injunction/court case updates

My point is that small Mom & Pop DG's should be allowed to setup shop @ their homes.

I agree 100%, but the reality is that probably won't happen without strict guideline that will need to be followed. It's not going to be a free for all. That's not how government works.

And I predict a huge increase on Craigslist for used grow equipment in 4 months when people realize that growing isn't for everybody. It takes passion, commitment and a bit of skill to cultivate sucseesful gardens. From my experience most people are too lazy to follow through with their ambitious plans. In this day and age people are all about convince, or they would grow their own produce and veggies, not spent $12 for a head of organic calliflower.

I agree, as I pointed out earlier, Kijiji, e-bay, (forgot about Craigslist) will be flooded with grow gear. I called my grow shop today and she says the phones been driving her crazy all day. Everyone getting prices etc. Bunch of wanna-be's getting ready to go all Jorge. Wait till they find out they're looking at 12-14 week cycles to harvest their expensive fem beans. The forums will fill up with newbies asking why their plants are dying "duh...what's ph mean?" "what's a nanner?"
Can't wait. There will be some that tough it out but I think the greater percentage will fold. Everyone wants it right now, new age, no patience. I started out with four Nebula clones and spent hours watching them and reading...and reading and reading, then untold hours on-line reading and I'm still reading. I still consider myself a rookie. Best thing is to wait it out (no choice) and not worry who's right/wrong or who's the smartest guy in the room. We have an enormous well deserved victory after decades staying the course. Win by attrition. Once all that lightly used equipment hits the market there will be another round of wanna-be's waiting to step up.
I agree, as I pointed out earlier, Kijiji, e-bay, (forgot about Craigslist) will be flooded with grow gear. I called my grow shop today and she says the phones been driving her crazy all day. Everyone getting prices etc. Bunch of wanna-be's getting ready to go all Jorge. Wait till they find out they're looking at 12-14 week cycles to harvest their expensive fem beans. The forums will fill up with newbies asking why their plants are dying "duh...what's ph mean?" "what's a nanner?"
Can't wait. There will be some that tough it out but I think the greater percentage will fold. Everyone wants it right now, new age, no patience. I started out with four Nebula clones and spent hours watching them and reading...and reading and reading, then untold hours on-line reading and I'm still reading. I still consider myself a rookie. Best thing is to wait it out (no choice) and not worry who's right/wrong or who's the smartest guy in the room. We have an enormous well deserved victory after decades staying the course. Win by attrition. Once all that lightly used equipment hits the market there will be another round of wanna-be's waiting to step up.
Yup helped out lots just to hear to much work or fucking bugs and quit after first try
everything should be allowed..
,,,it should all be allowed.... unless its hurting someone in some way or other ...physically!!.
.not an LP s pocket book lol and then dealt with accordingly

It won't be. So let's have a realistic discussion.

We know under the new rule set homegrows and some form of dg's need to be allowed.

I think we know what homegrows cover already, so what could the rest of the program look like.

How will they cover the interests of all involved.
Money talks, those with it won't be left out of the new program. Lp's will remain, but how? how will they continue until rec is legal?

I don't see the libs letting their buddies investments fail.
I think LPs realise that this is a serious bump in the road but those that are well established just need to cut back and be patient. Big business is not run/staffed by idiots. Many of the people involved in this knew they needed a contingency plan in case we won. I personally don't give a shit whether they survive or not. If they can fill a social need then great. As long as I have a choice I'm good, and I like every one else do have a choice. When someone can show me that my growing pot is actually hurting someone else I will make some changes.
I will continue to grow whatever comes down the pipe. We can't operate on assumptions but we can have our own agenda. Commitment is all that's required.
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Mark Zekulin, president of Tweed Marijuana Inc., a subsidiary of Canopy, said it would be "heartbreaking" if the federal government shut down the licensed-producer system entirely. But he doesn't expect that will happen.

"We've built a world-class facility ... and are producing very high quality product that you can't get anywhere else," he said. "I don't think six months from now it's just going to get shuttered and people are going to be out of jobs."

Peace Naturals CEO Mark Gobuty said personal growers and larger licensed producers can co-exist.

"We're all allowed to grow tomatoes and cucumbers at home, but how many of us do?" he asked. "If that is what's in the best interest of all Canadians, then I'm all for it."

But Ronan Levy of Canadian Cannabis Clinics, a network of Ontario medical marijuana clinics, said allowing people to grow their own marijuana might make doctors more wary of prescribing it.

"Can you imagine what it would be like if you went to a doctor, they prescribe antibiotics, and you got to go home and mix up your own antibiotics? I don't think doctors are going to be comfortable with that," he said
first bold statement is fucking ludicrous

the second bold statement is that a guy who has been scamming ohip and screwing patients now has the gall to say that doctors wont prescribe for those who want to grow at home, there was 28k+ mmar PPL holders and they got papers signed. Somebody is worried their golden goose got shot by Judge Phelan. In what world is this guy's over inflated sense of self worth represent reality?
They didn't create this mess Harper did.

The LP's gleefully jumped on board with a flawed system, many times telling us how great the regulations were and how unsafe all of those home growers were.

The obvious two-faced ness (Canopy CEO should consider a run for politics) aside, the LP's took a risk, and anyone who thinks govt should prioritize corporations over Charter rights is incorrect, misinformed, and is probably in favor of the TPP.
Holy fuk I go away have dinner, walk the dog, feed the plants, start my laundry, roll a J, make some posts in the other sections, then come back and you all are still arguing..... holy shit
I know eh......seems quite apparent....that those whose position was more aligned with Harpies and the LP's
are still the decision.....I'm sure there will be a few more twists along the way....but for those of us who have fought the harper LP injustice from day one...its time to rest up....
*educate myself not educated myself

Might not want to be lecturing people about how uninformed their opinions are :)

Sorry professor, I didn't know I was being graded on spelling and grammar. I'll try harder next time. I didn't realize the spelling police were online.

dont be an ass
But the red line is so simple to use :(

Just giving you a hard time Itsme, probably came across a little more serious than I intended.

So, since you've ostensibly read the decision, assuming our baseline is a patient is medically approved (that's a whole other can of worms in rewriting the MMPR), what are reasonable regulations?

And remember this folks, Justice Rosenberg gave us the ubiquitous 'reasonable access' in Parker, based on the entrenched legal concept of 'what would a reasonable person do, given these circumstances'. Phelan has made it clear saving the govt money is not justification, and blown away all the myths those scumbags Holmquist and Garis tried to peddle.

So as you create conditions for growing, the first question you should ask yourself is : is this restriction justified? And justified according to legal principles, not 'I think it should be this way' alone.
It takes away the ability to choose just anyone. They can do it and get away with it by legislating that only licenced producers could be deemed dg's.

I'm not saying it's fair or ideal, just that it's possible and people should be talking about the possibility of the next round of rules.

Over 6ft and 200lbs is Standard stock where I come from. No, I don't consider that big at all.
Haven't posted here I a while but after reading your nonsense I have to step in. Simply rebranding an LP as a designated grower will not happen. That is exactly what the mmpr was. Forcing people to go to the government approved "designated growers" or LPS as they are known. Take some time to form your thoughts before you present them to the world.