Under Sanders, income and jobs would soar, economist says

Pay your fair share in taxes and stop whining about how high your tax rates are when they're at historically low levels

i don't get why red is bitching so much. he is an rank and file employee of the federal government, he pays even less taxes than most mere employees do.

i own a business and even though it took about 14 forms in total to do my taxes, it only took a few hours and i wasn't brazzenly assfucked my the tyrannical fedguv. the deductions i got from paying local sales taxes, mortgage interest, mortgage insurance, and other deductions that employers and businesses get to take pushed my deduction up well above the standard deduction and i owed nearly nothing besides my FICA or self employment tax.

i think red is just really bitter.
Speaking of, what's the latest on the Sanders campaign?
Last I heard, he's expected to win between 25%-50% of the states on super Tuesday, but do better as the primary get's closer with the later states. Both Sanders and Clinton beat Trump in the general by +6 and +2.8 points respectively. Sanders is more electable in a general election

Sanders v. Trump
Clinton v. Trump
i don't get why red is bitching so much. he is an rank and file employee of the federal government, he pays even less taxes than most mere employees do.

i own a business and even though it took about 14 forms in total to do my taxes, it only took a few hours and i wasn't brazzenly assfucked my the tyrannical fedguv. the deductions i got from paying local sales taxes, mortgage interest, mortgage insurance, and other deductions that employers and businesses get to take pushed my deduction up well above the standard deduction and i owed nearly nothing besides my FICA or self employment tax.

i think red is just really bitter.

1, If you "owe" nearly nothing, you're a financial dumbass who paid too much along the way. You just done let the feds use your money. ;)

2. Your deductions aren't shit compared to mine using farm writes offs, paying no sales tax on many ag related items that I also use for personal gardening.....

My IRS "mess" is almost an inch thick. The $328 I pay my tax preparer is well worth my money and personal freedom.
1, If you "owe" nearly nothing, you're a financial dumbass who paid too much along the way. You just done let the feds use your money. ;)

i paid nothing along the way. do you even understand how an independent contractor gets paid? how an independent contractor pays taxes? i go to work and get paid an amount of money defined in a contract for doing that work. no taxes are withheld when i get paid,. it is my responsibility to pay those taxes, either quarterly or all at once at the end of the year.

Your deductions aren't shit compared to mine using farm writes offs, paying no sales tax on many ag related items that I also use for personal gardening.....

i have no doubt that your mortgage interest deduction is higher than mine, especially since you could not even get as low an interest rate on your home as i got. i didn't even need to use half of mine, even though i pay the full mortgage. i let my wife have most of that.

i also had no need to cheat on my taxes like you did, and list personal expenses as business expenses. not something you should be bragging about online, especially considering how you stupidly revealed your personal identity on this site about a dozen times.

My IRS "mess" is almost an inch thick. The $328 I pay my tax preparer is well worth my money and personal freedom.

you realize that there are step by step instructions, including worksheets, for every schedule and form you have to fill out, right?

it is literally so simple that anyone who is literate and capable of doing simple math can do their own taxes, right?

anyhoo, you are welcome for the socialist security checks and the free socialized medicine i am giving you.
The following was copied from Craigslist, presented here in its original, slightly grammatically imperfect form;

Truth Be Told


To many of you, this isn't news, but it needs to be said.

Your federal government is enslaving you to corporate elite interests and has been for decades. Rather than charge tarriffs on foreign goods to protect American industry from unfair slave-labor competition, your government chooses instead to take money from your pay, and from your children and grandchildren through debt spending. Trade deals like NAFTA and the PPT give corporations tax shelters to build slave labor factories overseas so they don't have to pay worker's comp, payroll taxes, regulations fees, and infastructure that provides for safety. Then they send the cheap stuff back here and make money off of us.

The trade deals don't help foreign countries' citizens either. They get only slave labor jobs and live at the subsistence level in massive corporate compounds, and subsidized American food (that costs you too) floods their markets, making farming unsustainable and sending farmers into homelessness. Evidence for this is the way Mexican immigrants to the US had doubled since NAFTA went into effect.

The corporations pay the politicians for these laws, and they make huge profits from the investment. You lose good jobs, wages are driven down, taxes are removed from your paycheck, and your country lacks any manufacturing industry to turn back to. The other countries' citizens are screwed, and then they come here to compete for whatever jobs are left.

Instead of complaining about immigrants, complain about the system that creates a governement of, by, and for the corporations. Don't blame those escaping from starvation and violence, blame the politicians. We need a return to tarriffs, an end to the drug war, to stop trying to force democracy where they aren't ready for it, and balance the budget in a way that those who pay for the politicians also pay for the government.
Re. 'Truth Be Told', there are a few points I'd like the author to clarify.

Chief among them, 'stop trying to force democracy where they aren't ready for it'.

This is inaccurate; the United States isn't interested in spreading democracy, that's just flag waving to blind people to the obvious fact that corporations running our government DON'T want democracy- anywhere- and have been caught red handed undermining and even destroying democratically elected governments. The Federal Government deliberately starts wars because they're PROFITABLE for their corporate masters. And to stifle dissent to their rule.
i paid nothing along the way. do you even understand how an independent contractor gets paid? how an independent contractor pays taxes? i go to work and get paid an amount of money defined in a contract for doing that work. no taxes are withheld when i get paid,. it is my responsibility to pay those taxes, either quarterly or all at once at the end of the year.

i have no doubt that your mortgage interest deduction is higher than mine, especially since you could not even get as low an interest rate on your home as i got. i didn't even need to use half of mine, even though i pay the full mortgage. i let my wife have most of that.

i also had no need to cheat on my taxes like you did, and list personal expenses as business expenses. not something you should be bragging about online, especially considering how you stupidly revealed your personal identity on this site about a dozen times.

you realize that there are step by step instructions, including worksheets, for every schedule and form you have to fill out, right?

it is literally so simple that anyone who is literate and capable of doing simple math can do their own taxes, right?

anyhoo, you are welcome for the socialist security checks and the free socialized medicine i am giving you.
Taxes are pathetically simple when you're a w2 or some form of 1099 wage earner.

If and when you get to the income level as a 1099 to where the itemized deduction would benefit you it gets very complicated.

When you engage in business and you're then paying all sorts of taxes it gets very complicated.

One of the worst parts of our tax system is "cost of compliance."

That is the cost incurred by companies and some individuals to prepare their taxes. It's a black hole of the economy. It consumes vast amounts and produces nothing.

Then there is the cost of administration for the IRS and enforcing it's laws and regulations.

It's a complete and total farce. It needs to be ripped out and replaced with something simple and modern.

To those who say taxes are at historical lows, this is only if you go back to about 1914.

If you go back beyond that taxes are still historically very high. The revolution was fought with Britain over a relatively small tax rate. Don't be a sheep.
Indeed, that's why they fight it so much.

The Union lies with Commerce and The People's Republic.
Commerce (not the middle class) is loving Communism, so long as there is a market.
It's the American way. ??
If I truly must make money for my company, I should move to China.
The US will make it easy with tax cuts.
This makes "America" great (again).
The Union lies with Commerce and The People's Republic.
Commerce (not the middle class) is loving Communism, so long as there is a market.
It's the American way. ??
If I truly must make money for my company, I should move to China.
The US will make it easy with tax cuts.
This makes "America" great (again).

Yep; subsidize the destruction of America's middle class and then wonder why they won't be good little consumers and keep buying things?
i paid nothing along the way. do you even understand how an independent contractor gets paid?

Really? Of course you did if you do what most folks, pay quarterly.

I use to do my taxes using Turbo Tax, got to be bullshit with the royalities, interest deductions, farm op, ag biz, depreciations here and there, just BS thanks to the God awful tax code. Between fighting with the wife and pissing off my time, it's much easier to hand all the crap over to HR Block. They REALLY are that good and easy to work with. Now, if you're thinking "well, you could have saved money". Kid's stuff. For starts, money is not an issue anymore....we'll never spend all the liquid assets we have amassed so that's a moot point. My time is worth money as I still have a lot of projects and interests, most gardening some challenging like roasting coffee. Getting ready to fire up the Breville citrus juicer in a minute and juice some of my citrus. Delicious Moro blood oranges is one of them. If you Cali guys have never had a homegrown blood orange, you're missing one of life's treats. A properly ripened blood orange has burgundy juice, is a very rich deep orange flavor with an after taste of raspberry. ;)
