My seedlings won't grow


Staff member
Your on like 24/7 Sunni, you need to get out more....

So hows he get his sig up then?
Theres no need to take shots ayme
I get out lots I just happened to have insomnia last night that caused me to be online late
You don't know my life enough to judge when I can be online or not thank you

We have a new computer algorithm that is different for users to get their permissions
We don't release what those requirements are in order to stop spam and that's been proven to work

I wasn't trying to shut you down I just didn't want you giving incorrect information about the requirements because than that user complains when you told him or her something and they believed it and it was wrongful info
Happens all the time here with new members


Well-Known Member
Theres no need to take shots ayme
I get out lots I just happened to have insomnia last night that caused me to be online late
You don't know my life enough to judge when I can be online or not thank you

We have a new computer algorithm that is different for users to get their permissions
We don't release what those requirements are in order to stop spam and that's been proven to work

I wasn't trying to shut you down I just didn't want you giving incorrect information about the requirements because than that user complains when you told him or her something and they believed it and it was wrongful info
Happens all the time here with new members
I wasnt taking a shot at you but i was joking about you being here all the time (who said mods dont have a sense of humour).

Anyway its cool i was just trying to help a new member out and apology accepted :-)


Staff member
I wasnt taking a shot at you but i was joking about you being here all the time (who said mods dont have a sense of humour).

Anyway its cool i was just trying to help a new member out and apology accepted :-)
Felt like a shot taking
Anyways ya new algorithm if you noticed lot less spam on Riu these days


Well-Known Member
Felt like a shot taking
Anyways ya new algorithm if you noticed lot less spam on Riu these days
Yer i have noticed the new format and less spam but part of me misses the old site, gotta move with the times though.

I like to think i have the utmost respect for mods, i would never take cheap shots at any of them and think that over the years they have done a great Job.


Staff member
Yer i have noticed the new format and less spam but part of me misses the old site, gotta move with the times though.

I like to think i have the utmost respect for mods, i would never take cheap shots at any of them and think that over the years they have done a great Job.
It's cooL I liked old Riu too but it couldn't handle our member base and usage it kept breaking lol


Well-Known Member
It's cooL I liked old Riu too but it couldn't handle our member base and usage it kept breaking lol

Yer it was down a lot of times but im slowly getting use to the new format.

Anyway thanks for your help and once again please dont think i was taking a shot at you, this site would never work without the mods and i am always in support of them. Seems like we have the right mix at the moment and as it says below "ROLLITUP ROCKS"


Staff member
Yer it was down a lot of times but im slowly getting use to the new format.

Anyway thanks for your help and once again please dont think i was taking a shot at you, this site would never work without the mods and i am always in support of them. Seems like we have the right mix at the moment and as it says below "ROLLITUP ROCKS"
Oh it's cool I've got insomnia brain :p
Alright, I know this thread is way old, but what have I got to lose right. I'm having basically the same problem.

Anyway, I'm growing in 50/50 coco/perlite, germinated the seeds in rapid rooter cubes. Seedling #1 sprouted on Monday and the seed #2 had a taproot but it hasn't sprouted nor produced roots from the cube.
So it's been a couple days since seedling #1 sprouted and it hasn't grown at all. The stem is about an inch long, but the cotyledons and first set of true leaves look almost exactly the same as when they first opened up. I took the cube out thinking it might be the problem and there are no roots protruding yet at all. Shouldn't the roots have grown enough to be exposed by now? I put the cube back in the coco. Could this be an over watering problem? I have been watering the cube in the coco about every 12 hours.

Also, the other seed still hasn't sprouted. Same problem?

The only problems I can think of are maybe over watering or lack of nutrients. I have only been giving PH 6.0 distilled water so far.



Well-Known Member
Alright, I know this thread is way old, but what have I got to lose right. I'm having basically the same problem.

Anyway, I'm growing in 50/50 coco/perlite, germinated the seeds in rapid rooter cubes. Seedling #1 sprouted on Monday and the seed #2 had a taproot but it hasn't sprouted nor produced roots from the cube.
So it's been a couple days since seedling #1 sprouted and it hasn't grown at all. The stem is about an inch long, but the cotyledons and first set of true leaves look almost exactly the same as when they first opened up. I took the cube out thinking it might be the problem and there are no roots protruding yet at all. Shouldn't the roots have grown enough to be exposed by now? I put the cube back in the coco. Could this be an over watering problem? I have been watering the cube in the coco about every 12 hours.

Also, the other seed still hasn't sprouted. Same problem?

The only problems I can think of are maybe over watering or lack of nutrients. I have only been giving PH 6.0 distilled water so far.

View attachment 3616251
I hate giving advice but the basics, at that size id probably still be in the cube not coco as more roots makes for an easier transplant.

There seems to be a lot of perlite so im unsure of what style of grow your trying to do, watering that small guy everyday or twice a day seems too much. If it was me id aim for every 2/3 days and adjust the medium accordingly.

I love t8 flourescents and you have a few there so dont be afraid to pull it back a bit futher, it wont die.

That fan looks quite powerfull compared to how easy it should be to keep the grow cool with t8's and a soft gentle breeze. I use small pc fans with my t5's so a big fan like yours seems overkill.

The light and fan might be why everything looks so dry and the daily watering your having to do.

Ferts should be easy, add a really small amount and build up in subsequent waterings as the plant shows growth.

Pretty sure you just need to work at your setup a bit and the rest will become easier. Id always allow my seedlings to stretcha bit so i know im not overdoing the light.

Youve stunted the growth if its not doing anything, heat light temps are three key basics there.

Are those flourescents grolux's with the blue cap on the end? Looks a nice light and shade.

Good luck and i hope you work it out :-)
I hate giving advice but the basics, at that size id probably still be in the cube not coco as more roots makes for an easier transplant.

There seems to be a lot of perlite so im unsure of what style of grow your trying to do, watering that small guy everyday or twice a day seems too much. If it was me id aim for every 2/3 days and adjust the medium accordingly.

I love t8 flourescents and you have a few there so dont be afraid to pull it back a bit futher, it wont die.

That fan looks quite powerfull compared to how easy it should be to keep the grow cool with t8's and a soft gentle breeze. I use small pc fans with my t5's so a big fan like yours seems overkill.

The light and fan might be why everything looks so dry and the daily watering your having to do.

Ferts should be easy, add a really small amount and build up in subsequent waterings as the plant shows growth.

Pretty sure you just need to work at your setup a bit and the rest will become easier. Id always allow my seedlings to stretcha bit so i know im not overdoing the light.

Youve stunted the growth if its not doing anything, heat light temps are three key basics there.

Are those flourescents grolux's with the blue cap on the end? Looks a nice light and shade.

Good luck and i hope you work it out :-)
1. The seedlings are still in the cubes, the cubes are in the coco.

2. The reason there is a layer of perlite on top is because I'm trying to avoid fungus nats which are common in coco. My medium is 50/50 coco/perlite.

3. I was watering every 12 hours when it was just the cube in a tray and I foolishly carried that habit over to the pot. I'm cutting it to a minimum of 24 hours now, probably more like every 36 hours. At least until I see some substantial growth. I think maybe the cubes are taking much longer to dry out in the medium and/or not getting enough air circulation around them to give the young roots as much oxygen.

4. I moved my lights up about 3 inches. I'm not home for long periods of time and I'm worried I'll come home to stretched out stems.

5. The fan has a low setting and the air flow is actually very minimal, but just to be safe I angled it away from being directly on the plant for now.

6. The lights are T5's by the way and they're the generic brand that came with the fixture. I really like the fixture, it was only $50 on amazon.

Thanks for all the advice Kingrow1. I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Ok .. Gotta put my 2 cents in too.

Its ridiculously simple.
Clonex cloning solution ( not the gel )
1 tsp per quart of water. Ph between 5.8-6.0
Add a little to the seedling to dampen cube - dont drown the fuckin thing.
It got ALL the basic nutes at a ratio perfect for new seedlings including vitamin b for root growth.

I feed with this up to week 2 then move to normal feeding with grow nutes at 1/2 strength , then adjusting as it grows.

No burns no drama.



Well-Known Member
I would never use cloning gel on seedlings as they are pretty much rooting machines any way and dont need any help plus ferts are easy.

Your seedling looks way too short and compact for my liking and feel that some growers are trying to push the boundries a little too much. A healthy plant stretches a little everyday, if it dosent your forcing it too much.

Ok .. Gotta put my 2 cents in too.

Its ridiculously simple.
Clonex cloning solution ( not the gel )
1 tsp per quart of water. Ph between 5.8-6.0
Add a little to the seedling to dampen cube - dont drown the fuckin thing.
It got ALL the basic nutes at a ratio perfect for new seedlings including vitamin b for root growth.

I feed with this up to week 2 then move to normal feeding with grow nutes at 1/2 strength , then adjusting as it grows.

No burns no drama.

View attachment 3616933


Well-Known Member

This the t5 chart i use to plot my light intensity values, with just 2 t5's i can be at 25" away in good reflectors.

There is no standard here for flourescents apart from to jam them as close as possible under the lights and thats the most foolish thing i can think of when we live in the 21st century and have most information available to us.