A Cannabinerd's Journey

Quick question for you guys...how do you get your rooted cuts (from the aero cloner) into your medium? Do you huys use rockwool and break ths cube open and let the roots hang out?
Directly plant them into anything, or for me since I'm in hydroton, I usually plant them right in it, but I'm going to try putting them into rockwool first to see how that goes but you can plant them into anything as long as you keep the moisture good at the roots
If I want to sleep I just turn up the SSV to high heat otherwise even pure sativas dont make me race they just keep things moving forward. You should get yourself something heavy indica leaning going to balance that ;)
@eastcoastmo thanks brother it's some dank bud! There was only like 15 grams of larf and everything was the size of a marble or bigger, very happy with it :) also resetting the system for a reboot is a good thing! Mj also messes with my anxiety too, I get anxiety pretty bad and most of the stuff I grow enhances it so I usually smoke other stuff, you should grow something that is for anxiety, anything not as racy as a lot of strains are. Most of the new age strains can be racy as hell, I recommend old school indicas :)
That's awesome to hear bro, really happy for you :)
Yeah man, my nody needed the reset something fierce, I was falling asleep at my desk lol. I've been hitting the gym the last few weeks at 4am (I work 6am-4pm and have kids to look after) and am back doing taekwondo again which is really helping too. Weed will always be a relaxant but with our drug driving laws, we can get nailed even after 12 hrs. I really can't get done or I lose my top secret security clearance, just not worth it!!
I usually only smoke my indicas, hence why I made nightcap, even though it has sativa in it, I used them to bring out the high cbd of the medicine man ;) my good old blueberry is always my go to sleep remedy ha ha ha. I have some good blueberry mixes outdoors which will keep me happy until next spring now ;)

exercise certainly helps, but I enjoy both. I am not willing to give up cannabis at any time when I dont have to. At work I cannot since I am in the field, but at home, yeah fuck that :). I know that everything it does for/to me is positive so I dont see the use in giving up something positive.....

I hear ya man, I'd smoke all day if I could! Just trying to do what my body tells me at the moment, got a lot of stressful shit going on, if I can get through it without relying on drugs, I can do anything!!
Directly plant them into anything, or for me since I'm in hydroton, I usually plant them right in it, but I'm going to try putting them into rockwool first to see how that goes but you can plant them into anything as long as you keep the moisture good at the roots
Sweet bro, that's good to know :-D cheers mate!!
Hell yeah bro! Do what you feel you have to! Never look back and go with your instincts, it's the only way to live a happy healthy life :) so cool you do Tai Kwon do! One of my friends back east just got his 4th degree belt in new York city right before I left, he taught me many awesome things! So amazing how much power you can focus in that art! And dude, don't compromise any work at all, ever! Believe it or not, I mostly smoke at night, if I smoke during the day and I'm not alone I get really anxiety man, only some strains don't cause it, I get social anxiety a lot tho, I hate it, so anything to keep you going on the right direction is what you gotta do :) I lost all of my strains I once held dear to me for many years, one was blue hash plant and one was tangerine kush, I could smoke those all day with no ill effects, just got rid of all my anxiety and pain. Really want to grow them again but it took many seeds to find them so now I'm left very weary of finding the right one again, but at least I know where to start. Give blue hash a try, I think it was a dinefem genetic
So I'm blown away with the spog91 smell now. It's 100% burnt rubber, which now I feel solidifies the female pollen I hit the sour power with, not positive, but I thought Chem 91 is rubber smelling. At any rate it's the only burnt rubber smelling plant I've had since I moved West, and it's potent! Looks similar to the ghostrider though, I still need to trim it but I'll post a pic. Def better yields than I'm used to with sour Chem type strains, I lost the cut but my friend a few hours away still has it, thank God I gifted it to a local lol, it just might be a prized possession :)
Hell yeah bro! Do what you feel you have to! Never look back and go with your instincts, it's the only way to live a happy healthy life :) so cool you do Tai Kwon do! One of my friends back east just got his 4th degree belt in new York city right before I left, he taught me many awesome things! So amazing how much power you can focus in that art! And dude, don't compromise any work at all, ever! Believe it or not, I mostly smoke at night, if I smoke during the day and I'm not alone I get really anxiety man, only some strains don't cause it, I get social anxiety a lot tho, I hate it, so anything to keep you going on the right direction is what you gotta do :) I lost all of my strains I once held dear to me for many years, one was blue hash plant and one was tangerine kush, I could smoke those all day with no ill effects, just got rid of all my anxiety and pain. Really want to grow them again but it took many seeds to find them so now I'm left very weary of finding the right one again, but at least I know where to start. Give blue hash a try, I think it was a dinefem genetic
Thanks bro, that means a lot :) I'm so glad I joined in on your thread, you guys are all going through your own shit but still have time to give support and really helpful advice, thank you!!
Mate, getting back into tae kwon do has been awesome, I'm only a green belt so far but am really enjoying the discipline, the full body workout is so good. I hope to one day get my black belt and move up to an instructor :) my daughter has been doing it for 2 years now and is one step ahead of me, she is only 7 and holy shit, she is going to be a lethal weapon ha ha. That makes me so proud and helps a lot with my anxiety, I worry about my wife and girls so much in this world. I hit a pretty low point about 6 mths ago and nearly killed myself, my wife and I are slowly getting back to normal. Depression and anxiety is such an internal demon, I'm so lucky to have my family who care so much and want me around!
Shit, sorry bro, enough of my complaining! On to bigger and better topics...like how fucking awesome your Spog91 is/sounds! That shit sounds amazing :-D
That blue hash does sound good actually, will have to get some. Also looking at some 88 G13 hashplant strains from bodhi too ;)
If you do ever pop thise strains again, I hope you find that winner pheno again!!
I use any water pump 291gph and up to 360gph I think. Do you have home depots out your way? Get one of the orange or black buckets at home depot with the matching lid, they don't leak at all. The manifold can be made any shape, just as long as it's a closed system and the spraying water gets full coverage at the stem zone. Make one extra hole where the clones go in and use it for the pump electric cord

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That would make a nice Easter Basket for some one there AP
What soup mix are you running in that bucket?
Always here for You bro! That's awesome you and your daughter have a sport to do together! That's great! You'll be a black belt in no time! And dude, always push on and don't give up on anything, I've been there and took that road all the way to the end too years back when I was going through losing a few friends in the same year to suicide, it really fucked up my mental well being and u ended up in the hospital after drinking a lot and eating a bunch of Xanax, after that it was a eye opener for me, we all have a purpose here :) I grew the g 13 I think, if it's the same one I'm thinking of don't do it! I grew it once, it was the strongest weed I'd ever had even til this day and it made me the most paranoid I've ever been lol
Thanks bro, that means a lot :) I'm so glad I joined in on your thread, you guys are all going through your own shit but still have time to give support and really helpful advice, thank you!!
Mate, getting back into tae kwon do has been awesome, I'm only a green belt so far but am really enjoying the discipline, the full body workout is so good. I hope to one day get my black belt and move up to an instructor :) my daughter has been doing it for 2 years now and is one step ahead of me, she is only 7 and holy shit, she is going to be a lethal weapon ha ha. That makes me so proud and helps a lot with my anxiety, I worry about my wife and girls so much in this world. I hit a pretty low point about 6 mths ago and nearly killed myself, my wife and I are slowly getting back to normal. Depression and anxiety is such an internal demon, I'm so lucky to have my family who care so much and want me around!
Shit, sorry bro, enough of my complaining! On to bigger and better topics...like how fucking awesome your Spog91 is/sounds! That shit sounds amazing :-D
That blue hash does sound good actually, will have to get some. Also looking at some 88 G13 hashplant strains from bodhi too ;)
If you do ever pop thise strains again, I hope you find that winner pheno again!!
Always here for You bro! That's awesome you and your daughter have a sport to do together! That's great! You'll be a black belt in no time! And dude, always push on and don't give up on anything, I've been there and took that road all the way to the end too years back when I was going through losing a few friends in the same year to suicide, it really fucked up my mental well being and u ended up in the hospital after drinking a lot and eating a bunch of Xanax, after that it was a eye opener for me, we all have a purpose here :) I grew the g 13 I think, if it's the same one I'm thinking of don't do it! I grew it once, it was the strongest weed I'd ever had even til this day and it made me the most paranoid I've ever been lol
Thanks bro, you rock hey :-D
It is awesome doing a sport with my daughter, I'm so proud of her. I'm so proud of both my kids and my wife, she is the most amazing person I've ever met :)
I won't give up now man, I've been down that road and really didn't like what I saw in myself and what it was doing to the people I love most. Killing myself isn't the way to solve anything!
I'm sorry to hear you went through it too bro, I'm glad you didn't give up, otherwise we wouldn't be able to witness your kind nature and unbelievable growing skills :-D
Lol about the G13, shit maybe I should find something a bit tamer ha ha, I don't want paranoia, just sleep time medicine. The blue hash might be the best option ;)
Thanks again for the kind words bro, I really appreciate it :-D
Thanks bro, you rock hey :-D
It is awesome doing a sport with my daughter, I'm so proud of her. I'm so proud of both my kids and my wife, she is the most amazing person I've ever met :)
I won't give up now man, I've been down that road and really didn't like what I saw in myself and what it was doing to the people I love most. Killing myself isn't the way to solve anything!
I'm sorry to hear you went through it too bro, I'm glad you didn't give up, otherwise we wouldn't be able to witness your kind nature and unbelievable growing skills :-D
Lol about the G13, shit maybe I should find something a bit tamer ha ha, I don't want paranoia, just sleep time medicine. The blue hash might be the best option ;)
Thanks again for the kind words bro, I really appreciate it :-D
Any time brother!
That would make a nice Easter Basket for some one there AP
What soup mix are you running in that bucket?
LOL or Halloween party decoration with the orange and black :) I usually use tap watwr only, but the last 2 runs I've been using 1 tsp of gh micro and 2 tsp of gh bloom for 2.5 gallons of water
I have been running water KLN and pool shock
Man, that Spog looks RIDICULOUS!! Awesome work man and even better that it's your own creation!!
I can't wait to get cut back of it! Always give a cut to someone close just in case a problem happens, like what happened to me lol, had 4 great cuts, threw 2 away and lost the 2 I planted because I wasn't paying attention lol, the main reason I want to start in an ez cloner and then plant into the rock wool lol