Help: Rockwool cubes > 1 Gallon pots with Miracle grow and no PH'ing


Well-Known Member
Lol. Talking about paranoia, I myself get a tad paranoid when my beans have to travel through NY. I've heard allot of orders get flagged going through there. Knock on wood I've never had any of mine get flagged. However there's always that chance.. hmm maybe if I don't talk about it it won't happen. . Lol oh well to late now.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
No doubt (: yeah I've had the G13 for a few years now. Had to pay dearly for it though. Traded dude 6 strains plus some nute lines for it. Lol was worth it though 4 sure.. now with the Dr Grin man o man that strain is weird as shit!! The buds actually resemble cotton balls.. lol doesn't produce much, however what she does is definitely top sheilf.
I want to grow some Afghani #1, Afghan Kush, or Mazar i Sharif, personally. GSB has this Tutankhamon strain, but they have a disclaimer not to germinate their seeds, and as much as I want to order from them, I don't want to step on anyone's toes. That strain's 33%, man.. And, like, 1500g per seed. As advertised, anyway. If I were allowed to propagate it without concern, I would.


Well-Known Member
I want to grow some Afghani #1, Afghan Kush, or Mazar i Sharif, personally. GSB has this Tutankhamon strain, but they have a disclaimer not to germinate their seeds, and as much as I want to order from them, I don't want to step on anyone's toes. That strain's 33%, man.. And, like, 1500g per seed. As advertised, anyway. If I were allowed to propagate it without concern, I would.
Tuthankhamon is available from Pyramid seeds, fuck any disclaimers, buy it n plant that shit lol


Well-Known Member
In the Uk the disclaimer is to avoid the legalities of growing weed, it allows companies to sell seeds as horticultural products and not for growing weed, this way they dont get slammed in court for encouraging people to grow weed and if you purchase their seeds they sold as samples and not for growing and then grow them its only you the grower who gets arrested not the seed companies and hence the disclaimer. Seeds are legal to buy and sell here in the Uk but as soon as you plant them its illegal.

Disclaimers are just clever loopholes in the system allowing us to purchase seeds legally, not for growing and then illegally plant them.

Pretty much no one gives a shit here and the punishment for home growers is pretty small like a slap on the risk, fine or community service.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Got it. It's a Brit thing. I don't think that would pass for legally sound here in the US, but that's cool that such tactics work in the UK. I like culture gap stuff.


Well-Known Member
I want to grow some Afghani #1, Afghan Kush, or Mazar i Sharif, personally. GSB has this Tutankhamon strain, but they have a disclaimer not to germinate their seeds, and as much as I want to order from them, I don't want to step on anyone's toes. That strain's 33%, man.. And, like, 1500g per seed. As advertised, anyway. If I were allowed to propagate it without concern, I would.
I hear that bro.. well, from what I've read lol most all the banks have those disclaimers. Just to protect them is all that is (;


Well-Known Member
Got it. It's a Brit thing. I don't think that would pass for legally sound here in the US, but that's cool that such tactics work in the UK. I like culture gap stuff.

Not just in Britain but many other countries have this situation where seeds are legal but planting them is illegal. The US seems complicated with its laws and different states do different things but it dosent seem to stop anyone on Rollitup (RIU) :-)