THE LOT ~ Music Festival Lifestyle

All I'm gonna say is all the negativity is unwarranted. Way too much ego involved guys. I love the Dead and feel much the same way about camp bisco as you @MjAeJdIiK ... But there is no need to try to put others down because they have a different taste in music and life experience. It's not some such nearing contest or high school popularity contest.

I have family that are rainbows and Dead FAM. Ravers and sts9 kids. Kinfolk and burners. I've also met horrible people in ALL of those communities. Life ALWAYS embodies both sides of the coin.

Keep it positive. If you have more experience, positive experience with the RB of living light share it with those who don't. Spread the light, instead of negativity :)

We've all been younger than the elders at one time or another ;)
fuckin i'm the most elite festie kid. fuck what magicdick be talking about. I go way harder than you bro. bitch I got a million tanks ready to be cracked for this season and a 55 gallon drum of research chems. All the bands you listen to are garbage and could never carry a jam like the peeps i listen too. My headdress has 10000 more feathers than yours and I'll dose you and steal all your silver wraps. I'll get you strung out on dope and have you sign your car title over to me within 48 hrs little bitches. We gonna steal your tents this year when you're in a k hole.
All I'm gonna say is all the negativity is unwarranted. Way too much ego involved guys. I love the Dead and feel much the same way about camp bisco as you @MjAeJdIiK ... But there is no need to try to put others down because they have a different taste in music and life experience. It's not some such nearing contest or high school popularity contest.

I have family that are rainbows and Dead FAM. Ravers and sts9 kids. Kinfolk and burners. I've also met horrible people in ALL of those communities. Life ALWAYS embodies both sides of the coin.

Keep it positive. If you have more experience, positive experience with the RB of living light share it with those who don't. Spread the light, instead of negativity :)

We've all been younger than the elders at one time or another ;)
Well said.
One thing I must point out though, is that peeps here were talking trash on the dead and on rainbow, THEN I chimed in.... Sorry if me standing up for something I love when people are putting it down is considered negative... And sts9 does suck, its like electronic elevator music...
fuckin i'm the most elite festie kid. fuck what magicdick be talking about. I go way harder than you bro. bitch I got a million tanks ready to be cracked for this season and a 55 gallon drum of research chems. All the bands you listen to are garbage and could never carry a jam like the peeps i listen too. My headdress has 10000 more feathers than yours and I'll dose you and steal all your silver wraps. I'll get you strung out on dope and have you sign your car title over to me within 48 hrs little bitches. We gonna steal your tents this year when you're in a k hole.
Hahahahahaha I'll straight boof your tent dude, then hijack all your jenkums !!
Well said.
One thing I must point out though, is that peeps here were talking trash on the dead and on rainbow, THEN I chimed in.... Sorry if me standing up for something I love when people are putting it down is considered negative... And sts9 does suck, its like electronic elevator music...

I feel you brother :) I love the Dead. Shit I got actual tapes. My point is if you know what youre alking about, and it sounds like you do, it's all love :)

Different strokes and what not:bigjoint:

I mean hell, is the internet ;)
That's what they used to call the south side before it became Centennial.

Definetly not a war zone, just a bunch of people who decided they wanted to pay more for less city services and a fancier name. Fuck that.
I've Def heard the name before but I always assumed its was the aurora out towards montbello haha
First off that shroom teknis a fuxking complete joke. Second I have been on the scene longer than any of you, I can GURANTEE that. This forum sucks, sorry but I call it like I see it. In my first day here I see one of the worst cube teks in history getting tons of praise, and now in this thread is a bunch of fuxking newjack bubblegummers who think STS9 is good!!! I have been on the scene MUCH longer than any of you, FACT! And don't tell me to chill, you guys are talking shit on rainbow when you don't have a clue.... Oh you talked to one wack dude who cut his vials so now rainbow brings about the shadyest characters?? Your a fuxking joke, that was one of the dumbest statements you could have made to try to make your point. And keep talking shit about the dead... If it wasn't for the dead none of you piss pants bubble gummers wouldn't have any fests to go to and do a bunch of K at hahahaha. This forum is pretty weak from what I have seen so far. You guys don't have the slightest clue and its hilarious.
Oh and I must say if some guy is getting away with watering down vials than good for him, anyone who isn't throwing their shit up on a test kit when buying shit off of some lot kid deserves to get beat.
At no point was I ever talking shit on the dead homie that would be straight up blasphemy, as for your dislike of sts9 you are completely entitled to your opinion feel free to do whatever makes you happy. Now on the matter of rainbow at no point did I say I didn't like the people as people they were just too shady for me to want to deal with and that was the point I was tryin to make, I'll still kick it with them on lot (most of them) but I don't trust them. Sorry you felt that was attack on you, I was just stating a fact and in an attempt to prove a point.
Ohand I must say if some guy is getting away with watering down vials than good for him

Are you fucking serious that's a terrible terrible thing to say, any kind of respect I might have had... Out the window...
I get 100 mic hits and no extra h2o

Suhhh Dude
Ohand I must say if some guy is getting away with watering down vials than good for him

Are you fucking serious that's a terrible terrible thing to say, any kind of respect I might have had... Out the window...
I get 100 mic hits and no extra h2o
Whoever dilutes liquid L with water.....urgh....whatever... Their karma.