights til the middle of march.